1520 Bootloop

Team Corsair

New member
Dec 20, 2016
I've had my 1520 for years, switched to the Note 4 when I was about to go into active duty. I'm flat done with android and trying to go back to my 1520 without going to AT&T. So I unlocked my 1520 through At&T with the intent of going to MetroPCS. Since then, constant bootloop after roughly 2 minutes. Battery drain, soft reset, hard reset, nothing. Tried the Windows Device Recovery Tool and it's not even detected. All sorts of different USB's, different ports, and different computers. Even my Macbook Air dual booted isn't registering it. The amount of time the phone is on, I try to connect to WiFi as well and nothing shows up for networks. Any ideas?
Bueller? Bueller?

So I bought a SIM from MetroPCS and stuck that bad boy in there. Same issue. Endless boot loop, but now it at least has an LTE network showing up. Still no WiFi, and soft/hard resets do nothing. Completely unable to connect to any of my computers.
Last I remember using WDRT though, when I hit the not discovered, it didn't give me the option to manually chose my hardware. I don't believe it's updated since I've last used it either
Last I remember using WDRT though, when I hit the not discovered, it didn't give me the option to manually chose my hardware. I don't believe it's updated since I've last used it either

Current version is 3.11.34101

Choose "Device not detected" > Lumia > goes to "connect device" screen > from device being turned off, hold Power until it vibrates, immediately release Power and hold Volume Up until the "Lightning Bolt and Gear" screen shows and release Volume Up > only then connect the device to USB.

Still nope

I'm still not licked. :cool:

Next up > download this tool: USBDeview > extract the folder > inside the folder, right click the .exe > run as admin > comb the list of USB drivers and delete any marked "Nokia" or "Lumia"

Plug the 1520 in to the USB and let it load a fresh set of drivers > attempt WDRT again
After some charging, I get this:

I swear I'm not trolling, but this is actually kind of funny to me. It's almost justifying the purchase of the Elite x3, but I'd rather save money and salvage this
Can you boot into Flashing Mode (Lightning Bolt & Gear) and try the WDRT again?

I'm going to see if I can get some others in here looking at this thread.
No bananas again :-P Device still can not be found according to WDRT. for kicks I even looked around device manager since I believe I've read that the USB controller might state Nokia around there. No dice. I'm not ready to give up! I could mail it to you to fiddle around with :-D
WDRT finally worked. It connected when the 1520 first displayed "Nokia" then it was discovered and took off. Files downloaded and installed on the phone, restarted the phone but no WiFi still. Went to settings to see if I could turn it on...then it froze for a second and restarted. Exactly where I left off. This seems like hardware failure now
I bought the x3. I do miss my 1520, but not enough to look back disregarding this masterpiece. Thank you all for the effort! Honestly though, I'd love to resolve it. My wife wants the phone and it's hard to say no (I'm a sucker...I know.) If anyone wants to take a crack at it, let me know.

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Team Corsair: after buying my Lumia 950XL, I abandoned my unlocked AT&T 1520. Not too long ago, I came back to it, but it started behaving exactly as you described. I got frustrated and abandoned it a second time. Recently I turned it on and to my surprise It's functioning properly. Try yours again. I didn't do any of the solutions given in the forum. It connects to wi-fi and I'm using it to send this message.
Oh, oh! It appears I spoke too soon. My 1520 has gone back to the perpetual rebooting mode. Somebody please help.

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