Re: 5th defective device
I had to replace my first one, but the 2nd has been great (I think the first one may have been a defective sd card after reading this forum. But AT&T decided to change it.) I still think it's B&H has a problem. You should just order a iPhone and be happy. Oh BTW, my 1520 is unlocked, I can also put up with PMA charging, so that isn't really a problem. Stop buying from B&H, get the 1520.3 from Newegg or the Nigri<sp> both sell the 1520 UNLOCKED, and has had owners having fewer problems. You are creating the problem, I bet if you look hard enough at any phone, you will find something wrong. But B&H may be the USCC of Nokia. I think Samsung sent USCC all it's defective phones, because they sold them CHEAP... And USCC bought them to make money, hoping that the users didn't catch on. But it backfired on them.