We have been in contact with HP and will report on this topic once the device becomes available. We have already written about it coming to Verizon. We don't need to keep writing about that. Now, can you guys please act a little more your age? Thank you.
Geez Zac, who peed in your corn flakes this morning? Oh, well maybe that was me. My apologies for going personal on the age thing, it was uncalled for. But as for "already written about it coming to Verizon", my argument was (and still is) your coverage of it seems downright invisible compared to some of the other news stories and articles being posted to the main page. I know I could pull up at least 2 or 3 articles in recent months about Lumia phones that were nixed and never saw the light of day (hell, even a review was done on one.) However, outside of the news tidbit in July where it was posted as a question / possibility "May be Coming to Verizon", there has been zilch coverage of the the HP documentation being updated on their site or Verizon posting a page on their OpenDev site saying the HP Elite X3 is going to be compatible to the network (The site went live well over a month ago and apparently other readers said they sent info to the editors.) Hell, even the last Fall Creators story about W10M says "Perhaps" a CDMA version is inbound for Verizon. Instead there are a ton more articles about how to switch to Android. That's my qualm. Just that it's being very under reported. I get that it may not be a big deal to most people at this stage of the W10M game, but it's still a device plenty of others are looking forward to in the Windows world. Also, being that you guys cover the progress of countless other pieces of unreleased Windows Hardware/software ad nausea, you'd think this one would get a least a little more attention since a new Windows phone on the Verizon network, even at this point in time, is a pretty big deal.
Again, I don't mind being told to "act my age", based on my uncalled for insult. However, based on all the facts above, I don't appreciate being told I'm a liar about your lackluster coverage of a news story. If I had a nickel for all the repetitive posts on WindowsCentral.com covering every nuanced bit of info about the same piece of hardware or software as it travels through it's development cycle, I could have retired several years ago
That said, I won't be visiting the main home page any more to read "news" or articles. I'll use a different site. But I'm sure you were going to suggest I do that anyway. So I saved you some time
Have a great day!