1.7% Market share! I think it's time for Microsoft to change up the Marketing Team


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Jan 6, 2014
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It *IS NOT* 1.7% market share.

It is 1.7% of NEW DEVICE PURCHASES, when there were hardly any new Microsoft devices available anywhere to buy during that time period. No wonder they were low.

Besides, how many of those millions iPhones were replacements for either a perfectly good last year's iPhone, or one that got dropped onto something harder than a pillow and had to be replaced?


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May 4, 2012
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Not sure if the numbers are correct, the assumption of getting a new marking team is spot on.

You hardly see any TV advertising for Windows Phone, some Windows Surface ads. But all of that have been done, are "Apple" like ads. Where they show flashy things, dancing, but not much actual use, but from a "1,000 foot" view. So the everyday person has really no clue what can be done.

I remember seeing an ad from Poland, maybe, actually I can't remember the country of origin, but it wasn't an English speaking country. But, it was animated, and it showed what you could really do, and how to use a Windows Phone. It was BRILLANT!!! I actually showed it to a couple of people that weren't WP users, and just by watching (muted the audio), they were able to grasp what the phones were capable of, and they like it, A LOT!!

They were concerned about the "app gap", and I sat down with them and their current phone, and listed all the apps that they use, and went looking on the MS store for the exact app, or third party apps. I swear I got them to 99% of comparable apps. Only one to three apps they used were not available, but then the realized that they never used those much anyway and could do without. Most of the people I showed always said "If I had known, I wouldn't haven't gotten what they got now."

Mad Cabbie

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Jun 9, 2015
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You really think W10M and L950 will attract IOS/Android users? Why?

They won't, iOS and droid are only popular because Apple / Samsung tell you they are. If these sheep could only see that they are being taken for a ride, things 'may' change. Samsung have three devices, all in the same family, the S6. They advertise in such a way that the sheep, or fashionistas, will blindly tie themselves up in knots just to attain 'one up manship' on someone with a 'lesser' device. Apple are just the same. Both are selling a lifestyle, much like Harley Davidson. Fortunately, this constant releasing of the next best thing, will come to an end. One of my regular fares currently pays ?150 a month on contract for his daughters to have the latest iPhone!!!! That's over ?3000 + before they can back out!!

Me? I don't follow the pack. Everyone in my house, and small business is on WP. I bought 10 devices for around ?1100. Paid for, no contract. Sim only deals at ?15 a month, per device back out anytime. Yes it equates to the same money PA, but 10 devices and not tied up for 2 years, plus, my drivers are unlikely to be knocked over the head for a 640xl, compared to the latest fashion, must have, device.

Windows mobile problem isn't with the OS. Its mainly down to the fact that the devices aren't 'sexy'. Maybe they should have kept the Nokia name alive. A worldwide brand, and everyone must have had a nokia at some point. I can see why they went with Microsoft Lumia, but wish the Nokia Brand was there.

Sorry for the loooooonngg post, but it's how I see it.

Richard Culverhouse

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Apr 14, 2014
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It *IS NOT* 1.7% market share.

It is 1.7% of NEW DEVICE PURCHASES, when there were hardly any new Microsoft devices available anywhere to buy during that time period. No wonder they were low.

Besides, how many of those millions iPhones were replacements for either a perfectly good last year's iPhone, or one that got dropped onto something harder than a pillow and had to be replaced?

Well said!

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