Help! 1020 sim tray stuck

I just faced the same problem and took it to Nokia Care Centre but, they pulled it by force and broke some pins. They told me that 3 of the 6 sim pins are broken and the sim will not work now. As I used a nano to micro sim adapter which led to the physical damage, it would not be covered under warranty. They told me it may cost me more than Indian Rupees 11,000 to fix it. I was pretty distroyed as I love my Lumia 1020, it has no scratches or anything and was working perfectly. I was asked to pay 1/4th of the buying cost. So, I cursed myself for being so hiesty and started using my old Galaxy Note 1 and thought I will get it fixed by some local mobile service guy for less than the amount quoted by Nokia Care. Then in the evening I just thought why should I give up, let me just try to use the sim and see and to my surprise everything was normal and my sim was working. But, if I found your post before gioing to Nokia Care I would have not let the service guys brake the sim pins in my Lumia 1020. Anyway thank you very much for the post.
Damn! Last night I took out the sim tray/holder which had my nano-sim to micro-sim adapter inside, and it got stuck. I managed to get it out, and when I installed my nano-sim card, it got scratched, and now my 1020 won't read my sim card. I tried mine in my Moto X and it works just fine. I tried a friend's micro-sim (no adapters) and it won't read it.
In a week and a half, I'm leaving for Europe and was goning to use the 1020 as phone and camera. Now I?ll have to look for some service center to fix it just in time, and hope it isn't too expensive.

If I would have found this thread instead of insisting on pulling the tray off, I would be using my 1020 right now, with telephone services enabled!

Nevertheless, great thread and great pictures illustrating it, so people won't rush to open the tray, and do it the right way, like you showed here.

Cheers, and whish me luck!
Crap, i bought a 1020 as a back up to my 930. Tried it with a sim adapter last night and my 930's sim - worked fine.

But i've taken the sim out and put the tray back in sans sim. Looks like i'm going to have some fun tonight!! - glad i noticed this thread.

Note to self, if i sort it. Take adapter out when not using...........................
Yup,it's stuck. Feck.

Trying the thin piece of plastic trick. Which side am I trying to wiggle it down??

Screen side or back side??

So annoyed about this. Brand new phone.....
Wish I saw this. My adaptor killed my Lumia 1020 sim tray. Sold it as a camera. Now on to a new 1020. Ugh
The plastic trick worked for me, luckily. Won't leave an empty adapter in there again!!
I broke my daughter's 520, the adapter wasn't empty but wasn't a good fit, when we put it in the two parts separated and caught one of the pins when being pulled out :( We couldn't slide anything in as the pin was caught between the sim and the adapter. Bit peed off as I think adapter was faulty.
The side were the micro sim would be. If you look at it you can see it faces the back. It jams if you insert a nano to micro sim adaptor with out the sim in it. Read the first post
This has happened to me with an adapter - but I just slid a piece of paper in there, pretty obvious
Not obvious at all. Spent hours using all manner of things to remove it.If you open it up you will see why.the pins have to be pushed in so it will release.I doubt very much a piece of paper would work in this case.
I bought a used 1020 on eBay and the seller left a nano to micro adapter in the tray, which was jammed. I used a piece of plastic from some regular old blister packaging and slid it down the back side of the SIM tray. It took a little trimming and wiggling, but it came out and it works fine.
Just happened to me. I looked it up on youtbe and found a video of a guy using thin plastic and he got it out.

I had the plastic packaging material from a usb thumb drive laying around, cut it to the width of the adapter/sim try and stuck/forced it in. It was tight and difficult to get in.

IMPORTANT: remember to stick the plastic into the back side of the sim tray (back side of phone. That is the side that the tray/adapter sits in.

Forcefully, but carefully, and it came out.

Good luck!
Yup, this seems like a hideous design flaw and whilst I thought AccentAE86 was crazee to take the phone apart that's exactly what I had to do to fix my Lumia 1020. I tried the plastic sliding trick for about 30 mins before giving up and to be honest I wouldn't recommend spending more than 5 minutes on it before going for the disassembly option, it's actually fairly easy and when you open her up you'll see how unlikely you are to manage to disengage the pins using the plastic method. Plus your chances of damaging the slot are probably quite high.

You will need a T4 screw driver and a plastic prying tool (a Tesco clubcard worked for me!) to open the case. There's a great teardown video on YouTube which I followed if you search for "Nokia Lumia 1020 teardown" Thanks to AccentAE86 for the pictures of the SIM pin release.
I did persevere with slipping a piece of plastic down the back side of the sim tray, and got there in the end. I noticed that the plastic had bent inwards, so it wasn't pushing the pins out, I turned the plastic around so that the bend would then push the pins out. For the second set of pins I was able to insert my sim card. I cut a bit of a plastic milk carton to size.
"I'll put the adapter back in the tray, so I know where it is when I need it." FML. I hope I can get this thing out without damaging the phone.

Thanks for all the info in this thread!

Edit: I did it!!! :smile:
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