April Updates Broke My SB, here is a fix.


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Dec 20, 2012
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So up until the last update I never had any of the following issues:
a. Screen flicker with videos in Edge
b. OS lock up after turning screen around
c. Audio pop when turning on
d. Not sleeping properly/ hot bag
e. Occasional wake up problems
f. Generally unstable, occasional lockups
After the first and second April updates my SB was a total mess, yet others were saying that the last update fixed all of their issues!?
This huge different in experiences made me look for a solution, this is what I found
How to Repair Windows 10 Issues (Windows Update, Component Store Corruption, etc.) | HackAAPL: Hacking Apple Products
and it has made my SB a stellar piece of hardware again. I hope everyone else with the same issues as me has success with this fix.


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Jul 29, 2013
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Yep, it's the same, It made my SB usable again, thankfully, I hope does the same for folks like Zerospace..

I have run this fix several times over -- usually after every windows update since Feb -- the one issue it definitely resolved for me were the internal power error bsods I would get when waking the SB from sleep. knock on wood, the April update seems to have addressed a lot of my issues. Windows Hello is working reliably again. No blue screens yet, and I haven't run the DISM command yet just to see if these issues return without it.

I've now got a new wrinkle though -- my screen will occasionally blink off and then back on (sort of like what it does when you detach -- but it does it without indicating that it thinks its been detached, no sound, no nothing). This is a relatively new development (past week or so) and only happens when I've got the machine in my lap while sitting on the couch. Yesterday, it actually just flat out went black with the screen back light still on after my dog rested her head on the side of the keyboard for a split second while curling up next to me (just the smooth area next to the track pad is all she touched). Nothing except a forced shutdown and subsequent cold boot brought it back. I probably should have tried a detach, but in the past when I'd get the dreaded black screen on wake, that never worked. I'm thinking I might need to clean the contacts where the clipboard attaches on the keyboard, but honestly, I rarely use the detach feature anymore because of how wonky it was from about December onward, so they shouldn't be very dirty at all.


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Nov 16, 2015
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Just curious, but does anyone have a remote ideas as to why some users end up with corrupt files while others do not? I wiped my sb a couple of months back, and it was working like a champ, but in the last month, it has started to show issues again. I was always wondering if it was me messing around with the registry. I was using APO sound equalizer, which is basically a sound equalizer application for the windows, that requires changes to the registry when it installs. Issues arose around that time, but I also got a windows update then as well. I have since uninstalled the application, but I'm unclear if it had to do with any of the SB sleep problems. I'm going to avoid any third party applications like that for now, but if anyone is knowledgeable enough to know if audio registry edits could cause any of these problems, I'd appreciate the feedback.


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Jul 29, 2013
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Most of the file corruption issues people were having were related to Windows Update (MS has even acknowledged this and has promised a fix is/was coming). One of the biggest offenders is the video driver and Windows expecting a specific opencl.dll file. Updates to the video drivers always update this file, so the windows system file checker (SFC) will report it as corrupt. Other file corruption can happen as a result of basic use. Corruption can just... happen. You know all those times your SB shuts off on its own? BSODs? Yep... hellooooo corruption! Nothing messes up a file system like being interrupted mid-write by an unexpected shutdown.

Your issue could just be a third party application doing something Windows didn't like (and maybe it was something else). I have seen such odd behavior from the SB that at this point, I'd believe almost anything is possible. I have not seen my screen blink out like it did a few weeks ago since then. *shrug* Who the frag knows at this point what these issues are ...

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