2500mAh battery for Lumia 820!

Pretty harsch comment based on one post "Hey that's it.stock battery is better than the 2500Mpj battery", considering some have experienced better running times from it. I am Running the MPJ battery now for the first time today (remind you on the Samsung Ativ), but well see what kind of feeling I will get about it. These battery things are quite subjective I think. I bought a new original Samsung battery about a month ago, and there was a clear difference on the battery had been using for over a 6 months, it had been weared out so much.

For an argument sake, if the MPJ battery would be tha same as the original battery, then its actally a good purchase, as these are much cheaper than original batteries. But anywys, I will report back when I have some cycles on this battery.
I was also considering buying a better battery for my 820. I browsed Mugen's site and saw they had a 1800 battery on offer for the 820, I said great ! Then I saw the battery wasn't the same size as the stock 1650 one so it wasn't worth all the extra weight and thickness.

THEN I saw they had a 3600 mah (o_O !!!) with the same dimensions as their 1800 one. Now that I thought whas a good trade. But the battery was what, over 150 $ ?
I have been now running this MPJ battery for few days on my Ativ S. I have to say that I havent had a normal working day, which is the best test for me.

However the initial feel is that it lasts about the same as stock battery. The 2300mAh > 2800mAh bumb isnt of course then there, but on the otherhand, for this price its a good replacement for the stock battery.

I will have better and maybe more accurate feel next week. And as you probably gathered, I dont use battery meter apps.
This was a double post. However I must add to whats below, that I am very familiar with all eBay batteries and things like that, so I do know enough and usually dont even bother to check any of them out. I had few Mugens also in the past!
Ok I like this MPJ battery for my Ativ. I bought a new stock battery from Finland just few months ago, the difference to the 8 month old stock battery was clear. Now I seriously feel this MPJ is even better than that new stock one. Today has not been to most intensive day with the phone, but still, many calls, text/email/facebook messaging, checking feed, checking calendar. I use my phone a lot, I never get 2 days out my device. I had to sell my Lumia 920 because I had to charge it usually around 7pm, and I need a full day, which I got from the Ativ S. Today phone was taken of charger 8:20 am and I put few albums to the SD about 10 am, then phone was plugged in maybe 5 minutes.

I also always try to be very careufull in the beginning with full cycling the new battery. Like I did now this, but this should not affect my comparison because I also did the same with the new stock battery I bought recently.

I would buy this again. Im in same lines with others who find the MPJ battery good and running time even better than the original. I dont like to advertise as I cant quarantee about concictency and other things, but for sure will keep the brand in mind for future.

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I always do a full charge and let it go totally empty or almost empty. I guess most important is the 100% charge. I do it minimum 5 times or so, but I try to do it as much as possible. Letting the battery go empty shouldnt be a problem as these have security cutt off. I let this MPJ one go fully empty once and when I immediately plugged it in, the battery icon with red minimal charge sign appeared on the screen and it took a few seconds to get enough power to boot. This was intresting as I never had that with my Ativ S and Samsung stock battery on 0. Lumia users probably know what Im talking about ;) as it seems tobe the norm when Lumia battery goes to 0. I remember sometimes I had to keep my L920 for an hour in charger to get it back up.

Size was identical to the stock one, also weight was about 0,40 gr lighter than the stock. I dont remember I checked this when it arrived. I have a very accurate small scale.

Also tested really quickly to connect with NFC tag on some advertisement in the street, nothing happened. So most likely as expected the NFC antenna is not in the battery.
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i just checked out at the MPJ official site and the shipment is available to India now.
I bought one of these and did not really expect it to have a higher capacity but I figured the battery life on my 820 is so bad maybe my OEM one was no good anymore so for the price it was worth it. After using it for over a week and many full charge/recharge cycles I can say it's no better and maybe a little worse than my OEM one. I'm down to <40% in under 6 hrs with minimal usage. For the price it's a good spare battery but definitely not as advertised. Maybe they calculate mAH different in China.
I think ill have to buy one soon.. My battery needs to be charged twice these days...
I've been using this battery for couple of weeks, and haven't seen any improvements. However, it's ok as backup battery.

i just checked out at the MPJ official site and the shipment is available to India now.

i checked that but they have some different type of payment system, which doesn't accept payment through Indian bank's Debit cards......
If you have more info please share .... I'm really gonna buy this battery, cus with Original Nokia battery i've to charge 2-3 a day with all time 3G on....
Hmm then try entropay they allow u to create a virtual credit card.by paying some fees.bing entropay.

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