I have an unlocked Lumia 620 that I use as a second phone. I'm currently trying it on T-Mobile, but the coverage in my area is horrible. Around my house, I either get Edge or "No Network Found". Needless to say, I'm done with T-Mobile. Now I'm debating whether to go with AT&T GoPhone or Aio Wireless. I also have a Lumia 520 ATT GoPhone (couldn't pass up the deal when Amazon had it for $88), but I haven't activated the sim yet. Just using it on WiFi. I believe the GoPhone sim would also work on my 620. I'm wondering if the Aio sim would work on the 520. I'm assuming the 520 is locked to AT&T. I've read comments in other online forums where people said their Aio sim worked on locked AT&T phones (even those still under contract), but I've also read comments that said the phone had to be unlocked for the Aio sim to work. So not sure which is true. Anybody know?
Since Aio and GoPhone both use the AT&T network, I assume coverage would be the same for both. My primary phone is a Lumia 920 on AT&T and the coverage here is very good and I get LTE. I know the 620 isn't LTE capable, but I assume I should get 4G HSPA+ here. Aio limits the data speed for 4G HSPA+ to 4 Mbps. Is that fast enough for most activities: email, web browsing, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
I read in a post on another online forum that if you bring your own phone, you can sign up for Aio's $40/mo. plan. On their web site it says that plan is for basic phones only. If it's true that you can sign up for the $40 plan on Aio if you bring your own phone, then I'm leaning toward Aio. GoPhone also offers a $40 plan, but it's capped at 200 MB, compared to Aio's 250 MB. And with Aio, they just throttle the speed down after 250 MB, vs. GoPhone which would cut off data access (granted they do have the option to buy another 100 MB for $5). I'm thinking 250 MB should be plenty for me, since my 620 is a backup phone (for those times when it's more convenient to carry a smaller phone than my 920). I've yet to use 400 MB/mo on my primary phone since I'm on Wi-Fi most of the time.
I must say I like the simplicity of Aio's web site vs. AT&T's site. It's easy to find the information I'm looking for. I also like that they have a phone app for checking your account and usage. Didn't see an app for GoPhone. I think the MyAT&T app only works for post-paid accounts. An app isn't a necessity, but it's definitely nice to have. Aio also has a WiFi locator app.
What are everyone's thoughts on Aio vs. GoPhone? Pros/Cons for each?