I was a bit disappointed by the little tripod I bought, but what can you expect for less than $5 from China delivered? Every time I either tapped the screen or depressed the camera button, it bounced like a 9 year old on a trampoline. All of the long exposure (night shot) pictures I took with it came out more blurry than when I hand held it. All was not lost, however. The part that holds the camera screws onto my big boy tripod, so I got some decent shots with that. There is still some bounce, but not nearly as much. I'm going to have to work on that some more. Here as some night shots I took tonight with it. All were taken in ProShot mostly on automatic, but with manual focus. A few were cropped in Gimp.I love this little camera phone.
A copper Frog
f 2.4, ISO 1250, 1/8s, cropped and contrast enhanced in Gimp, because a bright light to the left and behind the frog washed out the picture.

City Hall
f 2.4, ISO 640, 1/20s, original shot was not level, so I leveled it in Gimp and cropped.

The wine shop
f 2.4, ISO 200, 1.8s

The fountain
f2.4, ISO 640, 1/20s, shot leveled in GIMP


More Lights
f2.4, ISO 800, 1/10s