1520.3 airplane mode stuck

hi weisman.i downgrade to 8 and install 8.1 developer and gdr1 its work fine !
airplane mode is off and i can call send message .....
i update my phone to cyan and then update tu gdr1 this error is still and airplane mod in on !
then i downgrade to 8 and instal gdr1 directly my problem is solve !
sry for bad langage
Original poster and subsequent posters, can you pleas provide carrier and phone color of your 1520.3? Also, if on Developers Preview, any issues encountered?

I do not have this issue. However, additional information may narrow the possible causes and allow determination of issue.
Original poster and subsequent posters, can you pleas provide carrier and phone color of your 1520.3? Also, if on Developers Preview, any issues encountered?

I do not have this issue. However, additional information may narrow the possible causes and allow determination of issue.

AT&T - yellow.

​No problems on Black/8.0 or Black/8.1 Dev Preview, fails on Cyan/8.1.
Original poster and subsequent posters, can you pleas provide carrier and phone color of your 1520.3? Also, if on Developers Preview, any issues encountered?

I do not have this issue. However, additional information may narrow the possible causes and allow determination of issue.

UK 3 Network. Black colour.

No issues with the DP 8.1, DP 8.1 update 1 or on 8.0 but occurs after the upgrade to cyan firmware.
** UPDATE 8/14 **

I took the phone back to the guy who originally replaced the screen and he said that the charging port on the Lumia's are very finicky and he has seen them go bad many times. The kicker is that the charging port is directly linked to the network antenna, so when the charging port goes bad, the symptoms are exactly what we are seeing.

He ordered the part, replaced it the next day (didn't charge me because the damage could have been done from the screen replacement), and the phone is back to normal now.

If you're in the northern california region, he operates as Phone Hut in San Jose. I highly recommend him. He also fixed my sticky blackberry keyboard for $30.

** **

I've been in the same boat since yesterday. The screen cracked all by itself a couple of days ago -no really, i took it out of my pocket and the entire glass was cracked like a spiders web. I had the screen replaced, then after starting up, it got stuck in the airplane mode issue EXACTLY as you described. I initially thought it was the screen replacement guy's fault .....but after researching this, it seems like the problem has something to do with a hard reset AFTER the cyan update.

It definitely sees the SIM card because if I remove the SIM card, the error says no SIM present.
I tried Nokia Software Recovery, Retail, Hard Reset, Soft Reset, standing on one leg reset.....

Only thing I have not yet tried is THROWING IT AGAINST THE WALL!!!

I really regret spending another $250 to get the screen repaired!!!

Also have been very disappointed by the lack of support. I went to the Microsoft Store and they didn't even know who COULD fix the cracked screen. If MS wants to be a device company, they better have support figured out. This is not like OS updates they can just push out on you when they feel like it.

Just bought this POS 2 months ago and have had nothing but problems with overheating, lock screen issues, touch sensitivity is annoying when it thinks you clicked instead of swiped, can't attach a damn PDF to a reply email, WTF?!!

Fortunately, there's some good alternatives coming up. Counting this Craplet as a loss on the business books and moving on!

Looking forward to the new iPhone, can't be any worse than this!
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I was also having the same problem but managed to take-off the plane. It is purely a sim problem & not of any hardware or software problem of Nokia. I was having another sim, which I replaced in my Lumia 1520 & my problem got solved. Yesterday , I have updated to 8.1. Thanks MS.
H S Virdi
I was also having the same problem but managed to take-off the plane. It is purely a sim problem & not of any hardware or software problem of Nokia. I was having another sim, which I replaced in my Lumia 1520 & my problem got solved. Yesterday , I have updated to 8.1. Thanks MS.
H S Virdi

I don't think this is a SIM card problem. If it was, the phone would still exit airplane mode even without a SIM card inserted. The problem exhibited in this thread shows that the phone will not exit airplane mode with or without a SIM card inserted, which makes me think it's not related to the SIM at all.
I don't think this is a SIM card problem. If it was, the phone would still exit airplane mode even without a SIM card inserted. The problem exhibited in this thread shows that the phone will not exit airplane mode with or without a SIM card inserted, which makes me think it's not related to the SIM at all.

My phone doesn't have this problem and I can't comment on the cause, but there is a big flow in your logic.

A bad SIM card with no contact (or very poor contact that cuts off major crickets) will not function as a SIM card. In such a case, you will get the same result, no matter if you take the SIM out or keep it inside the phone, because the phone doesn't have a SIM card anyways.
My phone doesn't have this problem and I can't comment on the cause, but there is a big flow in your logic.

A bad SIM card with no contact (or very poor contact that cuts off major crickets) will not function as a SIM card. In such a case, you will get the same result, no matter if you take the SIM out or keep it inside the phone, because the phone doesn't have a SIM card anyways.

I think you're mistaken here, actually. There's a video earlier in this thread that shows exactly what this problem is. On Windows phone (and I think most phones) you can turn airplane mode off and, regardless of the condition of the SIM, it will stay off. If I had a bad SIM card in my phone, airplane mode would still turn off but I would just get no cell signal. A damaged or completely dead SIM card would make the phone behave like there's no SIM in it at all. Either way, the behavior shown in the previous video is not normal under any circumstances. But none of this matters anyway...to rule out the SIM card I got a brand new one from AT&T and the problem is still there.
I think you're mistaken here, actually. There's a video earlier in this thread that shows exactly what this problem is. On Windows phone (and I think most phones) you can turn airplane mode off and, regardless of the condition of the SIM, it will stay off. If I had a bad SIM card in my phone, airplane mode would still turn off but I would just get no cell signal. A damaged or completely dead SIM card would make the phone behave like there's no SIM in it at all. Either way, the behavior shown in the previous video is not normal under any circumstances. But none of this matters anyway...to rule out the SIM card I got a brand new one from AT&T and the problem is still there.

As said before, my phone doesn't have this problem and I can't comment on the cause, but you can't rule out the SIM by taking out the SIM, as you suggested in your previous post. That logic has a big flow.

The only way to rule out the SIM is to use a good SIM ( a card that you know it's good by testing in another phone). If the problem remains, then you can rule out the SIM, which you are correctly suggesting in your last (this) post. We all can learn by following good logic.
I have tried to recreate this bug but the Airplane mode is fine on my UK 937, both before and after Cyan update.

Can this be a software-bug in Cyan for some regions, or maybe a hardware-bug on some batches of 1520?.

i dont think it affects to some regions, because i have two 1520, and one of them is running 8.1 cyan. software bug affect to some batches maybe?
i dont think it affects to some regions, because i have two 1520, and one of them is running 8.1 cyan. software bug affect to some batches maybe?

Overcooking Intel Desktop CPUs have been my favorite hobby for a good while. Many Overcklokers forums have a thread for posting the overclock result and most people list the batch# too, because some batches tend to overclock better. After a little while such a thread will provide a good overview over how good/bad a specific batch is, and they vary a lot from batch to batch.

Maybe wee need a Lumia 1520 batch# thread too, where people can list the Airplane-mode bug or other apparently random differences. That will clear it out.

It would be nice to overclock this little monster too, but the Nokia BIOS is totally locked, at least for now.
As said before, my phone doesn't have this problem and I can't comment on the cause, but you can't rule out the SIM by taking out the SIM, as you suggested in your previous post. That logic has a big flow.

The only way to rule out the SIM is to use a good SIM ( a card that you know it's good by testing in another phone). If the problem remains, then you can rule out the SIM, which you are correctly suggesting in your last (this) post. We all can learn by following good logic.

You can rule out the SIM by taking it out because the problem happens with or without the SIM in the phone. If the phone was working properly, this definitely would NOT happen if there was no SIM in the phone. Similarly, if the problem was the SIM, it would go away when the SIM is not in the phone and you would get a standard "no SIM" symbol on the phone. You're not understanding.
As said before, my phone doesn't have this problem and I can't comment on the cause, but you can't rule out the SIM by taking out the SIM, as you suggested in your previous post. That logic has a big flow.

The only way to rule out the SIM is to use a good SIM ( a card that you know it's good by testing in another phone). If the problem remains, then you can rule out the SIM, which you are correctly suggesting in your last (this) post. We all can learn by following good logic.

As Weisman has said, there is no flaw in the logic here. If you dont have a sim in the phone, then it should come out of airplane mode into the normal phone mode, showing the "no sim card present" icon. As you can see from my video, it doesn't do this. Instead it flickers between the two modes until the battery dies or it overheats.
As Weisman has said, there is no flaw in the logic here. If you dont have a sim in the phone, then it should come out of airplane mode into the normal phone mode, showing the "no sim card present" icon. As you can see from my video, it doesn't do this. Instead it flickers between the two modes until the battery dies or it overheats.

That's a good point. Taking out the SIM doesn't solve the problem anyways, and that means it can't rule out the SIM either.

The only way to rule out the SIM is to recreate the problem with a good SIM. (by getting the same problem after replacing your SIM with a SIM that you know it works properly)

You guys who have this problem. Any of you is using a "catted" Micro SIM? (or other creative methods for squeezing a bigger SIM into the slot) or using a proper Nano SIM?
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That's a good point. Taking out the SIM doesn't solve the problem anyways, and that means it can't rule out the SIM either.

The only way to rule out the SIM is to recreate the problem with a good SIM. (by getting the same problem after replacing your SIM with a SIM that you know it works properly)

You guys who have this problem. Any of you is using a "catted" Micro SIM? (or other creative methods for squeezing a bigger SIM into the slot) or using a proper Nano SIM?

A proper Nano SIM. The SIM is not the cause of this problem

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