Is Microsoft kidding me!? Do they test their own software before they seed it to the world?


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Dec 20, 2012
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I'm trying to make a review about the Nokia Camera on the Store since 1 week.
I reached the maximum character on my comment and when I want to post my review I get all the time the error code 805a0190. I tried to make my comment shorter but with no success. Always the same error this makes me so angry. Testet on 3 Lumia phones. Shorter comments are working but for the longer one I get this error.

And the new game hub. What the hell is wrong with Microsoft what they try to do? The game hub on windowsphone7 is 100 times faster and don't lag when you scroll down or up. I don't know what they trying to do with this downgrade. Hello Microsoft we are in the year 2014 and not on 2007. Why you make a 3rd party games hub if you don't even update it and if you haven't change anything on it. Tell me how did you do this, to make the same game hub 100 times slower and so laggy. Do 10 years old Childs make your apps. Do you want to compete 5 years old kids with this. The game hub on 8.0 loads do quick and doesn't lag like the new one. You are a master sometimes in downgrading Microsoft. No words you make great software and I'm a big fan but sometimes you make very bad things. Please fix your game hub fast or integrate it again to the OS and make us all happy.

And the new Internet explorer 11 can't even verify correctly to the webpages. Since 8.1 a lot of webpages opens in mobile theme (I know for some of you guys this isn't bad but for some other it is). Ehhmm Microsoft programmers and tester do you test your own platform or are you busy to testing another OS that you don't notice this. I contacted Microsoft on twitters about this and they tell me they didn't know about this and redirected me to another site were I told them about this but since now with no answer. On 8.0 all my webpages opens on desktop mode. When you open an item on ebay now it opens the item page on web version. Now on 8.1 you have manually need to change the view on the webpage you use but it's not possible on every page like on twitter I can't change the theme to desktop. I'm wondering if you will notice this bug after 1 million people will contact you about this Microsoft. And another thing is boring to. On some webpage if you click on the search field or you click a link than a pop up page opens but the browser doesn't opens this pop up on a new tab it opens it on the same tap you use so you can't reach the page you want because of this. Is it so hard to program it that the pop ups opens on a new tab like on IOS, Symbian, Android, Bada..... .

And the same with the Music App you haven't update it with the gdr updates for 8.0 but now is it a 3rd party app and you update it every two weeks. And it's still not good. Make it again a system App and update the App within the software updates or let some background tasks open that it opens and resuming faster.

Even you got the most fluid OS in my eyes I have to say that your camera App is so slow compared to other OS. It need so long to save a picture my old 3650 with an 120mhz? CPU was faster at this.
But the funniest thing is that it doesn't support higher resolution than 5MP on a 41MP phone XD you need a 3rd part software to do it haha. Integrate it to the main OS camera that it can handle it.
And why you cut some features from your very very sexy gallery app. On 8.0 you could scroll back on your picture view and could scroll between more pictures. And could you bring the old gallery? I have 9000 pictures and it's annoying to wait till they load them all.

There is so much more to say and I'm not a Microsoft hater. I love their products and I just use their software. But they are not perfect and making their customers sometimes weird and confused. I have a Lumia 1020 64GB version.

Update: I tried on 6 different lumias to comment the Nokia Camera App and always getting the same error.

This is my comment I want to post.

1.Das Programm braucht viel zu lange beim Start. Wenn man einige Prozesse im Hintergrund laufen lassen k?nnte damit es schneller startet wie bei einigen Symbian Apps damals.

2. Die Bilder werden meiner Meinung nach etwas zu bunt, ansonsten top. Bei meinem Nokia N8 sehen die Natur Bilder viel echter aus da das Gr?n auch Gr?n ist und nicht neon Gr?n wie auf dem 1020.. Damian Dinning hatte bei den ?lteren Handys gesorgt das die Farben original getreu dargestellt werden... Schade wo bist du nur.

3. K?nnt Ihr eventuell die App so programmieren das sie w?hrend dem aufnehmen eines Bildes das Bild im Hintergrund umwandelt und erstellt bzw. speichert und man in der Zwischenzeit das n?chste Bild versucht aufzunehmen und im Hintergrund noch das alte gespeichert wird. Somit w?rde es aussehen das die App schneller Bilder speichert.

4. W?hre es m?glich das man die Belichtungszeit verl?ngern k?nnte? 4 Sekunden ist ja seht gut aber w?hren eventuell 8 Sekunden m?glich.

5. Wenn ich die Gallery mit den Hi Res Bildern ?ffnen will gehen meine nerven verloren. Ich habe mehrere Bilder und es l?dt bei mir um die 10 Sekunden bis die Gallery sich ?ffnet. Au?erdem war dies vorher nicht der Fall da hat sich das letzte Bild sofort ge?ffnet und die Gallery mit allen Bildern eben falls.

6. Es w?re top, wenn man beim Video aufnehmen denn Motor von dem OIS Modul nicht h?ren w?rde. In einem leisen Raum h?rt man sehr gut das rauschen bei einem gedrehten Video was der Motor verursacht was echt das Video schlecht macht. K?nnt ihr das nicht durch einen Software trick unterdr?cken

7. Langsamer Autofokus

Can someone try to post this comment on the Nokia Camera app and check if you get the same error.
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Apr 16, 2014
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Calm down and breath :) , now what kind of phone do you have ? have you considered deleting some files from your storage since a nearly full phone storage or sd card can slow down your phone quite considerably ... Oh and for the music app and games app those seem to be a problem for everybody.. BUT since they are a necessary function , I doubt it would be too long for Microsoft to fix them ( and kick the xbox apps team for doing a crappy job on every app but smartglass) and it's not just MS , I mean I've been using google play music since ever it was released and it still is slow ...turns out music palyers are much more complicated than earlier though to be :p
Any way considered doing a hard reset or deleting and reinstalling some of the apps , that should solve some of you probles , oh and if you have apps that are a bit old ( like WP7 old ) delete them , some of them are VERY problematic and buggy on WP8+


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Dec 20, 2012
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Calm down and breath :) , now what kind of phone do you have ? have you considered deleting some files from your storage since a nearly full phone storage or sd card can slow down your phone quite considerably ... Oh and for the music app and games app those seem to be a problem for everybody.. BUT since they are a necessary function , I doubt it would be too long for Microsoft to fix them ( and kick the xbox apps team for doing a crappy job on every app but smartglass) and it's not just MS , I mean I've been using google play music since ever it was released and it still is slow ...turns out music palyers are much more complicated than earlier though to be :p
Any way considered doing a hard reset or deleting and reinstalling some of the apps , that should solve some of you probles , oh and if you have apps that are a bit old ( like WP7 old ) delete them , some of them are VERY problematic and buggy on WP8+

I have no games on my phone. And nearly no Apps. My phone is a Lumia 1020 64GB. Yes I know that everybody got the same problems with the Xbox apps. I have more than 1000 songs on my phone and the music app can't handle this and always crashing and and and. Microsoft makes some downgrades in my eye with the latest update. The Xbox apps and the calendar should stay as system apps instead of 3rd party apps than they would load quicker and works faster. I replied Microsoft about some issues but they don't even answer me back nothing. And the problem with the app reply is not only on my Lumia 1020 I have tried it with another Lumia phones. Maybe the comment is to long for the store app and it crashes.:eek:rly:


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Dec 20, 2012
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You are obviously doing it wrong if you have all those problems. Try learning to use the phone....

I can handle the phone much better than you believe me my friend and I know my Lumia phone more than you. Maybe you didn't know how to use your phone and didn't even find all the bugs it got.


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Oct 15, 2013
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There is a reason why you see mobile versions, because it is a mobile device. Get it? Mobile websites are made for phones...

If you want the desktop mode, just go to settings of the browser, and change it to Desktop mode.


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Dec 20, 2012
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There is a reason why you see mobile versions, because it is a mobile device. Get it? Mobile websites are made for phones...

If you want the desktop mode, just go to settings of the browser, and change it to Desktop mode.
On WP 8.0 all my WebPages opens in desktop mode. On 8.1 90% of my web pages opens in mobile theme even I set it to desktop. This problem was discussed here before and it's an known bug.


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Jul 10, 2014
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Your Lumia 1020 is lagging? Damn it, even my Lumia 620 runs WP8 smoothly.. What have you done to it!?!? :grincry:

Back to the topic, it's probably temp files or downloads. Try deleting them. You've probably filled your phone up with a lot of crap (Apps,pictures, videos, etc.). Try deleting them and freeing up more space. This should hopefully make your phone run faster.


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Dec 20, 2012
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Your Lumia 1020 is lagging? Damn it, even my Lumia 620 runs WP8 smoothly.. What have you done to it!?!? :grincry:

Back to the topic, it's probably temp files or downloads. Try deleting them. You've probably filled your phone up with a lot of crap (Apps,pictures, videos, etc.). Try deleting them and freeing up more space. This should hopefully make your phone run faster.

First read my text before you write such a thing my phone doesn't lag. I said the game hub is laggy.


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Oct 19, 2010
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Wow. I couldn't even read it all. First off, you have the developer preview without any new firmware/tweaks/etc from Cyan. Relax.

Actually, I don't have a second of all.


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Dec 20, 2012
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So much drama, and evidently you don't.
Are the people crazy. Read my text correctly. It has nothing to do with that I can't handle my phone.
What it has to do with I can't handle my phone if the Xbox apps are buggy and laggy. And if the Internet explorer can't open the desktop page automatically and and and. All the people coming to me here in my town if they got trouble with their windows phones and I also repair them. I know this phones too good. Also please stop making such stupid comment's. This are known bugs. And I tried to post the comment for the Nokia camera app on 3 different phones and get always the same error.


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May 13, 2014
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I have no problems with the store, I submit full length comments both from the store or the app list and it doesn't crashes. You should try to back up everything and do a hard reset.


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Mar 17, 2013
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I have no problems with the store, I submit full length comments both from the store or the app list and it doesn't crashes. You should try to back up everything and do a hard reset.

Yep!!! Hard reset and set everything back up. Any lags etc should be gone... A long process, but should sort the problems out.

If you knew so much about the phone, you would have done this already....


Nov 3, 2012
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I want to add a thing to the list, the new HTML5 video player. Almost every time i try to watch a video, it gives the Decode error message. Other times the screen starts to flicker and turn black, and IE doesn't work properly anymore unless you restart it.
the browser doesnt even display MS exchange webmail properly, long mails are truncated

Miska Hietala

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Feb 6, 2014
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For me the new browser makes annoying"jumps" few lines up or down. When keeping my finger still.. Doesn't appear on 3dt party browsers..
Sent from my NeverAndroidAgain**1020** via Tapatalk


It's obvious he doesn't know how to use it... Probably an ex Android user using the brute force method of using a phone... No finesse!!! LOL....

Oh LOL!........ Seriously, you're not even funny. When a person has a problem with their phone, telling them they don't know how to use it is lame. Calling him an ex-Android user is childish and immature also. Windows Phone has problems sometimes, and people have a right to bring it up here on the forums. You're basically treating him like he's stupid, and we do not need that here at WPC.

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