1520.3 airplane mode stuck

If the issue only available on WP8.1, WP8.0 is OK please try to replace USB cable (the cable have speaker, RF antenna, USB,...). I did it and it work fine.
Here is my explain, i am not sure it is right or wrong. On the sub Board on USB cable have 2 component DFE1520 (Antenna tunel). for WP8.1 in during start up, Processor check RFFE (RF Front End). If any component on RFFE Bus fail (Short, open circuit, not response,...), the Phone will show airplane mode and you can not turn off.
You can try to remove USB cable and power on the Phone, you can see
If the issue only available on WP8.1, WP8.0 is OK please try to replace USB cable (the cable have speaker, RF antenna, USB,...). I did it and it work fine.
Here is my explain, i am not sure it is right or wrong. On the sub Board on USB cable have 2 component DFE1520 (Antenna tunel). for WP8.1 in during start up, Processor check RFFE (RF Front End). If any component on RFFE Bus fail (Short, open circuit, not response,...), the Phone will show airplane mode and you can not turn off.
You can try to remove USB cable and power on the Phone, you can see

i don't have problem with DP windows phone 8.1 ، this problem happen when i update to cyan.
unfortunately the denim update doesn't fix this problem.

Seriously? ****. This was my last hope. I talked to MS twice again about this and they have not gotten back to me like they assured. I think I finally might be at the end of the line with this phone.
I solved this problem in my Nokia Lumia 1520

1. Do not remove the sim card and Connect the phone to charge wall
2. Turn off the phone, not unplug the charger. The phone take a moments for turn off
3. The phone start automatically without the problem

Sorry for my english, this is not my maternal language.

Please comment this solutions work for you

Man, I tried everything in this thread and even opened the phone up to check the signal antennas. THIS ACTUALLY WORKED!! As one poster mentioned, there's something going on with the daughterboard where the signals run into. Obviously plugging in the USB cable does something to the board that gets it working again. Needless to say, I'll be replacing that board anyways. Thanks so much!
hey friends lumia 520 stuck in flight mode, is that a hardware issue because i tried every possible software recovery solutions so anyone fixed this please reply on this thread
I am in the same situation too. Lumia 830 RM-983 trap in airplane model, no way to use it. Is there someone to help me get old 8.0 firmware? I get this phone with part condition and ex-owner did this upgrade. Someone can help me? Thanks.
Man, I tried everything in this thread and even opened the phone up to check the signal antennas. THIS ACTUALLY WORKED!! As one poster mentioned, there's something going on with the daughterboard where the signals run into. Obviously plugging in the USB cable does something to the board that gets it working again. Needless to say, I'll be replacing that board anyways. Thanks so much!

I second to this. tried the workaround posted in #59, and it does worked. but only after the phone reboots and shows the blue windows logo I unplug the cable. the method is about the same. and im talking about the same 1520 phone which i replaced its board couple months back.

maybe it does have something to do with usb thingy as explained in post #61 after all.
as expected, my phone has been returned in a non working state and Nokia are not much help when I called them either. Basically they are saying that there is damage to the pcb in the corner near the microsd card and that was caused by liquid.

I solved this problem in my Nokia Lumia 1520

1. Do not remove the sim card and Connect the phone to charge wall
2. Turn off the phone, not unplug the charger. The phone take a moments for turn off
3. The phone start automatically without the problem

It's really some problem arround the microSD card. I noticed that my 520 came back to work after the microSD card was removed. I tried another one and the lumia stuck into airplane mode again. Now that it stoped working completly, even without the card, I tried what jcsuarezm wrote and it's working again, I think not for much long. Also, the volume buttons don't work, showing a empty grey bar on top, and if I lock the screen , it turns off after a while.
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Holy crap guys, I fixed it. I had given up completely on this but was going to try installing the Windows 10 Mobile Preview on this phone, because why not? I have ZERO other options. I can go over all of the steps I went through trying to fix this problem but the one thing I (inadvertently) did to fix it was letting the phone completely die where it shut off on it's own and won't turn on again. At this point, when you plug a charger in, the Windows logo blinks because it doesn't have enough power to boot the phone. I plugged in an old HP TouchPad charger I have (also the same as the one from the Palm Pre) and waited for the phone to boot. The big difference here is that this particular charger powers up phones much faster than typical wall chargers do. Once the phone booted up, the airplane mode problem was completely gone. I put my SIM card in and verified that the phone had an LTE connection. I even completely reset it and restored from a backup of my 930 and it's still working. I think something about letting the phone completely die in combination with the more powerful charger forced something to start working again. Maybe I would have had the same results if I had opened the phone up and disconnected the battery, who knows. Regardless, my 1520.3 is working again and that's something I never thought would happen.
^^^ Spec on that should be: "Output 5.3v, 2.0A" so it is slightly higher voltage... 2 amp being quite common.
^^^ Spec on that should be: "Output 5.3v, 2.0A" so it is slightly higher voltage... 2 amp being quite common.

Yep you're right. Looked at the Nokia wall charger and it has 5V and 1.3A output. It's definitely beefier and has always charged phones quicker than any other wall chargers I've used. Now I just need to decide what to do with these phones. I've got 2 yellow 1520s (one a 1520.3, one a regular 1520 with WM10), a green 1520, and a black 930. I'm swimming in phones over here.
Yep you're right. Looked at the Nokia wall charger and it has 5V and 1.3A output. It's definitely beefier and has always charged phones quicker than any other wall chargers I've used. Now I just need to decide what to do with these phones. I've got 2 yellow 1520s (one a 1520.3, one a regular 1520 with WM10), a green 1520, and a black 930. I'm swimming in phones over here.

People seem hungry for 1520 right now...

You could pick the one 1520 you want for yourself (I'd pick the yellow 1520.3... Oh wait, I already did.) and put the others in Marketplace. Keep the 930 for a backup.

Marketplace Rules & Guidelines - Mobile Nations Forums
There's really a demand for the 1520 right now? I thought that pretty much all but disappeared. I'm definitely keeping the 1520.3 and the 930, I'm still torn between which one I like more. The size of the 930 is more manageable and there aren't any ghost taps/spazz outs like the 1520, but there's something about the 6" screen that's awesome. I'll probably sell the regular yellow AT&T 1520 because I don't think I can part with the Hulk green. Might go back and forth as far as a daily driver is concerned.
Interesting. I just restored my yellow AT&T 1520 back to 8.1 with the Windows Phone Recovery tool, so I guess I have a phone to sell now. Going to keep the 1520.3 (might make my daily driver), the green 1520, and the 930.

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