I just faced the same problem and took it to Nokia Care Centre but, they pulled it by force and broke some pins. They told me that 3 of the 6 sim pins are broken and the sim will not work now. As I used a nano to micro sim adapter which led to the physical damage, it would not be covered under warranty. They told me it may cost me more than Indian Rupees 11,000 to fix it. I was pretty distroyed as I love my Lumia 1020, it has no scratches or anything and was working perfectly. I was asked to pay 1/4th of the buying cost. So, I cursed myself for being so hiesty and started using my old Galaxy Note 1 and thought I will get it fixed by some local mobile service guy for less than the amount quoted by Nokia Care. Then in the evening I just thought why should I give up, let me just try to use the sim and see and to my surprise everything was normal and my sim was working. But, if I found your post before gioing to Nokia Care I would have not let the service guys brake the sim pins in my Lumia 1020. Anyway thank you very much for the post.