Absolutely love Timeline

Well, I WOULD love it if:

-it weren't so slow, and
-it correctly synced my activity in Cortana and Edge on my phone.

It would be even better if we really could sync which files opened from OneDrive on several different devices, as the feature appears to promise.

Otherweise it's only marginally more useful than the previous version of multitasking, Task View. It's a great idea but it seems half-baked at this point.
I guess this is a use case thing. My work is project based so. I usually have 4/5 on the go at once, timeliness with Sets makes. My. Life a lot easier as I can search. Y activity history for a project and restore a set of tabs to get me back into it fast.

Curious what your issue with multiscreen support is? I use a Dell portable workstation (4k) tied to a set of better than HD monitors and the whole rig runs fine, even when remoting my Surface Book through the PC the experience is pretty good.

As I say though use case is all I guess
I don't think it is any less secure than your data is anyway. The only difference is that you can be totally lacking any computer abilities and see your history, whereas, a basic understanding would yeild you the same info if the feature was turned off. If your afraid that someone will see your computer history, that person shouldn't have access to your MSA...or do your searching in "InPrivate" mode.

I look at is like a note taking assistant, if you remember something days later and want to revisit the info, this function makes it so easy, a BIG time saver.

I tend to set my computer not to keep any history and just in case I use third party software to delete any that is left or Io hope it does anyway.

I do not have a MS Account, so Timeline would be limited anyway.

Maybe you find a use for timeline, but to be honest I have not had any reason to want some sort of system to keep history in a timeline format on my computer for the last 21 years, so I do not see the reason why I need one now, just because Ms thinks we do.

Anyway, time line only really work correctly with Edge and other MS software, I do not use edge, so no point.
It's OK and I have found some use for it. Could have found that stuff through history in Edge as easily. That's just my use case though. It would be nice if turning it off weren't so obscure though. There is a section for Timeline in Multitasking, but that's not where you turn it off. You have to go to Privacy>Activity History and click off a couple of things. Not particularly intuitive. Under Timeline, you do have the option of seeing or not seeing 'suggestions', aka ads. Swell.

Actually the thing I think I'll use more is Share to Nearby. Always finding something I want to share with my wife, and instead of e-mailing it to her, I can just share to her PC and she can pull it up easily.(MS invented Airdrop?)
I don't really use it (haven't gotten in the habit) but it's pretty useful to backtrack to something I was doing a few days or even weeks ago.
Could have found that stuff through history in Edge as easily.

Actually the thing I think I'll use more is Share to Nearby. Always finding something I want to share with my wife, and instead of e-mailing it to her, I can just share to her PC and she can pull it up easily.(MS invented Airdrop?)

I do a lot of reseach on items I'm intrested in (I mostly use Edge for this research), I very often need to go and revisit a page that I have viewed, sometimes days later...I too have relied on the history feature in Edge to find a previouly viewed page, but find the process arduous most of the time because, amount other obstacle, the history feature makes you repeat every step, every time (ie: Find the right day > find the right page [this is very difficult unless you KNOW the page's heading because there is no thumbnail to assist you] most of the time I guess the page incorrectly, therefore I need to start again from the beginning of the process and repeat until I find the correct page I am looking to find. If I am lucky, the information I am looking for is on specifiic website (ie: ebay, amazon, or the like) and I can narrow down the seacrh effort by just looking at the icon on the left but, but if the information was initially found via a Search Engine, two or three links in, I have to spend SO MUCH time trying to find the info I am looking for; if it's not something of great importance, I often just give up. If it IS of great importance, I have spent an hour, or more looking. With Timeline I can just go through the thumbnail pictures and find it fast, I even find other things I have researched that I would like to revisit while searching. I really have found Timeline most benefial for 'me', so much so that I feel it is as important as others might fell about SnapChat, Instagram or Pokiman.

I too like the Nearby Sharing feature, I find it very useful:)
I was very disturbed when I discovered all my activities for the past weeks on 1 list. Turned it off at once.
I like the timeline function, but we should be able to select which applications can display information on it. I find it very useful for my office documents, but seeing the MS Edge websites adds a lot of clutter.

So, I ended up leaving timeline on, but stopped using Edge most of the time, and kept going to Chrome. :angry:

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