So, while the old music hub wasn't perfect, but at least it worked properly. The new hub crashes most of the time and when it doesn't it seems to not find newly added music on my phone or at least takes days to find it (you heard right, I added a song yesterday morning and it just showed up this afternoon.).
But my biggest gripe is that I can no longer queue songs. I usually just hit the "shuffle" button to listen to my music. When I decide to listen to a specific song I used to just open the app, keep my finger on the song and select "add to current playlist". It would then queue the song next on line and keep on with the shuffle afterwards. Either I am doing something wrong or this is no longer working. When I add a song, it gets added to the playlist at the very end. I can't even go to the "edit playlist" mode (which is really the only improvement over the old hub) and move the song up to be next cause the playlist is not saved. So, right now I have to stop the current playback or just start playing the song instantly, which results in only that song playing, I'd have to restart shuffle afterwards.
Please tell me I'm just missing something...