920 locked up, not responding at all.


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Nov 15, 2012
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Guys, my one lock up happened in WWF also. Wonder how many lockups happen based on one of the most widely used games? I blame this on Zynga, you can tell they rushed the app, it isn't nearly as polished as the version I played on my Shift.


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Apr 7, 2012
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All of mine lately have been from Words With Friends as well., It will work perfectly fine, and then randomly lock up. I hope a fix is coming

Same for me. When mine locked up it was because of Words with Friends also. Seems like it doesn't resume correctly sometimes if you leave it running in the background and come back to it. I had 0 issues prior to installing WWF. I agree it isn't as polished as it should be. I've noticed that I'm not getting in game messages either. I can send them just fine but never see the response.


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Nov 14, 2008
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Just had this happen to me while reading an article in the CNN app and plugged in. Locked up, none responsive to button presses then after about 5 minutes it rebooted itself and is now working. So thats one spontaeneous reboot, one lockup and middling battery life so far with my device. I think we can safely say the Lumia 920 is not a stable device at this time.


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Oct 31, 2012
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Sadly my phone with Whatsapp uninstalled locked up after 16hours :( D*amn it!! All I have left are Google/Microsoft/FBook accounts setup on it, no other apps. Dunno what to do now. Just uninstalled Google accounts. Worried this isn't just a software issue now.

I had the exact same experience with setting an alarm only for it to lock on my overnight and I was late for work! I've been working with Nokia Support to try to narrow down the cause. So far, I've been able to recreate the 'locked phone' phenomenon with a freshly factory-hardreset phone with ONLY Google+Microsoft accounts setup and Whatsapp installed. So yesterday I deleted Whatsapp. So far it's only been 14hours but NO lockups so far, so we shall see. If there are no lockups by 48hrs I would be willing to guess Whatsapp is to blame. Prior to this, I was experiencing at least one lockup/day. I notice that Whatsapp was taken down from the Windowsphone Marketplace yesterday and is no longer available. Coincidence?


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Aug 1, 2012
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Mine was working 100% fine up until dinner today. I put it in on the table and left it, and 5 minutes later it wouldn't turn on. Worked again after soft reset, got in the car, and it locked up again. At this point I reset it several times and it kept locking up again in under a minute. I reset it again when I got home, and plugged it in. At this point it stopped locking up, but was acting really sluggish/choppy. I turned it off and came back a few hours later, and it seems buttery smooth again.

My suspicion is this is related to the battery. I had been playing music on the phone all day, and keeping an eye on the battery - for several hours it stayed at 100% before it even started going down, and at the restaurant it was showing 68% before it locked up the first time. I bet it was actually running out of batteries and not getting enough power, but not shutting itself down due to thinking it was still full. I'll see tomorrow if it works during the day and starts to get flaky later in the day.

Edit: it could also be related to my cars Bluetooth on the drive back, but I doubt it since it hadn't locked up the night before or in the morning on my commute.


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Oct 31, 2012
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I purchased 2 Lumia920s on the same day (from different stores - both Rogers dealers in Canada) a week ago. At first I thought the first Lumia920 which was locking up about 1x/day was just suffering problems from apps. Turns out (after troubleshooting) that it froze up even after a complete factory-hard reset with no apps installed. Nokia Support recommended returning it to point of sale, which I did. The second Lumia920 has been completely free of lockups and freezing since day1 (same apps installed) and going strong at day8 now. So I think there are definitely some defective Lumia920's out there. If one has the option to return/exchange the phone I think it's definitely an option to consider. There are definitely some good Lumia920's out there so it's worth trying an exchange. My friend has an AT&T Lumia920 and has not experienced a single lock-up 2 weeks in and has a ton of apps running.


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Dec 29, 2011
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I've found something interesting, and reported it to NokiaCare. Push notifications seem to be the main cause of the lockups. Specifically ones that got missed. I had a games hub beacon push notice happen while I was in a turkey coma yesterday, woke up, phone wasn't responsive. Soft reset, phone woke up just fine, had a push notice. Turned off push notices on game hub.

i've been making sure to let NokiaCare know about anything like this to help steer them towards the problem.


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Jun 19, 2012
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Well, now the phone is completely bricked. It was fine, I went for a walk, and pulled out the phone and it will not respond at all. This is exactly what I was worried about with not having a removable battery. I have tried the holding down the volume and power button at the same time with no results to date.


DL Durand

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Nov 25, 2012
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Vol/pwr button worked perfect after my lockup today. Happened while out on a volksmarch in the Italian countryside while dropping calls with my wife. Lots of crap installed so who knows.


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Jun 19, 2012
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It has now happened to me about 4 times in the past couple of days, which is beyond ridiculous. My droid did that about twice in a timespan of 2 years. I like my WP8 overall, but this level of reliability is unacceptable. Nokia or Microsoft needs to come out with an update to address these issues, and soon. I do not want to have to switch, but I will have little choice if this is not addressed in a timely manner.

Brian Donohue

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Nov 25, 2012
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This happened to me when I was literally doing nothing with the phone at the end of the day - it was just sitting on my desk, dark, and wouldn't turn back on. I thought maybe the battery was dead, so I plugged it in and went to bed. However, it appears that the device doesn't charge when it's in this state.

The soft reboot (power+volume-down) worked, though. It's hard to know if this is a hardware or software problem, but I'm going to file a bug with the Windows Phone team (I work at MS) & refer them to this forum, so if you're having this problem, please be as detailed as possible in describing any observations you many have.


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Jun 19, 2012
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This happened to me when I was literally doing nothing with the phone at the end of the day - it was just sitting on my desk, dark, and wouldn't turn back on. I thought maybe the battery was dead, so I plugged it in and went to bed. However, it appears that the device doesn't charge when it's in this state.

The soft reboot (power+volume-down) worked, though. It's hard to know if this is a hardware or software problem, but I'm going to file a bug with the Windows Phone team (I work at MS) & refer them to this forum, so if you're having this problem, please be as detailed as possible in describing any observations you many have.

I would think they are already aware at this point, but thanks for your efforts nonetheless. I will be quite curious to see what sort of fix is developed and how fast it happens. With the number of people reporting these problems, they are going to have a serious PR problem on their hands which will more than likely inhibit the adoption of the platform by others if this does not get fixed very soon.

How to Soft Reset the Nokia Lumia 920 | WMPoweruser

Tevin Pollonais

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Feb 17, 2014
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Re:lumia 920 glitching and freezing

#My lumia is completely whacking out.Bought it a while now,im partly to blame though,but........yeah,it took a light fall,probably like2 feet it had a casing,and nothing looked apparently wrong.So about a week after that it started to freeze on certain apps and pages while all along registering everything i press.Warranty's up,so i tried flashing it,reseting it a,d basically out of options.All attempts proved futile.What should i do get rid of it or somethig,Whats Wrong With it?....because i luv this phone<<!


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Sep 13, 2013
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This didn't work. But what did work was power and both up and down buttons at same time for a long time. At least a minute. In that time the phone will buzz a lot and then the boot screen will appear - Red Nokia, then the windows icon, and then the start page. The touchscreen is now working and I didn't lose anything on my phone.

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