Love to see a source on the 15% number.
Tivo has always allowed you to archive content to a computer and there are some great community utilities that can automate the process. Google KMTTG
I also am a DIE hard Media Center user, I am Certified in Media Center from Microsoft and I was a MVP for 2010 and 2011 on WMC. I use it every day, have Exenders around the home and my WMC machine is dedicated Home theater PC with over 7tb of storage, that has over 300 movies and over 2tb for recorded TV. Trust me, I know Media Center... I actually support Media Center systems as well over teamviewer, I was working on a machine from Australia the other day, so I guess you can say I do GLOBAL media center support.
Last year I read that according to Microsoft that there was about 6% of users that use Windows Media Center (and this is for TV watching, not just playing a DVD).
So, I would love to see where that 15% number came from, if it's true, cool, would love to see the chance to get WMC on WIndows 10
I am only upgrading 1 machine in my home to Windows 10 and that machine will be dual booting with WIndows 7, this is due to WMC used around the home.
For those Media Center fans, Check out my Twitter page (see in my sig) I must of sent 50 tweets to Microsoft and re-tweeted tons of them about this subject, Media Center in Windows 10
I think Microsoft really screwed up by at least not offering an option for WIndows Media Center. It has a global following (Media Center is available all over the world) and users who really know what it can do love it. There is a very loyal support base for this product and I still think it's one of the best programs/apps Microsoft has ever made.
At least they could do is release a Softsled type of app for Windows 10 (Use a Desktop as a Media Center Extender, so you can keep 1 7/8.1 WMC and be able to access the content from any WIndows 10 machine like you were using it). This would give the experience of WMC with out the licensing costs of PlayReady or cable labs.
Yeah, the only way that percentage makes sense is if its 15% of the Home version only. There's no way, with Pro/Ent versions included in the count.
Why wouldn't it be ? I have worked in offices that do stock trading and banking, and most desks had a TV playing, As I work in IT, the most affordable option was to use WMC with a limited cable line (blocked accept for 3-4 channels) so we used WMC on the desk with a custom QAM tuners.
It's used in the corporate world more than you think, so coming with those versions would qualify for it. Never mind the people who have 5-10 computers in their home and like to have the same version across all machines. Seen that too, as it's cheaper than buying retail.