After first glance of Windows 10 Mobile

You know, I gotta say, so many of the things that drew me to WP in the first place are disappearing. Not just from what I see in Windows 10, but it all started with Win 8.1 really.

-Black/dark background UI is beautiful and clean. Now it looks like they might switch it to white, which is fine, but I sure love the dark look.
-Where are the hubs? Such a nice way to organize similar things!
-Panoramic/pivot layouts. SOOOO nice! Absolutely in love with it. Now disappearing for hamburgers. ugh.
-Super clean and flat design seems to be disappearing. Background wallpapers? ugh. I thought backgrounds on the tiles were bad enough, this makes it worse. It's going against the very principles of the design that made WP so unique and beautiful in the first place.
-An end to the super duper responsive and snappy interface. Now I see the Resuming... screen way too often, for way too long. Even on my 1520 with 2GB RAM and snapdragon 800. It's become so bloated it cannot run nearly as smooth as wp8.0 did on my 520. :(
-Now only pureview phones have dedicated camera button. As a photographer, a standardized camera button was one of the best things I could have ever wished for on a phone!

Words such as "beautiful, super & clean" are all subjective. As for panoramic-pivots. I'm kind of happy to see it go for three reasons:

1) Subjective to each individual, but I think it looks dated, so I welcome the evolution of the UI.
2) It's rather inconvenient when using an apps with many sections -- I hate it in the MSN Money app for example, way too much swiping to get to where you want.
3) The design language & functionality doesn't translate well into the Desktop and tablet space -- which works against the capability of universal apps.

I welcome the 'hamburger menu', but I do agree that you should also be able to EITHER relocate it to your liking OR activate it with a gesture. Swiping in from the left side of the screen or maybe a double tap on certain portion of the screen -- such gestures are very one-hand friendly. On a side note, as a photographer, why would you be depending on photos from a camera phone that didn't have PureView technology LOL. I'm a hobbyist photographer myself and wouldn't be caught dead taking photos with the non-PureView devices.
No, I didn't miss the entire point of your discussion. You missed mine. My example of Cortana had nothing to do with UI, but was an example of how "everything" is incomplete, especially the UI.

Had you read the blog introducing the Windows 10 preview for phones build, you would have taken notice that it was specifically stated that they had only focused on the "core" of the OS up to this point, and it was now time to start working on the UI.

The reason the UI looks nothing like 8.1 is because it is a complete rewrite. The UI/UX will be worked on over the next couple of months.

I'm sorry, you still don't get me. That's fine, but I'm not here for an argument. The unique user experience began falling out of the system with the 8.1 update. I mentioned this in my initial post. Much of it happened with 8.1. From the minute tidbits we've seen of w10, that trend has no indication whatsoever of reversing. I don't know the exact final version of w10, but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see what directions things are heading. Looking at core frameworks, the desktop w10 preview, the MS one experience vision, you can tell you a lot.

It's not like I'm saying MS is making a mistake. I was merely stating the musings of what *I* hold dear. What drew *ME* to WP. What *I* wish for. Because, you know, it's a discussion. I've only been talking in the context of what *I* long for, and not what MS SHOULD do.
I think the issue is with the lack of consistency in the UI, forget the misalignment or fonts sizes, but the issue that i have is that Windows Phone has always have the best UI, there is nothing wrong with change as long as its for the best, as long as its consistent, but now, it seems like they are just trying to imitate the Android features (I'm not saying that that necessarily its a bad thing, but they are doing it badly), so now we have some apps with the old "Metro style design" and other with this new "Android-like" and some with kind of a "PC Style Design".

See, the reason i chose WP its because i like simplicity and functionality and style guidelines that made everything easy and awesome, now, it just seems like a mess and more like android every day (again not in the good way).

I'm not digging this new preview at all so far... and its the first time that i actually feel this way about WP...
I for one, am getting tired of hearing that Microsoft is screwing up the design, the obtrusive headers and vision impaired black & whites have been here for 5 years. Microsoft finally takes the initiative to switch things up to keep the OS fresh, and people whine that they're (ruining the once unique design) right, it was unique...until 2013. Now its just outdated, plus IOS and android have taken some elements and incorporated them into their own Operating Systems . I hope this is just a case of minority speaking louder than majority. I'm worried that it will finally come time to boot up the final build of W10P, and it looks like Zune all over again..

Wow. You just sound like that other guy on here.

You really have to wonder how such people got into WP in the first place.
Wow. You just sound like that other guy on here.

You really have to wonder how such people got into WP in the first place.
Lol, I'm just saying. Nobody has faith in Microsoft anymore, which is understandable with all the let-downs in previous years (excluding WP8.1 finally coming out). However, there's too much complaining for such an early iteration. This is why they rely on their own testers before letting anyone else see their work, because of this exact uproar that's going on right now. Windows 10 PC looks great so far, I'm expecting great things for W10P as well. Let them work.
I guess we are jumping to is the 1st built...and Ms has said in time there will be manu ui changes and more...lets wait and watch..we are use to dp...but this is tp...very diff...iam sure Windows 10 for phones will rock and it will be smoother than 8.1...
If u trun off the motion data amd location option there no unintentional battery drain on my 630, it a temp fix to save battery, spread the word
Lol, I'm just saying. Nobody has faith in Microsoft anymore...

Correction: Many people do not have faith in Microsoft anymore...

You can't say Nobody, because I'll guarantee you that Satya Nadella does, as does Joe Belfiore, Gabriel Aul, and others, as well as myself.

I know you weren't bashing with that statement, because you went on to say how much you're expecting from MS, and I think that's great. Just be careful when using generalized word like "Nobody", "Everybody", "Always" and "Never", because there will almost ALWAYS be an exception. Yeah, see what I did there, I just used one of the words I said be careful about. Kind of like saying, "Never say never." ;)

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