5 Surface devices this October

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Nov 13, 2013
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I'd be interested in the foldable PC and Surface Watch, if they really are an actual thing. Surface Note, Surface Journal and foldable PC all sound like different names for the same thing though.


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A new surface go with an ARM chip seems probable.
Surface pro refresh with 10nm gen also seems probable

Some kinda foldable, would be a reasonable guess, to go with windows core.

What else?

Smaller than go, with windows core? I feel like that's awhile off.
New cortana implementation like speaker?
Finally the smarthome hub? Would be nice to finally see that!

Hard to guess. Five seems like a lot.

One could just be the proper windows core version of the hub 2. Another could just be a surface book refresh.

Consumer version of hololens? I'm thinking that's awhile away.


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Sep 6, 2017
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I'd be interested in the foldable PC and Surface Watch, if they really are an actual thing. Surface Note, Surface Journal and foldable PC all sound like different names for the same thing though.

Surface Journal is the name for andromeda device I think. Surface Note like a regular smart phone but very different. Surface Watch all the devices will be running what microsoft call andromeda OS


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Nov 13, 2013
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Surface Journal is the name for andromeda device I think. Surface Note like a regular smart phone but very different. Surface Watch all the devices will be running what microsoft call andromeda OS

I only think one device will actually appear, not several.


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Apr 2, 2017
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Looks like these are the possible 5 devices.


I don't know why people keep bringing up Andromeda. I see no credible rumors that Andromeda is an active project at Microsoft.

Andromeda is a sketchpad sized dual screen tablet no? What would be the major difference between the UI of that and an identical but slightly larger all touch device? I mean I suppose there would be some, but broad strokes wouldn't it be pretty similar?

I think the point in developing out the initial shells is just to sketch out the interface. The devices are less important than the general proof of concept and UI/OS. As with the initial surface, the idea is to create use cases, diversify the market.

I imagine it'll be quite a bit up to OEMs what to do with that flexibility. Nothing stopping a third party from using the dual screen UI on a smaller device.


Jun 10, 2013
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Andromeda is a sketchpad sized dual screen tablet no? What would be the major difference between the UI of that and an identical but slightly larger all touch device? I mean I suppose there would be some, but broad strokes wouldn't it be pretty similar?

I think the point in developing out the initial shells is just to sketch out the interface. The devices are less important than the general proof of concept and UI/OS. As with the initial surface, the idea is to create use cases, diversify the market.

I imagine it'll be quite a bit up to OEMs what to do with that flexibility. Nothing stopping a third party from using the dual screen UI on a smaller device.
Sure, if you want to change the course of what MS has called Andromeda. MS was working on and privately showing prototypes of a small handheld device with one foldable screen. I am in the industry and know many people at MS. This was an active product until about 12 months ago. Last year several projects were greatly scaled back. Maybe an OEM will pick up the pieces.

All I am saying the handheld device as outlined and prototyped last year will not be one of the 5 devices coming out this year.


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Apr 2, 2017
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Sure, if you want to change the course of what MS has called Andromeda. MS was working on and privately showing prototypes of a small handheld device with one foldable screen. I am in the industry and know many people at MS. This was an active product until about 12 months ago. Last year several projects were greatly scaled back. Maybe an OEM will pick up the pieces.

All I am saying the handheld device as outlined and prototyped last year will not be one of the 5 devices coming out this year.

Right. Well, all I ever saw from MSFT that even looked like a foldable device was more of a small tablet. I don't know any Microsoft insiders, and I've never personally seen such a device, so I'll have to take your word on what it supposedly was.

Either way, I think to some degree the point still holds. The tablet space is ruled by smartphone OSes. There's minor differences in interface. A dual screened device whether a large all touch tablet, or a large all touch phone would share a lot in UI and functionality.

The difference between that, and a mouse operated UI, is larger. The software is the primary product (or rather the things that come with that software). A distinction like that might matter a lot to some consumers or fans, but it's relatively minor when it comes to what microsoft is building with windows core. All it means is, one slightly different shell, is coming out before some other slightly different shell.

Which is probably a smart thing. When you are a 'big' OS, and trying to go 'small', it makes more sense to play to your strengths and do it peice meal. And if you were one of those people, who thought of the andromeda as more of a eight point something inch device that got big unfolded, and I know some people like that idea, I think that's still on the cards, if not by MSFT directly then simply using the same shell.


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Sep 6, 2017
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Sure, if you want to change the course of what MS has called Andromeda. MS was working on and privately showing prototypes of a small handheld device with one foldable screen. I am in the industry and know many people at MS. This was an active product until about 12 months ago. Last year several projects were greatly scaled back. Maybe an OEM will pick up the pieces.

All I am saying the handheld device as outlined and prototyped last year will not be one of the 5 devices coming out this year.

I have to disagree with you I think it's coming this October.


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they are wrong

1 Surface Book 3
2 foldable PC
3 surface journal
4 surface pro 6 with LTE
5 Surface watch
windows light will be called Andromeda os

Well IDK about that. We'll see. But MSPoweruser is infamously run by grump cranks, who churn out microsoft related cynicism. I'd take them with the same pinch of salt that I'd take warditorials with.

I mean, I doubt they reported on the addition of the cshell and andromeda related additions to the code like windows central did. If it weren't basically accepted now, they'd probably still be denying the existence of windows core OS, or whatever it's called.


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Sep 6, 2017
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Well IDK about that. We'll see. But MSPoweruser is infamously run by grump cranks, who churn out microsoft related cynicism. I'd take them with the same pinch of salt that I'd take warditorials with.

I mean, I doubt they reported on the addition of the cshell and andromeda related additions to the code like windows central did. If it weren't basically accepted now, they'd probably still be denying the existence of windows core OS, or whatever it's called.

yeah I know I don't take them too seriously either


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Sep 6, 2017
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Yeah I believe there will be mention of the Surface Note (with telephony in addition) :)

hopefully this doesn't happen in October
1 Surface Book 3
2 surface laptop 2 with LTE
3 surface pro 6 with LTE
4 surface courier
5 Surface watch
l say nothing about windows light or WCSO


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Sep 6, 2017
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I think this actually gonna happy in October now

1 Surface Book 3
2 surface courier fordable tablets
3 surface journal foldable phones
4 surface note traditional smartphone
5 Surface watch
windows light will be called Andromeda os
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