Adblock makes us sad

IMHO It's time to get serious about this!:wink: Is there anyone home Huston? Are you aware that we have some serious problems going on?
Is there anyone home Houston?

Be patient.
Mobile Nations has eight sites to manage.
The community and administrators do their best to balance the experience between the coffers and members in good standing.
I believe at times our fellowship might forget what it takes to please all of us at absolutely no charge.

We have the down trending with so many high points.
Arriving to meet challenges that will be overcome by the talented gang in residence is the usual here.
Personally I have removed my cap and acknowledged the herculean effort put forth by the Mobile Nations team and all the volunteers.

Here are a few folks that deserve your thanks:
...and there are so many more not on the above list.
Thanks Friend! I didn't mean to be critical, but IMHO there is a very serious problem. I'm sure it will get solved soon. Thank you for your reply.
You are appreciated my friend! I only meant to help and not criticize!:wink: I really respect the staff here and I only want to help.
Your response will help all those that are deeply upset about all this.
Your response will help all those that are deeply upset about all this.

The talent and professional element here is quite striking.
I was hoping as a minor influence members may realize what it takes.

The Mobile Nations staff is very patient with us.
Perhaps we might show an appreciative return for what we all enjoy supported by the folks who give so much for us as members.
Holdum, you must have one of those REAL SPECIAL browsers don't ya haha. Not sure what differentiates your browser/experience from say, mine, but what ever it is don't let go :wink:

Just for grins and giggles, I just deactivated Ad Block in my Firefox and all seems to be working again. Will leave it this way until pop ups become a PIA again. Whew. I can like someone again.
Just for grins and giggles, I just deactivated Ad Block in my Firefox and all seems to be working again. Will leave it this way until pop ups become a PIA again. Whew. I can like someone again.

Wow, you're brave. No ad blocker at all?
I turn my Firefox's uBlock Origin off if we want to "like" a post or need the "formatting" menu whilst editing a reply, sometimes it goes smoothly (no huge difference in performance) yet at other times it just becomes too unbearable that we end up turning it back on, pain but what ya gonna do.
On Microsoft edge with adblock on surface pro 3 loading a forum post will spike to 25% CPU for a couple seconds then 2%-9%. Without adblock 25% to 35% non stop. Total battery hog and makes my CPU fan turn onto a leaf blower. I would support the site with an ad free and possibly even advance content feature like Thurrott. I'm not one to click ads. And when I do see ads on search engines, I actually visit the URL manually so as not to cost the advertiser money.
I had to end up putting adblock cause all the ads were causing edge to freeze up to the point my pc wouldn't respond. As much as I love coming to WC. 23 ads is a killer to anyone computer. :S

P.S. Thanks guys for this thread actually im able to do things on the web now with out me goiong ahhh... I honestly thought it was cause of my old AMD Phantom II x4 925 @ 2.6ghz that was not working the best on Windows 10 :(
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Hi There! Very strange! I use Firefox with no ad-blocker and I never have a problem here on WC. I have mentioned that I think it's a server problem; but what does this old Okie know. Do we not have any maintenance people. I realize that this is a large site,but it won't be large for long if this keeps up!:grin:
Come on Huston, we have a big problem!:wink:
I have no ad blocker either and I don't have any issues.

Just wanted to say thanks again to all for reporting, we're still working on a fix. Wish it was an instant solution!
I have no ad blocker either and I don't have any issues.

Just wanted to say thanks again to all for reporting, we're still working on a fix. Wish it was an instant solution!
Thanks for the update! I know you will Get-er-Done.:wink: Hey James I'm still getting duplicate emails on threads that I'm subscribe to. LOL. Not big issue, not like this problem. This is a huge problem!:grin:
I don't have any lag or any other problems here on the forum!:wink:


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@holdum - good!

BTW, did you ever email Gio with your duplicate notifications? He's standing by to help...
I mailed some to Windows Central! I can't seem to get them sent to Gio! Could you possible give me the email in A PM?
I'll give it another try!
Hi James! I think I figured it out! I sent 4! Will they need more?:wink: I forwarded them to Gio.
Thank you! Please let me know if Gio got them!:grin:

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