First let me qualify this posting by stating this up front:
I don't like Apple iOS much and I hate Android., even though I have a LG V20 now. Every time I open it the lock screen, I have to keep from tossing it across the room.
I love the looks of the X3, and even though it is going on 2 year old hardware, I would still buy it in a heartbeat just on the hardware specs alone.
The one thing that is holding me back from setting aside money for the CDMA X3 version is Windows 10 Mobile. Now I have quite a bit invested in the MS mobile ecosystem, both in workflow planning and on apps purchased the last 3-4 years. So it isn't the software itself, that I love to use.
My biggest worry is MS Corporates' attitude and plans for "Mobile", specifically Nedalla. He should have never been made CEO imho due to his fixation on everything being pushed to the "cloud". He had no experience in hardware development from what I have been able to read about him, and he never wanted the Mobile devision to succeed to begin with. It would take away from his so-called "vision" of the path MS should take. He has boosted short-term stock prices, but at the expense of long-term market share positioning and mind-share among users/developers.
I can see MS pulling their standard MO of sell the device, then completely ignoring any support for it save people with HP-tied business accounts. They could just say here are the 10 or 15 apps we will support with the purchase of a HP software subscription contract. They would be not much more than limited scope feature phones.
I know what I am saying is not going to be well received. I want Win10 Mobile to succeed. It has some great potential, but right now I have to wonder if MS really cares about peoples' perception of how bad MS has treated their customer base with theor lack of interest beyond the quarterly balance records.