6th defective device [story over, wont try 7th time sorry nokia]

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Re: 5th defective device

Do yourself a favor and get a jitterbug, I think you will find it more on your level.
Re: 5th defective device

I guess it's technically possible... but I've owned 4 Lumia 1520s and none of them had the issues you had. (if you're wondering why i've owned 4 it's because I bounced back and forth between the 1020 and the 1520 before deciding on the 1520. I'm an ***** for switching so much)
Re: 5th defective device

its funny no one is blaming nokia and all saying i'm the one to blame for what ever reason... any nokia representative can come and try to poke me and tell me that i am wrong or i should accept a device with such defect?
Re: 5th defective device

As sorry as this seems, when I was with US Cellular, I preordered the Samsung Galaxy S3.. Hottest phone on the market. I went through 5 defective S3's in just a month. They was going to send me a 6th one and I said forget it. I'll will forget the upgrade for now. It wasn't long after that, it was announced that USCC was selling the Chicagoland area to Sprint. Goodbye USCC and Hello AT&T and the Lumia 920....
Re: 5th defective device

its funny no one is blaming nokia and all saying i'm the one to blame for what ever reason... any nokia representative can come and try to poke me and tell me that i am wrong or i should accept a device with such defect?

I think what people are saying is that you are full of it. But you are somewhat entertaining.
Re: 5th defective device

its funny no one is blaming nokia and all saying i'm the one to blame for what ever reason... any nokia representative can come and try to poke me and tell me that i am wrong or i should accept a device with such defect?

Because maybe it isn't the phone or OS, but the place you are buying it from? From your picture, I would return it and look elsewhere to buy your phone, it is obvious to me they are sending you their returns instead of sending them back to Nokia.
Re: 4th defective device

I hear that...more than one replacement and my money would be going on something else. I bought a Lumia 1520 off a reputable seller on eBay and it's been peachy, a pleasure to use, but if I'd sent one back and got another dud in its place, well, that would be the end of that story.
Re: 5th defective device

Because maybe it isn't the phone or OS, but the place you are buying it from? From your picture, I would return it and look elsewhere to buy your phone, it is obvious to me they are sending you their returns instead of sending them back to Nokia.

i tried every seller. now i will go back to the lumia 1520.1 from amazon prime.
i dont have much options. i want the oneplus one... or the z2 other than those 2 alternatives i wouldn't buy anything else.
Re: 5th defective device

Its hard for me to believe that you have received so many defective devices . Did you emailed B& H sounds like they are reselling returned devices .
May be you are better off buying from ATT , Microsoft or Amazon if you don't care about unlocked device .

Posted via Windows Phone Central App
Re: 5th defective device

i wish i can, but i travel and i dislike all carrier branding on any device. this is why i like iphone and favor them with this. also qi charging is a missing feature!
hard to believe or not, i'm always expecting the next device to come defective no matter what i do. it is just how things are with lumia 1520. how many devices does it take to proof Nokia that they went into a scum quality control?
Re: 5th defective device

I had to replace my first one, but the 2nd has been great (I think the first one may have been a defective sd card after reading this forum. But AT&T decided to change it.) I still think it's B&H has a problem. You should just order a iPhone and be happy. Oh BTW, my 1520 is unlocked, I can also put up with PMA charging, so that isn't really a problem. Stop buying from B&H, get the 1520.3 from Newegg or the Nigri<sp> both sell the 1520 UNLOCKED, and has had owners having fewer problems. You are creating the problem, I bet if you look hard enough at any phone, you will find something wrong. But B&H may be the USCC of Nokia. I think Samsung sent USCC all it's defective phones, because they sold them CHEAP... And USCC bought them to make money, hoping that the users didn't catch on. But it backfired on them.
Re: 5th defective device

LOL, just as OP predicted with 100% certainty, the fifth 1520 is defective. 1520's are crap devices or OP is full of it. Occam's Razor answers the question. Like the other poster above said, thanks for the entertainment!
Re: 5th defective device

hey Fawzib,

So your 5th Nokia Lumia 1520 was also defective ??

What was in the package, what was included ? What RM-xxx did you buy ?

... and it does or does NOT have QI wireless charging ?

BTW - I bought my Lumia 1520 off eBay, but, unlike you, I communicated with the seller before purchase (I'm proficient writing in English). Bought it from a B&M in New York ... works perfectly. RM-940 for AT&T & it's unlocked (NOW, got the code from AT&T).:grin:
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Re: 5th defective device

i tried every seller. now i will go back to the lumia 1520.1 from amazon prime.
i dont have much options. i want the oneplus one... or the z2 other than those 2 alternatives i wouldn't buy anything else.

So you have bought 5 devices(you claim) and now your going to go back to the one from amazon. So how many 1520's do you have?

Why can't you prove that you bought 5 of them. Simply write my signature from here on a piece of paper and take a photo of the phones with the piece of paper in the foreground or show us the different delivery notices.

I won't hold my breath though if you don't mind.
Re: 5th defective device

its funny no one is blaming nokia and all saying i'm the one to blame for what ever reason... any nokia representative can come and try to poke me and tell me that i am wrong or i should accept a device with such defect?

So what was the defect on #5?
Bad speaker he says but seems very handy that this time it is a problem that he can't photo. He also says that he can't get a good signal on it.

Lmao 😂. Windows phone central contest, what will be "wrong" with number 6? I got bad pixels. Anyone else?
Re: 5th defective device

I was trained as a auto mechanic before I got into computers. But the biggest problems with cars, seemed to be the loose nut behind the wheel. (For those that need a bigger hint, steering wheel) LoL
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