6th defective device [story over, wont try 7th time sorry nokia]

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Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

I'm on my TENTH 1520!!! I sent the first 9 back because somehow Nokia QC messed up and one changed colors from yellow to red! The last phone I had developed a tiny scratch and when I peeled it away, lo and behold, it was really a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 disguised as a 1520! Sneaky sneaky Nokia/MS but I'm catching on to your tricks!
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

on a side joke, the 6th device should arrive today but they shipped it to someone else. so they will ship it again tomorrow (same device). when it come i will let u know.

if people still thing i dont own the devices or i forged them or what ever. hey i still own the last device that i will return. so u might want to see some demonstration or something.

Maybe you could make a demonstration showing how you pierce your *sixth* L1520 polycarbonate plastic with your nails. :smile:
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

Victim of white dot on my replacement device, initial one had heating issues.
Contacted nokia through chat and they have arranged a pickup within next 4 hours.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

Do you have a photo of where the white dot is? When you say heating how bad was it and were your on 8.1

Also you do realize that all phones get very hot when they are being worked. What were you doing when the phone was heating. What was your last phone?

Victim of white dot on my replacement device, initial one had heating issues.
Contacted nokia through chat and they have arranged a pickup within next 4 hours.
The phone shuts down when it gets too hot doesn't it.

Every smartphone I've ever had will 1) shut down or 2) force reboot which most of the time leads to a boot loop. If stuck in an overheating bootloop let it loop and put it in a freezer (android trick). You could possibly face where the phone wont shut down.
I do know the snapdragons on most Android phones will throttle if it gets over a certain temp but idk if the WP kernels are set up the same way but im pretty sure they are.
another thing that can happen is the cores getting stuck wide open (common problem on the G2) and will lead to a thermal runaway (this is why I like a removable battery) but in most cases the phone will just reboot into a boot loop hence the freezer trick.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

I've seen core temps in the 140f range screwing with over clocking and kernel settings,(gotta love making a snapdragon 600 pull over 22k on Antuttu) I need to look in my settings on my HTC one but I want to say performance throttling is set around 130f on the kernel im using on it.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

When I had my Xperia Z1 it was overcooked and boy did it get hot. I think it was worse because it was glass. I had on one occasion on my 1520 when it heated up after Cortana got stuck and while it was very hot it was nowhere near as hot as phones can get.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

When I had my Xperia Z1 it was overcooked and boy did it get hot. I think it was worse because it was glass. I had on one occasion on my 1520 when it heated up after Cortana got stuck and while it was very hot it was nowhere near as hot as phones can get.

People would be surprised if they ever measured there phone when it was what they thought was hot and it would only be 110-115 degrees. Think about it, water in a jacuzzi on average is 105 and that's pretty dam hot when you first try to get in it. A cars leather seats in the sun is about a buck 20 so when your phone hits thermal threshold trust me you will know it.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

I measured mine when it was overheating it got well above 132 degrees on the case protector. I shut it off and let it cool before trying again. I had it flashed back to 8.0 then reinstalled 8.1 all seems normal now for almost a month.


Sent from my RM-940_nam_att_200 using Tapatalk
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

Do you have a photo of where the white dot is? When you say heating how bad was it and were your on 8.1

Also you do realize that all phones get very hot when they are being worked. What were you doing when the phone was heating. What was your last phone?

Strange that in screenshots it wont show the dot. Its only seen when i have light theme applied.
Heating issue was with the earlier lumia 1520 - Even the back gadget shieldz cover use to smell like burning which is not happening with the replacement device. Mostly happened while playing games or sometimes randomly. Nokia technicians confirmed it was a faulty device.

I have used other lumia devices as well and i know they all get little hot but mine was unusual.
Currently i am using lumia 625 that nokia has provided me as a spare phone.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

Strange that in screenshots it wont show the dot. Its only seen when i have light theme applied.
Heating issue was with the earlier lumia 1520 - Even the back gadget shieldz cover use to smell like burning which is not happening with the replacement device. Mostly happened while playing games or sometimes randomly. Nokia technicians confirmed it was a faulty device.

I have used other lumia devices as well and i know they all get little hot but mine was unusual.
Currently i am using lumia 625 that nokia has provided me as a spare phone.

They won't show in screen shots, only when you take a photo of the phone.

My note 3 used to smell as well when it got really hot but I was putting that down to being overclocked and made of plastic.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

ok, as if now phone is with nokia so maybe they will just replace the screen.
Will update on it as soon i get a revert by monday or wednesday.

Mine had no alterations or not even tons of games or applications running on background.
Looks like its better to purchase extended warranty for this phone.
Re: 5th defective device

In the computer business, we call that, 'PIBKAC.' -- Problem in Between Keyboard and Computer.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

They won't show in screen shots, only when you take a photo of the phone.

My note 3 used to smell as well when it got really hot but I was putting that down to being overclocked and made of plastic.

Ahhhh the smells of power :-) and the days of oh hell I hope she boots hahahah.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

I have had my 1520 for 6 months and I have had no problems with it. The screen, sound and everything else works fine.

Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

The odds of purchasing 5 bad phones in a row is next to none. I would be questioning the source of the phones.

Is there no local places to purchase the 1520?

Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

The sound poping is normal. It does that to me sometimes on the 1020. But it's very brief and only does it on some videos. Do not replace because of that! You may get a real problem if you replace it again!

Totally agreed on this one.

The popping sound has hardly anything to do with the speaker. It appears to be more of a software glitch. I occasionally get this with my new 1520 if I have a song playing with lot of ambient noise, or just high dynamics. To my reckoning, it only occurs when playing tunes via the @XBox Music & Videos app AND streaming the audio. When I play my device-stored iTunes collection, or a movie, a Netflix show, or use any other app, including my own recorded stuff, the issue is not there. That is exactly it has more to do with the software. Definitely not a speaker issue.
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