50% smart phone owners download no apps a month - is an app gap the problem?

comScore has been saying for a while that people don't use a lot of apps. Certain key apps and fad apps are what has historically hurt Windows Phone. Some revisionist history has led people to believe that the problem is worse now than it was before. It's bad now. It was bad back then. Still, we've reached a point where people expect an app to just be there.
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Still, we've reached a point where people expect an app to just be there.

I believe this is the key here. From what I see, I don't think the situation with apps has changed much, for better or for worse. I think our expectations are changed, in that as time goes on, more and more we expect an app to just be there.
99% of every day I'm using the built in functionality of a phone
Skype for Business

A few apps for a few sites I like such as Windows Central are things I use each day
I do have apps but they are infrequent such as banking or investments, which are mostly handled on a PC.
So someone gives me a check. I'm supposed to take it home so I can use my scanner? That's as inconvenient as driving to the bank.

Deposit a Check from Your Home Computer Using Online BankingUse DepositPoint in Online Banking to safely, securely, and conveniently deposit checks electronically using your flat-bed scanner or all-in-one printer.

Sure, and why not? Since my bank instituted it, I've used it 3 times. Launch their app and log in. tap deposit and it launches a scanner. Scan both sides and Boom, done.
To be honest, the toughest part is the shredding of a paper check made out to you!
But you verify the money is there, (takes a few days) and the paper check become worthless. It saves a trip and for me, its worth it.
Sure, and why not? Since my bank instituted it, I've used it 3 times. Launch their app and log in. tap deposit and it launches a scanner. Scan both sides and Boom, done.
To be honest, the toughest part is the shredding of a paper check made out to you!
View attachment 130606
But you verify the money is there, (takes a few days) and the paper check become worthless. It saves a trip and for me, its worth it.

I think that was a joke off of your joke. =P

In all seriousness though, I don't use many apps either, and the only one I really feel I am missing (besides local TV stations news and weather app) is a Capital One banking app. I don't get many checks, but it is inconvenient each time I do get one to drive out of my way to go to the ATM.
I think that was a joke off of your joke. =P

In all seriousness though, I don't use many apps either, and the only one I really feel I am missing (besides local TV stations news and weather app) is a Capital One banking app. I don't get many checks, but it is inconvenient each time I do get one to drive out of my way to go to the ATM.

That's me. I don't get a lot of checks either and I got one about 30 bucks. I said I would just drive by and deposit it but my bank isn't in any of my daily jaunts. So the scan thing was a plus for those occasional checks.
That's me. I don't get a lot of checks either and I got one about 30 bucks. I said I would just drive by and deposit it but my bank isn't in any of my daily jaunts. So the scan thing was a plus for those occasional checks.
I don't get a lot of checks either, but it's more convenient to take a picture using a mobile app than scanning check using desktop PC and scanner.
Back to the OP, I'm not sure that measuring how many apps per month a user downloads is a good metric. I have many apps on my devices that I use all the time, and yet I seldom download apps. I already have them installed; how would I download them?
99% of every day I'm using the built in functionality of a phone
Skype for Business

A few apps for a few sites I like such as Windows Central are things I use each day
I do have apps but they are infrequent such as banking or investments, which are mostly handled on a PC.

Same here.
I don't get a lot of checks either, but it's more convenient to take a picture using a mobile app than scanning check using desktop PC and scanner.

I was talking about a mobile app. Surely you didn't think I was talking about one of these. :)


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