6th defective device [story over, wont try 7th time sorry nokia]

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Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

yes i am forging all this to make nokia look bad. if the 6th lumia is defective that will be the last of me. of course i will post whats wrong as well.

Here's the thing slick, if the defect rate was that high you wouldn't be the only one crying, there would be wide spread reports. Like people have said before stop buying phones from those places most of them are either clones or "B" stock, why do you think there so cheap, you get what you pay for.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

yes i am forging all this to make nokia look bad. if the 6th lumia is defective that will be the last of me. of course i will post whats wrong as well.

What proof have you given, all I see is a phone with a bright spot and a recording that a 5 year old could fabricate. I still don't see any evidence that you got 5 phones.

Personally I think there should be some sort of imei register when your registering on here and without it you can't bull**** everyone about your non existent phone. Yes I know you posted a photo of your phone but here have a look at my learjet 45, now I don't remember buying it but it must be mine because I have posted a photo of it.


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Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

What proof have you given, all I see is a phone with a bright spot and a recording that a 5 year old could fabricate. I still don't see any evidence that you got 5 phones.

Personally I think there should be some sort of imei register when your registering on here and without it you can't bull**** everyone about your non existent phone. Yes I know you posted a photo of your phone but here have a look at my learjet 45, now I don't remember buying it but it must be mine because I have posted a photo of it.

You should have got the red and yellow one, it seems faster. LOL 😁

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520 using Tapatalk
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

By the way if the moderators are thinking of closing this thread please don't. He has the rope so might as well let him tie the Knott.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

You should have got the red and yellow one, it seems faster. LOL ��

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520 using Tapatalk

No because with the black I can think I'm in a Blackbird over Russia.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

i bet your next and last device will have that poping/static sound too, every 1520 i had in my hands had it, some more, some less.

Oh no! Is this a common issue? Cuz it happens all the time on my 8X, and I was hoping that it was a hardware issue so I could just get another device and it wouldn't be there...
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

well, at least it seems to be a common issue on the lumia 1520.
i kinda got used to it now, so it doesnt bother me anymore :)
The sad thing about the story is, that Nokia's "built quality" is the worst i ever seen on a Phone.
The Lumia 1520 is my 7th or 8th Lumia and probably my last, because every single on of them had Issues.

My first one was a Lumia 800: touchscreen defect

second one was the replacement, which was in retrospect the best Lumia i ever had (quality wise)

third one was a Lumia 900: vibra motor rattled like hell, and sounded pretty bad, but i lived with it

fouth one was the Lumia 920: again vibra motor rattle (worse than the 900) and loose battery (as soon as you tilted the device, you could hear and feel a "click" when the battery moved inside the case)

fifth one was another Lumia 920 (replacement): defective usb-port, right out of the box

sixth one was another Lumia 920 (2nd replacement) vibra rattle (like all 920's i had) but i lived with it, since the rest seemed to be ok. 5 months later, the phone killed it self by overheating, after i turned it on. the phone was turned of over night, and when i turned it on in the morning, it freeze and became pretty hot at the back, when i finaly was able to turn it off, it was dead.

Then i tried my seventh Lumia. The Lumia 925:again vibra rattle, and the speaker was crackling when playing sounds.
I thought "thats it, thats was my last Lumia EVER!!" i brought it back, and bought a Samsung ATIV S, which i was happy with, untill i saw the Lumia 1520.....

I thought i give Nokia a last chance with the 1520 and ordered it..
I will keep it, but this is for sure the last Phone i will ever buy from Nokia....
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

I guess #7 was perfect but got lost in shipping hahahaha
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

I guess #7 was perfect but got lost in shipping hahahaha

on a side joke, the 6th device should arrive today but they shipped it to someone else. so they will ship it again tomorrow (same device). when it come i will let u know.

if people still thing i dont own the devices or i forged them or what ever. hey i still own the last device that i will return. so u might want to see some demonstration or something.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

Exactly as I thought, and "#6" will have a sticky power or volume button.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

What proof have you given, all I see is a phone with a bright spot and a recording that a 5 year old could fabricate. I still don't see any evidence that you got 5 phones.

Personally I think there should be some sort of imei register when your registering on here and without it you can't bull**** everyone about your non existent phone. Yes I know you posted a photo of your phone but here have a look at my learjet 45, now I don't remember buying it but it must be mine because I have posted a photo of it.

Not that hard to confirm, just ask him to post the pic on his table with something you request. A banana with a sharpie mark. A paper towel folded like a tent, etc...
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

And what fun would that be?? Right now its like a game of charades
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

Not that hard to confirm, just ask him to post the pic on his table with something you request. A banana with a sharpie mark. A paper towel folded like a tent, etc...

Yeah I already asked him for a photo with something like my signature on here wrote on a piece of paper. I guess he will now be able to do the photo with both phones.

Still doesn't show that he got 6 phones in total though.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

It takes a special kind of genius to continue to re-order a phone ...

that he knows will come in w a defect.

Now that's perseverance, or Forest Gump.
Re: 5th defective device [6th on the way from amazon]

It takes a special kind of genius to continue to re-order a phone ...

that he knows will come in w a defect.

Now that's perseverance, or Forest Gump.

So true, if it were true.
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