Zune not recognizing any of my mp4 or avi movies


New member
Nov 1, 2011
I'm new to Windows Phone and the Zune software (Lumia 900). In the past I've had no problems getting video media onto my old BlackBerry Torch, Video IPOD, PlayBook, iPhones, etc-all with a combination of converting files to their optimum settings for the devices using Format Factor, Handbrake, etc. For some reason however, no matter how I tweak the format the Zune software does not see anything in my library. If I double click on the files from Windows Explorer they all open up and play-in the Zune desktop client. So Zune plays the files, but doesn't see them from Zune so I can't sync any video files to my phone. Anyone have any ideas? I've made sure Zune is set to recognize all file types available.

Thanks in advance for any troubleshooting ideas!
I presume you have the current version of Zune and that you've checked your Settings-Phone-sync options in Zune.

I don't autosync video, but I just went to Collections -> Video and right-clicked three files I have there -an mp4 and two wmvs- to "sync with <phonename>"; each syncd to my Focus and played fine. The three files also play when I double-click or right-click-play them in Zune.

The mp4 was a video shot with, but deleted from, my Focus; one wmv was a converted m2ts, and the other was a "Wildlife in HD" that came with either my phone or ZuneHD.

Can't think of anything other than the sync settings. Good luck and welcome to WP and Zune.
Might be too obvious, but did you verify the file path is in the Zune settings for video?
i.e. In the Zune settings, under video paths, you have "C:\users\mine\videos" folder listed as a location for Zune to look for videos?

Yes I double checked that the file path is correct, and even removed and added the folder back just to see id that helped. When adding a folder you can basically tell if it is going to recognize content or not, and I notice when "pointing" it at my terabyte of avi and mp4 files not a single file was recognized, so still working on it..

Might be too obvious, but did you verify the file path is in the Zune settings for video?
i.e. In the Zune settings, under video paths, you have "C:\users\mine\videos" folder listed as a location for Zune to look for videos?
You may have to convert the files. Zune used to convert files but it took forever. I dont know why but apparently Microsoft took it out of the latest version of Zune. You can download free video converters or torrent a paid converter for free.
Oh well, more Zune crappiness, what's new... Microsoft, instead of fixing it, simply make it even more **** than it already was!! :lol:

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