A New Verizon version of the HP Elite X3 is coming in Mid-October

I also Googled "Verizon HP Elite X3" and a few new news stories popped up talking about some of the latest rumors that the phone will be available mid-Octobers as well. However, the interesting tidbit they all listed was that Verizon would be selling it online. I've heard that from no one, and even the Verizon technical rep I spoke to said this would not be sold by Verizon, but rather by HP directly.

I sometimes wonder if this forum is the source for some of these news articles. This group has done a lot out ground work.
I sometimes wonder if this forum is the source for some of these news articles. This group has done a lot out ground work.

I wouldn't be surprised. Most of them are Windows sites, possibly with some of the same readers and posters. Oddly enough, Windows Central isn't even reporting on it and it's a thread on their own site, HAHA!
I wouldn't be surprised. Most of them are Windows sites, possibly with some of the same readers and posters. Oddly enough, Windows Central isn't even reporting on it and it's a thread on their own site, HAHA!

I sent WC a tip back at the begining of June end of May about the FCC findings. Not sure why they never mentioned or replied on it then.
I sent WC a tip back at the begining of June end of May about the FCC findings. Not sure why they never mentioned or replied on it then.

I just tipped them a couple of days ago and sent along the URL of the page showing the phone on the Verizon site, along with the information posted here. Nothing...
First let me qualify this posting by stating this up front:

I don't like Apple iOS much and I hate Android., even though I have a LG V20 now. Every time I open it the lock screen, I have to keep from tossing it across the room.

I love the looks of the X3, and even though it is going on 2 year old hardware, I would still buy it in a heartbeat just on the hardware specs alone.

The one thing that is holding me back from setting aside money for the CDMA X3 version is Windows 10 Mobile. Now I have quite a bit invested in the MS mobile ecosystem, both in workflow planning and on apps purchased the last 3-4 years. So it isn't the software itself, that I love to use.

My biggest worry is MS Corporates' attitude and plans for "Mobile", specifically Nedalla. He should have never been made CEO imho due to his fixation on everything being pushed to the "cloud". He had no experience in hardware development from what I have been able to read about him, and he never wanted the Mobile devision to succeed to begin with. It would take away from his so-called "vision" of the path MS should take. He has boosted short-term stock prices, but at the expense of long-term market share positioning and mind-share among users/developers.

I can see MS pulling their standard MO of sell the device, then completely ignoring any support for it save people with HP-tied business accounts. They could just say here are the 10 or 15 apps we will support with the purchase of a HP software subscription contract. They would be not much more than limited scope feature phones.

I know what I am saying is not going to be well received. I want Win10 Mobile to succeed. It has some great potential, but right now I have to wonder if MS really cares about peoples' perception of how bad MS has treated their customer base with theor lack of interest beyond the quarterly balance records.
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Keep in mind another Microsoft habit: Providing security updates for an unreasonably long amount of time. It's likely even once Windows Mobile is officially retired, they will continue to provide updates for quite a while.

I'm not expecting the x3 to last forever, but I suspect it will last me until Microsoft decides what to do next with mobile, or some other party enters the competition.

Considering that I would rather go to a flip phone than go back to Android... More than happy to buy an Elite x3.
Same here. I'll buy the Elite X3 in a heartbeat. W10m does everything I need it to and then some. I don't use or need all those silly snappychat or game apps, etc. I don't do banking on my phone, and all the social media stuff I do (as limited as it is) is handled fine by Win 10. I can't stand using iOS and I can barely tolerate Android. I'll use Windows mobile for my phone until the wheels fall off or the "Surface" like phone finally materializes. (Or if for some reason my work or personal business requires a move to something else.) Even then I'd keep my W10m for my personal use device. To each their own!
Who knows how we'll (consumers) be able to purchase the VZ X3 or what will be the best way? Is HP.com/Microsoft.com confirmed? We recently changed carriers to a prepaid one and it seems like now the prepaid carrier (Cricket) might not cut it for us. We might end up going back to our roots VZ. I'm considering the X3 on VZ but I'll need to sell all my other gsm windows phones together to afford one outright. I have a Lumia icon still and could squeeze by on it till one drops in cheaper someplace I suppose.
Multiple people have confirmed microsoftstore.com with HP as the place to get this.
Thanks. I was afraid this might not be released the same way as the initial gsm market model and be restricted to certain business channels. I'm gonna hunt for a for sure date myself. We have estimates of October 10th. I suppose we'll see it for sure when it happens.
Thanks. I was afraid this might not be released the same way as the initial gsm market model and be restricted to certain business channels. I'm gonna hunt for a for sure date myself. We have estimates of October 10th. I suppose we'll see it for sure when it happens.

At the moment, the Microsoft Store is selling the AT&T X3 in a bundle with the dock for $599. Fingers crossed they provide something similar for the Verizon model.

We should hopefully know more in a week or so! I will reach out to Kevin again on Monday the 16th if no phone (or news) has surfaced by then.
Screenshots on this page suggest the MSRP for the phone itself is $699. Don't know if Microsoft will sell under that or not.
However, the interesting tidbit they all listed was that Verizon would be selling it online. I've heard that from no one, and even the Verizon technical rep I spoke to said this would not be sold by Verizon, but rather by HP directly.

I've seen cases of VZW "drop shipping" certain phone sales before, such as certain motorola devices. So I'm wondering if it will be handled that way?

Anyway, glad to see something to get excited over. Whatever the surface phone is, I'll finally have something to hold me over, and no WC Doom-n-gloom to get in my way.
Bear in mind JM, that article also comes through the Canalys forum, the same folks who just said Microsoft will ditch the Surface line by 2019 as well.
Gotta love how Windows Central is posting more about the "Elite x3 is dead" claims, and still not noticing that there's a new Elite x3 about to be released...
Gotta love how Windows Central is posting more about the "Elite x3 is dead" claims, and still not noticing that there's a new Elite x3 about to be released...

Seriously! The only reason I come to this site these days is for the forums, and to talk with the more mature Windows users. I rarely comment on the front page news story threads because it seems like 95% of those making comments are 15-year-old kids with nothing better to do than bad mouth others and call other people stupid all day.

Who wants to place a wager on how long it takes for Windows Central to acknowledge the HP Elite X3 on Verizon once it's released, if at all. I'd be shocked if they do it the same day.
They already mentioned it once. For stuff regarding W10M they wait until it is said and done now. They do not want to build more hype from their side.
They already mentioned it once. For stuff regarding W10M they wait until it is said and done now. They do not want to build more hype from their side.

When did they mention it? Are you referring to the stories back in July when all the certification news came out? If they did so more recently then I guess I missed it.

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