Following 8.1 install and a clear out of all music from SD card, followed by placing 3 albums on it I have issues. Whilst I can see the 3 new albums and play them, I also have listed some of the removed albums (not sure if all or not). In trying to play them it will just crap out to main screen, on shuffle it will end on one of the 3 albums which do exist and start to play.
Looked at the SD and the card defo only has the 3 albums. Issue however is on the phone storage side under music I can see these album files (they seem to be files and not folders). Issue is can't remove them as protected and can't change protection. Also phone storage reports 0kb on music.
Very annoying, any solution bar hard resetting etc.
Well I reset my phone (Icon) before I added my music to wp8.1 also. This did not happen to me, id say reset again.
Also when I really jumped into Xbox Music, I deleted everything out of my cloud collection on the W8 app, and downloaded everything I wanted from the XBM store. I then added my own songs not in the store, (fill in song name, artists, and ALBUM, otherwise it will not sync right to your WP from W8), and finally made playlists.