6sec glitches


New member
Nov 10, 2011
I have a few issues that aren't addressed by a clean install. Curious if others have the same issues or maybe more...

1. Facebook Connect doesn't seem to do anything. I initialize it, I get a screen about a code and seemingly nothing I can do, cannot see the code. I back out and reattempt and it is stuck showing "Facebook Connect" at the top.

2. The "Following" page won't load at all. I cannot even see a list of people I'm following.

3. Find people on your phone. This sends back a completely random list of people I have zero connection with. Useless.

I really love the App, but these are actually kinda big issues. :/. I did email them about 2 & 3.
I wonder if this is hardware related? Maybe your phone doesn't have the minimum requirements for this app?
Facebook changed their security today so it broke the connection with Facebook on this and 6tag, Rudy has already submitted an update
I have a 1020. :P

Ahh, makes sense. I remembered the FB sync working a week or two ago. I deleted the App to see if a fresh install would fix the issue with not seeing who I'm following and then it didn't work at all.

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