After first glance of Windows 10 Mobile

Ok, so... the preview build is now released. Is there any point or assumption from screenshot wrong lol?

No, I am not a hater, otherwise I will not use it for a long
I just expressed my opinion of the new build and hope the team hear our advices. I know it's just an "early" build, but it seems much "earlier" than what Windows 10 for PC look like.
Uhmm he is right. You don't have to see those screen in action. The settings page won't suddenly transform into anything else. It is ugly as ****. The header is completely off. If this is their current sense of design then w10 is going to be an ugly mess.
All those bars with headings at the top.. Screens don't look immersive anymore because of that. You have 1 bar with time and icons and battery and then a heading bar and then the app. It looks ****. No more immersive feeling. Yes it is not even beta, but they are designing this. And if they are not focusing on design yet they could have spared time and not design this ugly mess. But they did. So I'm actually pretty sure they are going for this messy design.

You got my point!

Although it's just an early build, but it looks "too early" lol
I think I'm not the only guy complaining about it...
It's terrible,looks awful,messy UI,what's with the icons in settings ?? As for the preview,runs slow,laggy,

Going back to 8.1,so much better,at least at this stage anyway
It's terrible,looks awful,messy UI,what's with the icons in settings ?? As for the preview,runs slow,laggy,

Going back to 8.1,so much better,at least at this stage anyway

​Be sure to give feedback to MS before rolling back. The whole point of this preview was to get feedback.
Judging by this, iOS 9 and Android 5.whatever will completely demolish and bury what's left of WP. No innovation, and they managed to ruin what was good about the OS, its design. Do you really think by the fall WP10 will magically turn beautiful and fluid? They had one year, one last chance and they screwed up. I don't understanding how people can defend this new design direction, when it looks like an old Android build, which everyone criticized and hated. I will be switching as soon as I have the financial means to do it.
THANK YOU! If you get a phablet, you should know what to expect. It has its own purpose. It's not catered for one handed use. It's like getting a Corolla and complaining about how you can't tow anything.

Sad thing is, it works perfectly for one handed use currently. So why change that?
I don't understanding how people can defend this new design direction, when it looks like an old Android build, which everyone criticized and hated. I will be switching as soon as I have the financial means to do it.

Currently using a 1020, I have not tried the TP yet. However, I can call a troll when I see one. And what you wrote... Seems like a good sign for WP.
It's terrible,looks awful,messy UI,what's with the icons in settings ?? As for the preview,runs slow,laggy,

Going back to 8.1,so much better,at least at this stage anyway

Dude relax! It's a preview, of course there's gonna be issues and bugs that will need to be worked out.
You know, I gotta say, so many of the things that drew me to WP in the first place are disappearing. Not just from what I see in Windows 10, but it all started with Win 8.1 really.

-Black/dark background UI is beautiful and clean. Now it looks like they might switch it to white, which is fine, but I sure love the dark look.
-Where are the hubs? Such a nice way to organize similar things!
-Panoramic/pivot layouts. SOOOO nice! Absolutely in love with it. Now disappearing for hamburgers. ugh.
-Super clean and flat design seems to be disappearing. Background wallpapers? ugh. I thought backgrounds on the tiles were bad enough, this makes it worse. It's going against the very principles of the design that made WP so unique and beautiful in the first place.
-An end to the super duper responsive and snappy interface. Now I see the Resuming... screen way too often, for way too long. Even on my 1520 with 2GB RAM and snapdragon 800. It's become so bloated it cannot run nearly as smooth as wp8.0 did on my 520. :(
-Now only pureview phones have dedicated camera button. As a photographer, a standardized camera button was one of the best things I could have ever wished for on a phone!

There's been some nice additions, don't get me wrong. But all the things that made WP unique and drew me to it seem to be disappearing. All that's left are live tiles, which have decreased in importance with the Action centre.

Don't get me wrong, I still love WP, but it is getting harder and harder to find reasons to NOT try something else again. Like I said, what made WP so damn unique and intriguing is disappearing.
You know, I gotta say, so many of the things that drew me to WP in the first place are disappearing. Not just from what I see in Windows 10, but it all started with Win 8.1 really.

-Black/dark background UI is beautiful and clean. Now it looks like they might switch it to white, which is fine, but I sure love the dark look.
-Where are the hubs? Such a nice way to organize similar things!
-Panoramic/pivot layouts. SOOOO nice! Absolutely in love with it. Now disappearing for hamburgers. ugh.
-Super clean and flat design seems to be disappearing. Background wallpapers? ugh. I thought backgrounds on the tiles were bad enough, this makes it worse. It's going against the very principles of the design that made WP so unique and beautiful in the first place.
-An end to the super duper responsive and snappy interface. Now I see the Resuming... screen way too often, for way too long. Even on my 1520 with 2GB RAM and snapdragon 800. It's become so bloated it cannot run nearly as smooth as wp8.0 did on my 520. :(
-Now only pureview phones have dedicated camera button. As a photographer, a standardized camera button was one of the best things I could have ever wished for on a phone!

There's been some nice additions, don't get me wrong. But all the things that made WP unique and drew me to it seem to be disappearing. All that's left are live tiles, which have decreased in importance with the Action centre.

Don't get me wrong, I still love WP, but it is getting harder and harder to find reasons to NOT try something else again. Like I said, what made WP so damn unique and intriguing is disappearing.

I feel ya and can relate, I'm missing alot of what made windows phone such an amazing os, now its like WP and Lagdroid had a baby (as one commenter pointed out)
Agreed. The more I look at W10 the more I miss what brought me to WP in the first place. Auto-hiding system tray, games not in the app list, carousel scrolling in the pictures gallery, the old charging sound, etc. I'd kill for a version of 8.1 that fixed those issues.
You got my point!

Although it's just an early build, but it looks "too early" lol
I think I'm not the only guy complaining about it...
Yes, it is "too early." That's the whole point. Microsoft stated they were releasing a version long before they normally would. Usually at this point, it is only available for internal testing. I'll explain why more in the comments to others below. Keep reading.

It's terrible,looks awful,messy UI,what's with the icons in settings ?? As for the preview,runs slow,laggy,

Going back to 8.1,so much better,at least at this stage anyway
The UI has barely been touched. Only enough to get much of the new "core" available. The entire core of Windows 10 has been rewritten on this in order to enable truly universal apps and a much larger feature set.

This is what people don't get. Getting the "core" work done is what is the hardest thing to do. It takes years. Writing a UI, once the core is done, is as simple as writing web wrappers (not quite, but pretty close.) The UI has had very little work on it so far, but will be making large strides in the months to come. It WILL be a final polish in time for release, and will barely resemble what we have now. Yes, some of the UI will be similar, but much of it is still being worked on to perfect it.

Judging by this, iOS 9 and Android 5.whatever will completely demolish and bury what's left of WP. No innovation, and they managed to ruin what was good about the OS, its design. Do you really think by the fall WP10 will magically turn beautiful and fluid? They had one year, one last chance and they screwed up. I don't understanding how people can defend this new design direction, when it looks like an old Android build, which everyone criticized and hated. I will be switching as soon as I have the financial means to do it.
If you were to judge an iOS or Android build this early in the process, you would have the same feeling that they were going to be doomed.

It's like driving by a house that has only a frame up, with no outside walls, no wiring, no plumbing, and saying that it will not be livable because of the conditions. Well, perhaps Windows 10 has the walls up and a roof, but there are no appliances yet in the kitchen, and the wiring to connect everything together still needs to be done. Before you know it, there will be paint on the walls, doors will be hung, windows (pardon the pun) will be placed so you can see the view, and they'll even install a nice home automation system for you, complete with temperature control, automatic door locks, and a security system that tasers any would-be intruders.

If you don't like camping out, then don't move into the house before it's finished. I signed up for this because I want to help Microsoft create the best possible experience by giving them my feedback.

You know, I gotta say, so many of the things that drew me to WP in the first place are disappearing. Not just from what I see in Windows 10, but it all started with Win 8.1 really.

For example, Cortana no longer has all the abilities she did in 8.1. Yeah, that's right. Why? Because she's being re-written. She will not only gain all those features back, but have much more ability when they are done. Look at my analogy above. This is an unfinished house. The entire thing is unfinished. It will be a while before it's where it needs to be. Several more months at least. There is a large team working long hours to bring it to us. If you're thinking they can't possibly get it all done by Summer time, then you're judging them by the "one person development teams" you see creating apps for Windows Phones. Microsoft doesn't have a one person team. They have a large team, with each person working on a small part. It will get there.

If you are the kind of person that downloaded Windows 10 preview for phones just to get all the new features or because you thought it would be an upgrade to Windows Phone 8.1, then this preview isn't for you. The preview is NOT an upgrade from Windows Phone 8.1. It won't be an upgrade until it is ready for release. It is a preview intended for people to help Microsoft get the product finished, and finish it correctly. Don't move into a house that isn't finished yet unless you plan to help finish building it out.
For example, Cortana no longer has all the abilities she did in 8.1. Yeah, that's right. Why? Because she's being re-written. She will not only gain all those features back, but have much more ability when they are done. Look at my analogy above. This is an unfinished house. The entire thing is unfinished. It will be a while before it's where it needs to be. Several more months at least. There is a large team working long hours to bring it to us. If you're thinking they can't possibly get it all done by Summer time, then you're judging them by the "one person development teams" you see creating apps for Windows Phones. Microsoft doesn't have a one person team. They have a large team, with each person working on a small part. It will get there.

If you are the kind of person that downloaded Windows 10 preview for phones just to get all the new features or because you thought it would be an upgrade to Windows Phone 8.1, then this preview isn't for you. The preview is NOT an upgrade from Windows Phone 8.1. It won't be an upgrade until it is ready for release. It is a preview intended for people to help Microsoft get the product finished, and finish it correctly. Don't move into a house that isn't finished yet unless you plan to help finish building it out.

I think you missed the entire point of my discussion. I'm talking about the general design of the UI/UX. Not little features here and there, like Cortana that you mentioned. Microsoft is leaving behind the beautiful UI/UX they created that make WP so unique in the first place. Adding features is one thing, but adding features at the cost of compromising the initial design criteria that made WP awesome is something else. I don't snivel about tiny little feaures here and there, I'm all about the user experience. I have a degree in computer science specializing in human computer interface design.
Just for the record, I actually think it looks better. I like WP, but I'm not massively fond on the current 'panoramic' UI. For instance the panoramic UI doesn't let me easily know what screen I can swipe right to reach, since the header for it is off the edge of the screen; they could centralise the header for the current screen so you can see either ways. In many ways I welcome change, although most of you seem resilient to it. What I realise though, is that change doesn't happen overnight and always requires some time to polish up. You'd be far more productive taking your criticisms to MS directly, rather than here where nobody can do anything about it.
You are incorrect. Hubs have content that is "hidden" to the left or right, panoramas show all options available. If all you are seeing are hubs in an app, then the chance that the developer followed correct WP design guidelines is low. Hubs are designed to be an overview of the app, and promote exploration, while panoramas are meant as separation of content, but all visible in one place.
I think you missed the entire point of my discussion. I'm talking about the general design of the UI/UX. Not little features here and there, like Cortana that you mentioned. Microsoft is leaving behind the beautiful UI/UX they created that make WP so unique in the first place. Adding features is one thing, but adding features at the cost of compromising the initial design criteria that made WP awesome is something else. I don't snivel about tiny little feaures here and there, I'm all about the user experience. I have a degree in computer science specializing in human computer interface design.

No, I didn't miss the entire point of your discussion. You missed mine. My example of Cortana had nothing to do with UI, but was an example of how "everything" is incomplete, especially the UI.

Had you read the blog introducing the Windows 10 preview for phones build, you would have taken notice that it was specifically stated that they had only focused on the "core" of the OS up to this point, and it was now time to start working on the UI.

The reason the UI looks nothing like 8.1 is because it is a complete rewrite. The UI/UX will be worked on over the next couple of months.
-Black/dark background UI is beautiful and clean. Now it looks like they might switch it to white, which is fine, but I sure love the dark look.
This is why users are given settings screens in the first place; to choose what they prefer.
-Where are the hubs? Such a nice way to organize similar things!
Background wallpapers? ugh. I thought backgrounds on the tiles were bad enough, this makes it worse.
Invalid criticism since the user has the ability to remove the wallpaper and the functionality to return to solid tiles has been confirmed in a later build.
-Now only pureview phones have dedicated camera button.
Not an OS fault, each phone developer can choose take advantage of the DCB or not.
All that's left are live tiles, which have decreased in importance with the Action centre.
Just goes to show that the action centre works well. Live tiles are kind of sucky right now; only system ones update when notifications are dismissed and they show limited data; the calendar one only shows one appointment when it's got enough space to show multiple?
Judging by this, iOS 9 and Android 5.whatever will completely demolish and bury what's left of WP. No innovation, and they managed to ruin what was good about the OS, its design. Do you really think by the fall WP10 will magically turn beautiful and fluid? They had one year, one last chance and they screwed up. I don't understanding how people can defend this new design direction, when it looks like an old Android build, which everyone criticized and hated. I will be switching as soon as I have the financial means to do it.

Let's put this simply: You're being stupid. You use words such as 'they screwed up' and despite being told in words a kindergarten child can understand: that it's a super-duper early build and there's still tons of work left to do on Win10 for phones, you still spout foolish things such as "Do you really think by the fall WP10 will magically turn beautiful and fluid? They had one year, one last chance and they screwed up."

The fact you've made your mind up to switch based on the first few days of a preview build show just how naive you are. Maybe instead of jumping the gun you act like a proper adult and wait to see what happens next? MS have been listening to feedback lately and you haven't even GIVEN them a chance to implement feedback. Feedback, I remind you AGAIN since you clearly can't comprehend: on a very-very early build with a long road ahead of it.

What you see in the preview is far from final.

What you see in the preview is far from final.

What you see in the preview is far from final.

Need I say it a fourth time so you understand clearly? Maybe instead of throwing your toys out and whining about it here, you TAKE YOUR FEEDBACK to Microsoft so they can DO SOMETHING about it?
I for one, am getting tired of hearing that Microsoft is screwing up the design, the obtrusive headers and vision impaired black & whites have been here for 5 years. Microsoft finally takes the initiative to switch things up to keep the OS fresh, and people whine that they're (ruining the once unique design) right, it was unique...until 2013. Now its just outdated, plus IOS and android have taken some elements and incorporated them into their own Operating Systems . I hope this is just a case of minority speaking louder than majority. I'm worried that it will finally come time to boot up the final build of W10P, and it looks like Zune all over again..
Did you see the final version already? Can I have screen shots, if the final version stinks...I need to know.

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