10 cumulative update keeps failing

I am also facing the same problem and i tried the following solution

How to fix Windows 10 Cumulative update getting stuck at 30%

Step-1: Click Start, then launch registry editor by typing regedit. When the 'regedit / Run command' displays on the top of the list, press Enter

Step-2: Inside the regedit, navigate to the following code

Windows 10
Step-3: Back up the registry key. In the ProfileList, click File, Export then choose a suitable location on your desktop and type in a file name and save

Step-4: On the left, you should see a list of profile IDs, such as S-1-5-18, S-1-5-19, S-1-5-20, including several other names

Step-5: Search for ProfilelmagePath. If any entry in the ProfileList has a ProfileImagePath that is not useful, right-click on the Profile ID and select Delete

Step-6: Close the regedit file, then reboot your system. Click Start>> Settings>> Update & Security, you should now be able to see KB3081424 and it should start installing

Hopefully, the above fix should help you overcome the installation error, allowing an error-free installation experience.

This solution was mentioned on IBMtimes
After trying this and rebooting my laptop, it says that i can not loggin to my id and it opens my windows in a temporary id in which
mine loaded just fine until it ran for about 5 hr and big blue screen. messed up my win 10. Ihave been working all day. and now I am running on 10130. because that was tha only iso I had. I am so discusted. edge since 10130 up to 10240 it keeps locking up my sys and I have to reboot...I had hardly any hair to start with, now I have none......
cache using this link How to Delete a Windows Update Cache (5 Steps) | eHow

This one worked for me like a box of Lucky Charms! Thanks! :smile:

NOTE: Their method for explaining how to show hidden files in step 2, sucks Apple Nuts. To show hidden files, simply open ANY folder, click the view tab at the top, then select show hidden files.
Hello Russhoe! thank you for your suggestion but I don't think that would work as i have tried this earlier

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