why should i get xb1 to complete my MS ecosystem?


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Sep 25, 2013
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Hi everyone. I'm rarely on the forum. But I coming to this community today for help. I know I may receive some bias opinions but I actually want to be persuaded into buying a xb1 over a ps4. Reasons I want to get a ps4 is because I have plenty of friends with one, and I like "the last of us" title. Not sure what the future is for "the last of us" sequel but I'm sure they will have something. Every other game I enjoy are shared between the two consoles.

reasons I want a xb1 is firstly I enjoyed my 360. Secondly adding the xb1 will complete my ecosystem. None of the exclusive titles for the xb1 really appeal to me except for maybe titanfall but I can due without that game honestly, its not a deal breaker for me. I want to know also what would be the advantage of adding the xb1 to the ecosystem seeing that I have MS tablet and several windows 8.1 devices, I also have a windows phone?

also with xb1 does every account need to have a live account to enjoy online or will one live subscription work for all accounts on the console?

I like games such as battlefield, NBA live, the last of us, the walking dead, watch dogs, and so on and so forth. What upcoming titles exclusive to xb1 do you think I will enjoy?


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Firstly, I must declare my bias, I have a One. However, I would advise you to go with the majority of your friends if online gaming is your bag. Currently, I am not sure how strong the ecosystem is, and the PS4 is a great machine. For me, the controller and the fact my friends have it was the big draw. Regarding the Gold membership, everyone on your home console, even guests, shares the benefits of Gold when on your machine. Works a treat for me as I have 5 in my family.


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One Live Gold-account can be shared by everyone using the console, the owner of the Gold needs to have that Xbox One as their "home console".

I think games are such a subjective topic that you should just look into the past Xbox IPs and upcoming IPs to see if there's anything your type. Quantum Break could work for you. Titanfall is also amazing.

As for the ecosystem, I find it nice that I can use smartglass on all my devices (got Surface RT, WP8, Win 8.1 PC) and enjoy the benefits of smartglass. I also use Skype and Skydrive quite extensively, both of which can be found from Xbox One. Obviously there isn't that big uses for Skydrive on Xbox One, but you can use it to fe. browse and make a slideshow out of your uploaded pictures, for example. It's also great to use the Kinect for Skype calls, especially now that I have a kid of my own so my parents like to do video calls and it's much nicer with the Xbox One than trying to cram in front of a tablet/laptop webcam. Then if you're into gaming on other platforms, obviously your Gamertag and gamerscore are shared with other MS-devices, some people are really into gamescore-hoarding so they might find this important :p Then there is PlayTo from Win 8 devices (although you could do this basically on Android and Apple-products too, so I guess a bit moot point). Depending if you use Xbox Video and Xbox Music for anything, that's another ecosystem selling point..

In the end I don't like persuading people into products that might not be the optimal choice for them. If your friends have PS4, it's gonna be lonely for you with Xbox One. As for games.. you listed one PS exclusive and a few multiplats, so in that regard too PS4 might do better for you.

The Xbox exclusives personally interest me alot more (fe. Last of Us does nothing for me) and I like all the "off-gaming features" of Xbox One. I still also watch the "good ol' TV", so I love the TV passthrough and how I can get skype calls and messages and game invites even when just watching the TV. I would buy my Xbox One all over again, but I'm not sure if it's the best option for you. Personally the controller is also a BIG factor for me and in that race the dual shock 4 is far inferior for my hands (might be different for you).


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If you subscribe to Xbox music, that's a big reason for me since I love streaming music from my One. Also, there's PlayTo which allows you to stream and, with WP8.1, mirror your screen onto your TV, if you were into that stuff. The sharing of achievement points throughout the ecosystem are also a plus, if you're into achievements.


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I'm taking more opinions. I appreciate everyone's opinion so far keep them coming. I've actually played around with both systems. Played a little forza on the 1. And played around with the ps4.

how is MS going to implement more companion apps for win 8.1 and wp8.1? I've seen the use of the tablet with battlefield (in which I love) but what about other games. It seems MS is slow at getting stuff when android and ios are supported from day one.

MS has to start giving us more exclusive features and apps that you can use across tablet and phone.

titanfall has really gotten my interest after watching the beta this past week on twitch. In all I have never been a big follower of what other people do. So having friends to play with isn't a huge deal for me. I purchase items that suite me not my friends. I told myself in going to get one console this time, and not every system like last go around.

I just want to make the right decision for the future and fo with it. MS future for the xb1 hasn't been very clear, matter a fact the future for it is like a secret. Why not let people know what your future plans are with it so people can make a good decision on what they want.

I have always been a PS guy until I got my 360. But competition this go around is very stiff. I have a smart tv so the apps and things on the xb1 arent a huge deal for me even though I can use them on the xb1.

at this time PS isn't supporting windows 8.1 or windows phone with a companion app and it seems PS isn't very clear on their future either. I like the PSnow feature that they are implementing so u can play older games instead of the system being backwards compatible. This can be good and bad.

still trying to weigh my options here. Xb1 is very easy to get around here but the PS4 stock is pretty much depleted in my area. I guess if I ever feel the xb1 is what I want, the value of the xb1 is worth more than the ps4 and I guess I could always trade for the PS. Idk guys, I'm still in the air on this decision. I wish it was something that really was a deal breaker for me.


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The One suits me, and I think MS will add more and more as time goes by. I am hoping they leverage their IP like Skype and Onedrive to really take the fight to Sone et al. The One is the weaker system in terms of graphics, but I still like mine. The deal breaker for me would be to go with what my friends have. If none of them have jumped on the good ship Sony, then there is still time. MS has produced a fairly decent system, not perfect yet, but I remain optimistic. Also for me, as I mentioned above, the controller on the Xbox is light years ahead of the Sony offering.


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Well, while I'm a fan of the FPS genre, it hasn't really been my primary game genre the last decade. That said, would I not have Xbox One yet, Titanfall would've made me buy it (even if I have a capable computer). For me the game was just that awesome. Words do not describe it :p

The beauty of the multimedia features with the Xbox One isn't just that they're there. I for one used to watch Netflix with my PC hooked up to the TV with HDMI. And you for example had a smart TV. Both are typically quite the clunky ways of using them. I think the Kinect really does make the Xbox One shine. It's one of my favourite non-gaming features being able to pause/play movies (be it from disc or Netflix etc) without needing a remote (or having to get up and pause it from my PC like before) or anything. Maybe it's not important to everyone either, but having a 6 month old daughter, I typically don't have spare hands to pause it with the remote easily. Then there's the other aspect that I love - I can still get the Skype calls, messages, game invitations and other things through whatever I do on my TV. My TV was one of the last "dumb" things I had in the house (and I think Smart TVs are still dumb, typically terrible to use) while now my TV is one of my favourite things in the house, cos of the Xbox One. Not to mention the "Xbox, record that"-feature! I must sound like a terrible Kinect ******, but I gave it an honest chance and I now frigging love it and wouldn't give it up anymore. I'm not a native english speaker, but it works just about 100% for me, typically only failing to excessive background noise or user error. Hand gestures also work great and combined with voice commands, half of the time I don't even have to bother picking up the controller and turning it on cos I can just do it without it :p

I think MS still has lots of potential on bringing it closer to the ecosystem.. email app, calendar app (I would love this). That said, the IE on Xbox One works pretty nicely and you I just pinned my calendar from IE to the Pins, now I basically do have a calendar app for my Xbox One!

As for the companion apps, I think MS would rather hope for the devs to use Smartglass. Partially cos it's available on most platforms, but also cos they would probably be left out if companion apps were made individually (due to WP's marketshare).

If you are not that interested in what your friends have, if you find any interesting looking games for X1, I guess I could recommend it. Sadly, Naughty Dog is probably quite the king in that genre (like last of us) and they are a Sony studio, so we won't see those games, but I don't think you would be too disappointed. Both consoles certainly have their pros and cons :p

That said, in terms of future potential I sorta have more faith in MS than I do in Sony. If the 360 is anything to go by, Xbox One will have a bright future. Yes, it has less power than the PS4, but so did the 360 compared to the PS3. The game out now already look and play great, it will only get better. No doubt I'm more of a MS fan than a Sony fan (seeing that I'm heavily invested into MS ecosystem), but if it wasn't for the Xbox One, I probably wouldn't have bought a console at all. Looking back at my decision to get the Xbox One, I'd do it all over again.


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I think the other thing to take into consideration is do you plan on using this console JUST to play games - or are you an avid TV watcher as well? If you have cable/satellite at home - that's a big bonus on the XBOX One side. My family watches quite a bit of TV (probably more than we should, but its winter and nothing else to do here ;)) and the XBOX One has been great in having that seamless switch between TV, games, Netflix, and music. I don't have to worry about switching inputs or anything like that. It just all works.

I would guess that even though you have a smart TV that the XBOX would probably end up 'trumping' those Smart apps, simply because it'd be right there and you just have to say, "XBOX go to Netflix/youtube/twitch/etc..."

The PS4 is a great system too. My reasoning for choosing the XBOX One, a part from 1 or 2 friends everyone I know plays on the XBOX One - I play a lot of games online and I like playing with friends. I prefer the XBOX's asymmetrical stick design on their controllers. For me it feels more natural. The exclusive lineup for Microsoft is more appealing to me. Eventually (like 3-5 years from now) I'll get a PS4 to play those Naughty Dog games, just like I did with my PS3.


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? don't know where the OP is from, but it's good to note with the cable/satellite thing that full integration doesn't work outside the US. I for one still have to use my set top box's remote, but it's still a win-win situation for me as I don't have to switch inputs from TV (eliminating one remote), I can do other things on the Xbox on a commercial break (snap TV for the win), I still get those Skype calls and other notifications through that I've already mentioned several times... And increasing TV audio with Kinect or smartglass is also great! :D


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? don't know where the OP is from, but it's good to note with the cable/satellite thing that full integration doesn't work outside the US. I for one still have to use my set top box's remote, but it's still a win-win situation for me as I don't have to switch inputs from TV (eliminating one remote), I can do other things on the Xbox on a commercial break (snap TV for the win), I still get those Skype calls and other notifications through that I've already mentioned several times... And increasing TV audio with Kinect or smartglass is also great! :D

I have to use my sat remote too - only to access my DVR. So, even in the US it still isn't a complete overtaking of cable/satellite


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I'm in the US, I'm not a huge TV watcher seeing that I work 2 jobs. Most of everything I watch is DVR. On my off days I usually watch sports. But usually I watch Netflix and Hulu Plus. I know the xb1 will evolve just like the 360. I can live without "the last of us". I can gain new friends online as I play.


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Sounds like you are leaning the One way. One thing I suggest is that you also post the same question on a Sony biased forum. They are likely to know far more about what they have coming. Hopefully you will adopt the One, more users is always good.


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Also, extra reason why you should go for Xbox One (and Titanfall!):

Core's Titanfall beta highlights (Xbox One) - YouTube

COS THE GAME IS SO AWESOME! And "Xbox, record that" is the best feature ever especially for this game :D Titanfall is like THE game when it comes to random epic moments that you wish you would've record.. luckily Xbox One allows that :D

Anyways, the OP seems like he also knows what the PS4 would offer and is more so wondering what the X1 would offer and deep inside he just wants a good reason to go for Xbox One! :D


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Record that is a superb feature. I seem to think the PS4 has something similar. I can't comment on the Sony offering, but as stated above, the feature is great. Not sure if Corel has posted his fantastic Titanfall clip, but in any case, the feature is superb.

Keith Wallace

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I think it's hard to give a real reason to get he One here. Unless you're a big FPS person, and you really want Halo and Titanfall, the PS4 really sounds like the better choice for you. The only exclusive you named is on the Sony platform. You say that your friends are on the PS4. The third-party stuff is either equal on the platforms or a bit better on the PS4. As someone who would personally NEVER buy a PS4 (I'll get a One someday), it just seems like you're better-off with a PS4, given the information you provided.


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I have been reading about an early trend of PS4 beating out xbox in frame rate and rendering resolution on titles available on either console. I'm not sure if that's a trend that will continue, but I would opt for the PS4 if I were you based on the fact that you're not a huge TV person, your friends are on it, etc.

Really the best idea if you are focused on games themselves is to build a gaming PC... Still is way superior in my opinion.

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Also, extra reason why you should go for Xbox One (and Titanfall!):

Core's Titanfall beta highlights (Xbox One) - YouTube

COS THE GAME IS SO AWESOME! And "Xbox, record that" is the best feature ever especially for this game :D Titanfall is like THE game when it comes to random epic moments that you wish you would've record.. luckily Xbox One allows that :D

Anyways, the OP seems like he also knows what the PS4 would offer and is more so wondering what the X1 would offer and deep inside he just wants a good reason to go for Xbox One! :D

Ding ding ding ding. This guy here nailed it. Yea looking for good reason to buy xb1


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Sep 25, 2013
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Also, extra reason why you should go for Xbox One (and Titanfall!):

Core's Titanfall beta highlights (Xbox One) - YouTube

COS THE GAME IS SO AWESOME! And "Xbox, record that" is the best feature ever especially for this game :D Titanfall is like THE game when it comes to random epic moments that you wish you would've record.. luckily Xbox One allows that :D

Anyways, the OP seems like he also knows what the PS4 would offer and is more so wondering what the X1 would offer and deep inside he just wants a good reason to go for Xbox One! :D

Back to my point, Titanfall will be on PC and looks and controls way better, just sayin' :)

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awesome haven't seen the PC version yet

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