New member
- Jan 26, 2012
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Just pointing out an incongruence in your point of view. You look down on others for not noticing stretching and quality, others can look down on you for not noticing the butchering effects of interlacing. Really what it boils down to is- ignorance is bliss. The more we as nerds/geeks learn, the more money and tweaking it takes for us to enjoy something. Meanwhile people watching SD football are just enjoying the game; they don't watch tv like we do- they watch what's *on* the tv. I envy people like that. As an audiophile I can hardly listen to music without lugging around my gear.
I mean, people back in the day, listening to sports via radio... I bet the guy who bought a new shiny radio looked down on everyone else because their radios had slightly more static than his. In 10 years the difference between SD and "HD" video will be as petty as the difference between an old radio that has a slightly clearer signal than an older radio.
This is exactly what it comes to. I'm a geek at its finest, audiophile, computer tech, network tech, help create music videos and short films for artist in my area, and go to 1 or 2 MLG events per year. I envy the people who do these things for fun, every song that I listen to I try and find flaws or admire how well it was put together. Every show I watch on any TV, I look for the visual and audio quality, every songs I breakdown to see if it was mix/mastered and crafted correctly, every time I browse the interwebs at a business and friends house I speed test, and every game I play I find its flaws for competitive play.
It honestly sucks, I do enjoy the Game, and the Show and the Songs, but it's not the same as when I was in my early teens and everything just seemed amazing. Seems like my senses back then was heightened just to enjoy what I now breakdown. Its sucks, a lot. I wish I can just enjoy as the average user does, but my inner geek only wants THE BEST.