After 2 months from warranty repair my phone has the same problem, can I please get some assistance?


New member
Dec 22, 2013
after 2 months from warranty repair my phone has the same problem

Hi, i'm from Italy, i I bought a lumia 925 in december 2013.
In september 2015 i sent the phone to assistance cause the touch was not responding and the cell stop charging after the SO started.

When back the phone was working but sometimes the touch was not responding, so it need a soft-reset. At the end of december the touch stopped to responds, i made many soft and hardreset with no success. in the same way of the first time the phone stop to charge when so starts.

I contacted microsoft but they say the warranty is ended. But why they did'nt made a good repair when the phone was sended to assistance?


Maurizio Troso

New member
Aug 22, 2014
Re: after 2 months from warranty repair my phone has the same problem

Hi, i'm from Italy, i I bought a lumia 925 in december 2013.
In september 2015 i sent the phone to assistance cause the touch was not responding and the cell stop charging after the SO started.

When back the phone was working but sometimes the touch was not responding, so it need a soft-reset. At the end of december the touch stopped to responds, i made many soft and hardreset with no success. in the same way of the first time the phone stop to charge when so starts.

I contacted microsoft but they say the warranty is ended. But why they did'nt made a good repair when the phone was sended to assistance?


Ciao, ti consiglio vivamente di rivolgerti ad una Federconsumatori.
Il touch, se fosse stato un problema software, sarebbe gi? stato risolto dopo numerosi update dell'app, ma la ricarica difettosa ? un chiaro difetto hardware di fabbrica

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