Could have found that stuff through history in Edge as easily.
Actually the thing I think I'll use more is Share to Nearby. Always finding something I want to share with my wife, and instead of e-mailing it to her, I can just share to her PC and she can pull it up easily.(MS invented Airdrop?)
I do a lot of reseach on items I'm intrested in (I mostly use Edge for this research), I very often need to go and revisit a page that I have viewed, sometimes days later...I too have relied on the history feature in Edge to find a previouly viewed page, but find the process arduous most of the time because, amount other obstacle, the history feature makes you repeat every step, every time (ie: Find the right day > find the right page [this is very difficult unless you KNOW the page's heading because there is no thumbnail to assist you] most of the time I guess the page incorrectly, therefore I need to start again from the beginning of the process and repeat until I find the correct page I am looking to find. If I am lucky, the information I am looking for is on specifiic website (ie: ebay, amazon, or the like) and I can narrow down the seacrh effort by just looking at the icon on the left but, but if the information was initially found via a Search Engine, two or three links in, I have to spend SO MUCH time trying to find the info I am looking for; if it's not something of great importance, I often just give up. If it IS of great importance, I have spent an hour, or more looking. With Timeline I can just go through the thumbnail pictures and find it fast, I even find other things I have researched that I would like to revisit while searching. I really have found Timeline most benefial for 'me', so much so that I feel it is as important as others might fell about SnapChat, Instagram or Pokiman.
I too like the Nearby Sharing feature, I find it very useful