After Mango I've lost a load of ringtones


New member
Jan 17, 2011
After updating to Mango (forced the update) I've lost a whole load of ringtones (that were probably Samsung specific).

This is really annoying since amongst all the silly tones there was one really simple ringtone (I actually think it was called Simple Tone).

I just want something simple. :(

Probably shouldn't have forced the update. :(

Probably should have been patient! :(

Omnia 7 Virgin Mobile
Don't have that one podsnap (Simple Tone) but I do have a 'Single Tone' is that the one you have missing ? I can't actually remember what tone's I had before Mango to be honest I only ever use 'Flicker' and it's still there.
You're absolutely right, it was Single Tone and it's gone! :(

(Sorry being overly dramatic but I wonder why it's disappeared.)
I know, strange indeed podsnap, as i have exactly the same phone and forced updated it too. :(

Would a hard reset maybe bring them back ? (Drastic I know)
Sorry to be thick, when you say hard reset you mean go to 'Reset your phone' in settings>about ?

Cause I did that after the update.

Does a Restore (using Zune) restore the old firmware as well? (Willing to go through the whole process again).
Yes that's what i meant podsnap, don't think the firmware is backed up, but anything would be worth a try I guess.

(I didn't do a hard reset after forcing the update)
Did another hard reset but no go (did the original after Mango because I wanted to start with a clean phone).

Oddly I did notice that after the reset the ringtone was set to 'Minimal Tone' but when I went into the list it changed to 'Pure' and Minimal Tone wasn't in the list.

Trying a restore now and then another force update.

Ho hum.
Did another hard reset but no go (did the original after Mango because I wanted to start with a clean phone).

Oddly I did notice that after the reset the ringtone was set to 'Minimal Tone' but when I went into the list it changed to 'Pure' and Minimal Tone wasn't in the list.

Trying a restore now and then another force update.

Ho hum.
Hope you have fun, and good luck. :)
Ok, so you suspected, restoring doesn't roll back the firmware, bootloader etc.

But the phone is back to pre Mango just as I left it.

Sure enough, there is Single Tone and Minimal Tone.

So at least I can be confident the restore function works well!

This time it's automatically detected that Mango is available (so no need to force the update). Updating now.
Ok, so you suspected, restoring doesn't roll back the firmware, bootloader etc.

But the phone is back to pre Mango just as I left it.

Sure enough, there is Single Tone and Minimal Tone.

So at least I can be confident the restore function works well!

This time it's automatically detected that Mango is available (so no need to force the update). Updating now.
Wooo excited for you here! Holding Breath! Fingers crossed etc!
Exhale TheWeeBear!

It seems to have worked! It's showing Single Tone and ringing that way - although I'm scared to go into the list in case it disappears! :)

Intersetingly, this time around it has all my previous applications correctly installed. The time I forced the update it didn't. Also the contacts are correct (again, the previous time they weren't - one of the reasons I did a reset).

Oh well, looks like it's all a happy bunny now and I can enjoy the Mango goodness! :)

Thanks for your help TheWeeBear, a helpful voice is always appreciated.
Aw that's great news podsnap, happy bunny stories are good. Enjoy your new found, old lost ringtones and all the other Mango goodness too. :)

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