Help! 1020 sim tray stuck


New member
Nov 2, 2012
Hey all. I put a nano to micro sim converter into the tray of the 1020 to see if it fits. It does. Except now the tray will not come out. It will come out about 3mm but will not move past that mark. I think my problem was the sim adapter didn't have a sim inside it. I didn't think that would be a problem as I've done that many times with my 810. Anyone else ever have this problem? And if so, how did you get it out without damaging anything?? Thanks!
Oh noo. Dont force it, happend on my mom's 820. Forcing it damaged the sim contacts on the phone, ended up not working and to Nokia Center. This also happend on my previous 920, but I managed to remove the tray while inside, thus leaving only the adapter. So had room to remove it then. But on the 1020, sim adapter is tighter. At least you get the idea, that's how I did it
Try kinda forcing the sim card in the sim tray happened to me before.

Yes you have to get a nano Sim and gently slide it down into adaptor which will contact pins and allow you to slide tray back out. I know from experience. Good luck!!

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Well, I fixed it! I tried pushing a nano sim into the tray, but there just isn't enough clearance on the 1020 to get it in! It just wouldn't go in!

I went to a few shops in town to see what they could do, and nobody seems to want to work on these unibody Nokias, like they're scared of them or something. wtf. I guess that's what I get for living in a country where Nokia is just not very popular.

So I took it apart myself. It wasn't too hard! What I needed was a Torx T4 driver, guitar pick and a regular sewing needle.

First, there is a screw underneath the sim tray cover. Obviously, with your sim tray stuck, this is tricky to unscrew. But you can bend and flex the plastic tray just enough to get the driver in to loosen the screw. Once it's loosened (the screw doesn't come out) you can push the guitar pick inbetween the glass and unibody (right under the sim tray) to loosen it, and then slide the pick all the way down to the bottom. That should release the entire left side. So carefully open it. There are two cables to disconnect, the big one is the battery cable, so gently pull it off. Then there is the FFC cable, so you pry that one off too. Now the display can be totally removed from the unibody.

This is what it should look like:

Then you can slide up the metal tray that holds the moisture indicator out like this:

Now you should have the three lower SIM pins exposed. As you pull the tray out, you'll see exactly how the pins are catching the SIM adapter and making it stuck. So what I did was pull on the tray gently until the pins were jammed on the adapter, then with a regular sewing needle, I pushed each pin down one by one. It took me about 6 tries but I got them all down. Be patient and don't force it and you'll get it.

Now do the same with the upper pins.

And now your tray should be free! Now I can see I would have really busted the phone if I had forced the tray out.

I'm posting this to help anyone else who might find themselves in the same situation as me. I'm just glad I got it out without damaging anything.
Really impressive, thanks for that walkthrough. Did you clean off the inside lip that the glass sits on before replacing it? I've found that dust makes it's way into that gap and pushes the screen away creating what looks like bubbles under the glass.
First of all, never leave an adapter without the SIM in a Lumia.

However, if you happen to find yourself in that predicament, you can solve it by sliding a thin piece of plastic in there down the backside. I used the clear plastic strips designed to keep the collar shape for new button down shirts in men's suit stores (some dry cleaners also have these). It's perfectly thin and solid enough. What I would recommend is cutting the width down to almost the exact size of the visible tray sliding space. If it is not wide enough, it just won't work.

Don't give up. It is possible and not as hard as you think. Just keep fiddling with the strip. If necessary, throw a second strip into the mix to assist in the effort.
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First of all, never leave an adapter without the SIM in a Lumia.

However, if you happen to find yourself in that predicament, you can solve it by sliding a thin piece of plastic in there down the backside. I used the clear plastic strips designed to keep the collar shape for new button down shirts in men's suit stores (some dry cleaners also have these). It's perfectly thin and solid enough. What I would recommend is cutting the width down to almost the exact size of the visible tray sliding space. If it is not wide enough, it just won't work.

Don't give up. It is possible and not as hard as you think. Just keep fiddling with the strip. If necessary, throw a second strip into the mix to assist in the effort.

i did something similiar in a few seconds.....with piece of plastic as i mentioned above
not necessary to pull phone apart
Did you guys do this on a 1020? This is what I'm telling you. I TRIED shoving some plastic into the SIM tray but there just wasn't enough clearance to get it in. Maybe it works on other phones, but it sure didn't for me. Believe me, I tried all kinds of plastic of varying thicknesses. The last thing I wanted to do was open the phone. As it turned out, opening the phone was the easiest and quickest way for me.
Oh my! Now its happening to me, I give up
Gonna bring it to Nokia ctr..

Damm nokia ctr 3days just to help pull out the converter, but told upfront will not responsible if broke the pin.

Solution : Bring it to repair shop and with the luck,of my side it done.
Thx to dat repair shop guy only
Cost me RM30.00 and 15minutes of my time.

TQ Nokia.
what i did was push the nano sim in the gap with pin to open the sim tray and voila, it came out!!
Are all you people that got your SIM tray stuck simply putting empty nano to micro sim adapters on your phone? The reason I ask is, I had a 920 and I put the adapter in, I destroyed the phone. Well they upgraded me to a 1020, they had no yellow 920s. This is my backup device, my main device is a 1520. So my worry is that some people are not putting them in empty, but are getting stuck because the slides out of the adapter. If it is just an empty adapter, I know not to do that now. However, if there can be issues using with a SIM, then I wont use it.
Dang... Earlier this evening I had the same problem occur.
I had the microSIM adapter in the 1020 and was able to get it out reasonably easy. But I wanted to put my NanoSIM from my 1520 into my 1020 again and when I noticed the 1020 didn't even recognise the adapter and nanoSIM installed I tried to take out the tray again but that's when it got well and truly stuck.

I've damaged my tray trying to get my nanoSIM out. It's not particularly fun, but what's more surprising is Nokia's design of these trays. You'd think they would've designed these a little better considering how good the rest of the phones are crafted. Mine's going away to be fixed. Hopefully it isn't going to be too expensive.

But this was a helpful read for future reference.
I had the same thing happen to me but was able to get it out by using a cut off rewards card (the one that can go on your key chain) certainly had me sweating bullets though

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