'Android X' Indiegogo campaign any thoughts?


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Jun 12, 2018
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Any thoughts on the 'Android X' project currently running a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo? It appears to be a phone running Android 8 and win phone 10 simultaneously while also converting to win 10 desktop adapted to mobile. Is that even possible?


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Apr 2, 2017
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I'm not entirely sure. I'm not aware of anyone dual booting windows 10 mobile. I think dual booting that with android would be a challenge in itself. I'm not entirely sure from the language how windows 10 desktop relates.

It might be possible to adapt a copy of windows 10 on arm, writing your own drivers for windows 10 mobile, android and windows desktop. The mobiles displayed running windows 10 and android are all different, and it's fairly clear the one running windows 10 is a total mess (ie, it doesn't even scale properly to the screen).

Then there's the issue of whether MS or android would allow the licensing, and it's pretty clear they don't like dual boot devices. China used to do a lot of dual boot tablets, by doing a windows and an android version on an intel chipset, and then combining them later after they got the licenses.

However this practice has been entirely stamped out. So even if it's technically possible, it seems fairly likely it's not practically possible.

There are other things that are fairly dodgey about this project as well, such as the low target of only 500 dollars, which is well below the cost of manufacturing a phone, let along the extra cost of drivers and development. The listed company also only has an e-mail, and no social media accounts linked.

If I had to guess, I'd say it's a scam. A company in that situation should at least have a more public profile, and a more demonstratable prototype.


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Jun 12, 2018
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Thanks for the reply, my thoughts exactly. I came across the campaign and was stunned. I would love to have a windows/android hybrid phone, but this campaign looks really fishy to me. The lack of some essential specs and a working model on display. Also the extremely low crowdfunding target in direct conflict with the statement made in the story part, and the campaign lasting only a couple of days. Not to mention the questionable technical application and the slim chance that the phone will be granted access to both the google and windows app store.

People don't seem to be interested in the campaign, guess that says it all.


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Apr 2, 2017
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Thanks for the reply, my thoughts exactly. I came across the campaign and was stunned. I would love to have a windows/android hybrid phone, but this campaign looks really fishy to me. The lack of some essential specs and a working model on display. Also the extremely low crowdfunding target in direct conflict with the statement made in the story part, and the campaign lasting only a couple of days. Not to mention the questionable technical application and the slim chance that the phone will be granted access to both the google and windows app store.

People don't seem to be interested in the campaign, guess that says it all.

Well perhaps it might be possible to run android apps under emulation on andromeda when it (most likely) comes out, if someone compiles bluestacks or a similar emuator for the arm chipset. I can see some motivation for recompiling such an app, if we get the right devices in the market, and it's a lot easier to re-compile for ARM, than write a full UWP. Although those hardware products like andromeda, might initially be priced out of the reach of regular consumers, it at least remains a future possibility.

There are also a few devices I think that dual boot Linux with android. Or at least one anyway. Which isn't quite the same, but it does offer some desktop app ability.


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Jun 12, 2018
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Luckily my Lumia 830 is still going strong, running smoothly on wp10. I pretty much detest both the Android and Iphone OS's and therefore keep hoping for a windows mobile revival or decent alternative. Being realistic I know it appears to be a lost cause given recent developments, but I'm nonetheless interested in seeing what Andromeda will bring to the table if and when it's released. Fingers crossed.


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Mar 1, 2015
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Coship had planned to launch a dual OS device Android/W10M. We never saw it. Not sure about this dual boot Android x device. Can someone share a source link of any kind?


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Mar 1, 2015
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Ya you are going to need to provide a link as I can't pull it up with a bing search or within Indiegogo...

EDIT: Found it here

It boots Windows 10 not Windows 10 Mobile...at least that is what the photos are showing. It says Windows 10 Mobile but W10M does not have a landscape desktop/start screen.
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Nov 16, 2013
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Yea it's full on Windows 10. So when it's a phone it Android, and when it's a PC it's Windows 10.

I for one have no interest. However I can see the use for others. I wish them luck!!!


Wow 8 days left and only raised $1 :shocked:


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Mar 1, 2015
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Yea it's full on Windows 10. So when it's a phone it Android, and when it's a PC it's Windows 10.

I for one have no interest. However I can see the use for others. I wish them luck!!!


Wow 8 days left and only raised $1 :shocked:

Ya that $1 was me. I had to send them something to be able to comment. The descriptions and videos are all misleading. They mention Windows phone 10 OS, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10, Windows 10 PC, Windows 10 Desktop PC...

So I asked them to specifically state what version of Windows 10 would be loaded to it.


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Mar 1, 2015
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Ya that $1 was me. I had to send them something to be able to comment. The descriptions and videos are all misleading. They mention Windows phone 10 OS, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10, Windows 10 PC, Windows 10 Desktop PC...

So I asked them to specifically state what version of Windows 10 would be loaded to it.

Strangely they have yet to reply to my comment.


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Mar 1, 2015
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Doesn't look right, too many red flags to my taste. You may want to ask for a refund before the 6 days are over, even if it's just a dollar.

True. If it is what it looks like, they will need that dollar soon more than I will...will see if they reply or not.


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Nov 13, 2013
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Looking at the videos, it may do Android well enough, but Windows 10 on a mobile device right now (the desktop version) just won't work.

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