Xbox one...No 1080i support ? Really ?


Active member
Feb 18, 2011
So, I got my Xbox one yesterday. Connect my HDMI cable up and I get 5.1 sound but, no picture.WTF ?

I have a older large screen TV, it only supports 1080i, no 720p or 1080p. I read over the specs on the xbox one before ordering and it said 720p or higher TV. Pages done over the last 2 weeks shows no 1080i support, ONLY 720p and 1080p (from early release or target early getters).

Anyone run into this issue ?

I hope MS releases a patch for this or I am moving my Xbox one to a small tv every day to use it and cant use it in my Theater room and that sucks...

I've tweet'ed @xboxsupport on this and No reply over 20 hours now.....after about 3-4 tweets...

For those saying "just replace the old tv" No, not yet, I am planning to get a 65"(current set is 65") or larger 4K when prices drop a little in spring time. So it will be happening but,not for another 6-8 months if everything works out..

Man, this sucks....

PS. Yea, I a Xbox fan but, just to note, the PS4 has 1080i support right out of the box...
I don't know that there will be a patch. Interlaced (i) and progressive scan (p) are broadcast in 2 different ways so there may be some hardware requirement that the one may or may not have. Hopefully for you it can and will be done via a patch.
I don't know that there will be a patch. Interlaced (i) and progressive scan (p) are broadcast in 2 different ways so there may be some hardware requirement that the one may or may not have. Hopefully for you it can and will be done via a patch.

I can get a scaller to drop 1080p to 1080i, that would work in this case but, in a cost between $300-400 for a good one. That is a little much in my eyes. It should be doable in software with out any overhead....I guess time will tell...
Does your TV support 480p? I know it's a low resolution, but it's apparently supported. That way you can at least play on that TV until an update hopefully adds interlace support.
Does your TV support 480p? I know it's a low resolution, but it's apparently supported. That way you can at least play on that TV until an update hopefully adds interlace support.

Unacceptable..... Till now, I will have to move it from another room to another TV till this is fixed or I find a workaround. I lose out on a 25' larger screen and no dobly digital/DTS when I do this. Not very happy about this. This is the only console that was HD that I have ever seen that did not support this NTSC standard.
In gaming, 720p would be vastly better to 1080i as interlaced is going to introduce a lot of blur to fast paced scenes. Most likely why MS didn't bother supporting it.

I'd suggest just setting your Xbox to 720p and enjoy until you get a newer TV.

Edit: Oh, sorry. Just saw your TV doesn't support 720p either. Weird.
Unfortunately, I suspect this is a case where so few will have this problem that they may have decided it wasn't necessary.

Nearly every 1080i tv I've seen also supported 720p.

Not that it helps your situation... I feel for ya. I also find it a bit bizarre... usually if something can output 1080p it will also be able to do 1080i. Strange.
That sucks, but 1080i is literally the worst thing to can play games on. I would imaging Forza is not even playable in 1080i.
Unfortunately, I suspect this is a case where so few will have this problem that they may have decided it wasn't necessary.

Nearly every 1080i tv I've seen also supported 720p.

Not that it helps your situation... I feel for ya. I also find it a bit bizarre... usually if something can output 1080p it will also be able to do 1080i. Strange.

Yep, this 65" tv I have only supports 480p and 1080i, So 720p is not an option. Sad to say...

And been playing games for years on this set, sure it's not 1080p but it looks dam good, just not a Bright as my friends' new 1080p set but, to be honest even he thinks the detail on my set is better....

Have played forza 4 and forza horizon and never had a complaint on it...

Not trying to justify it in anyway, been on twitter and did a search for "xbox one 1080i" and there a lot of people with the same issue. Yep, I need a new tv but, spring time is when I have to wait till. I am waiting for 4k sets to drop in price, so it should be around spring/summer next year.

Sigh...I got a call into Xbox Support, maybe they can give me some news...or is this console worthless for me with my setup, that is the question. Will I end up keeping the xbox one or moving to a PS4 (as it supports 1080i), not that I want to but for next gen gaming on my setup, this is what I have to decide.

Anyway about it, it does suck...
That link was terrible, and it didn't apply to the discussion. Rivals is 1080p and 30 FPS like that UFC game will allegedly be, so not sure what their point is. 30 FPS isn't impressive, and most would say that FPS > pixels.

As for the TV issue, is getting a 4K TV really that big of a deal? How long do you plan to keep the TV, because it'll probably be 3-5 years before 4K even starts getting looked at for consoles, let alone standard.
That link was terrible, and it didn't apply to the discussion. Rivals is 1080p and 30 FPS like that UFC game will allegedly be, so not sure what their point is. 30 FPS isn't impressive, and most would say that FPS > pixels.

As for the TV issue, is getting a 4K TV really that big of a deal? How long do you plan to keep the TV, because it'll probably be 3-5 years before 4K even starts getting looked at for consoles, let alone standard.

My current tv I have had from 2006. So, yea, I want something to hold on to for a while. As I am looking at a larger set (65'+), it's not something I'm willing to replace every 3-5 years. Just looking at the specs and what the buzz in the marketplace about 4K, there is going to be VERY strong push in retail next year on it (I'm a A/V specialist, I follow all the trend news on Audio/Video gear and tech). Watch CES 2014, I bet most of the push for entry and hign end is all able 4K, very little 1080p...Mark my words :)

Taking a educated look over the market, I think if I am planning to spend $2500+ on a TV set, for today's market, 4K would be the best bet as long as I can fit it in the budget.

As for calling Microsoft... It's been a nightmare.... Yesterday, I am not kidding, 6:15 hours waiting for someone to pick up the phone (in that time my 928's battery fully died and I was able to fully recharge it in one call, I ate dinner, cleaned up dishes and put my kids to bed too) only to have them hang up on me. Today I was able to get someone from Xbox support on the phone, they were shocked that it did not support 1080i, then he looked up the specs, so he is moving it up the chain to see what they can do it about it, I am expecting a call back or email in a few days...

My current tv I have had from 2006. So, yea, I want something to hold on to for a while. As I am looking at a larger set (65'+), it's not something I'm willing to replace every 3-5 years. Just looking at the specs and what the buzz in the marketplace about 4K, there is going to be VERY strong push in retail next year on it (I'm a A/V specialist, I follow all the trend news on Audio/Video gear and tech). Watch CES 2014, I bet most of the push for entry and hign end is all able 4K, very little 1080p...Mark my words :)

Taking a educated look over the market, I think if I am planning to spend $2500+ on a TV set, for today's market, 4K would be the best bet as long as I can fit it in the budget.

As for calling Microsoft... It's been a nightmare.... Yesterday, I am not kidding, 6:15 hours waiting for someone to pick up the phone (in that time my 928's battery fully died and I was able to fully recharge it in one call, I ate dinner, cleaned up dishes and put my kids to bed too) only to have them hang up on me. Today I was able to get someone from Xbox support on the phone, they were shocked that it did not support 1080i, then he looked up the specs, so he is moving it up the chain to see what they can do it about it, I am expecting a call back or email in a few days...


I agree (don't follow TV stuff much) that 4K is what the manufacturers will push for TVs, I just don't know that content providers will follow suit for a few years. They'll likely wait until there's solid home penetration with 4K TVs before stuff comes out. I guess what I was getting at is that it might be better to spend less ($1,000 or so?) on a 1080p for the next 3-5 years, then go all-out on a TV when the content can catch up. That, or just get a smaller 720p or 1080p TV for the short-term, though I guess you mentioned having one in another room already.
Take a look at bestbuy, I was able to get a 60 inch 1080p samsung (non smart tv) for $999 with two year interest free financing (available for any tv over $500, very easy to sign up for their credit card). The picture looks incredible on my Xbox One, and if it's part of your home system, it's a perfect screen.
Take a look at bestbuy, I was able to get a 60 inch 1080p samsung (non smart tv) for $999 with two year interest free financing (available for any tv over $500, very easy to sign up for their credit card). The picture looks incredible on my Xbox One, and if it's part of your home system, it's a perfect screen.

Anyway about it, it's not in the budget now. It's X-mas season...Yea !!! NOT !!!! Still, I want to go 4K with a good brand, so I have to wait....

My workaround is to get Microsoft to support it (and no question they should) or get a scaler that will down convert 1080p to 1080i but, I am still talking $300-400 for a good one...and want to avoid that if possable. Another band-aid for a older tv...

I can't get a new tv now even if I had the cash, as the wife would put up a fight on it, so I would not even be able to upgrade 3 years from now(when 4K is big), so I am better of waiting to get the best I can possably get right now...or when I can.

I love the toys but, I got the WAF to deal with (Wife accepance factor) and trust me, that is a big deal...
I love the toys but, I got the WAF to deal with (Wife accepance factor) and trust me, that is a big deal...

I think this could be a topic to write a doctor thesis about. We have a low end TV (Samsung 32" 720p) so it wasnt about TV for us, back when we bought it she was the only one to even use a TV, but with the Xbox One it was a relevant concern :D However, mystically, she was somehow excited for the Xbox One too based on what I had shown and offered to pay half of it :D I would've paid it all myself and would've sufficied with just acceptance :D
Anyway about it, it's not in the budget now. It's X-mas season...Yea !!! NOT !!!! Still, I want to go 4K with a good brand, so I have to wait....

My workaround is to get Microsoft to support it (and no question they should) or get a scaler that will down convert 1080p to 1080i but, I am still talking $300-400 for a good one...and want to avoid that if possable. Another band-aid for a older tv...

I can't get a new tv now even if I had the cash, as the wife would put up a fight on it, so I would not even be able to upgrade 3 years from now(when 4K is big), so I am better of waiting to get the best I can possably get right now...or when I can.

I love the toys but, I got the WAF to deal with (Wife accepance factor) and trust me, that is a big deal...

No question Microsoft should support it

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