All my friends think IE is slow.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
A little off topic. But it's MS so I thought some might find it interesting.

I haven't had issues with IE9 (or 8 for that matter). Ive tried firefox and chrome and disliked them. Now Back in the day (IE 6 maybe) I used to prefer Firefox b/c it had tabs. But everyone I know seems to think that IE is slower than other browsers. (Most have never even heard of IE9)

I have yet to see it. Have you noticed it being slower and if not where does this collective mindset come from?
IE desktop?

It's slower than chrome and opera from my experience, bit I use IE9 because its more secure now and its more tightly integrated into the OS. I'm no a fan if installing redundant software on my phones or computers.

Its not slow, though. Slow is an iffy term and lots of people are religious about browser choice. Have to take that stuff with a grain of salt, IMO.

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Slow can mean different things depending on what is meant. In my experience IE9 is faster at rendering pages than Chrome but not by it's only their outdated memory of IE8 that makes them think it is slow.

However Chrome has url's catalogued in the URL bar and so in many cases Chrome will get you to a page faster with less typing.

MS clearly has a stigma to overcome. Most people associate MS with the last version of software they tried. Its like if you have a cousin who you haven't seen since he was 10. You still think of him as a kid even its been years since you saw him last and he's now an adult.

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When I get windows 7 on my computer I want to try IE 9. Currently I use firefox and I'm pleased with it.
Windows 7 is fantastic. It did a 180 on MS for me. I didn't care for ms prior to W7 but since then their design mindset has changed compleatly.
I've tried IE9 and I am still using Firefox. There are better add-ons for Firefox, like No-Script, Ad Block, Firefox Sync, Weather Watch...
IE9 is actually extremely fast, but you're right in that people still discount IE for its past sins (and let's face it, not without cause). I'm also a fan of its minimalist interface. It works for me on both desktop and phone. What does amuse me a bit is that the phone version is much friendlier when it comes to completing URLs. What gives?
For me, the slowest part of IE is when opening another instance
The rest of it, slow browsing experience usually make me rage more to my ISP rather than my computer and the installed apps. :P
don't know about the others but I use IE9 every single day and find it faster than chrome.
and sexier too. =p
I have all 3 installed on all my computers, and I seem to use Firefox the most and Chrome the least. I think the reason I use Firefox more than IE9 is because of all the plugins. Then there is the opera crowd... :D

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I don't know what it is, but IE keeps crashing on both my laptops since IE8. I thought it would stop with IE9, but it still crashes. Granted it crashes less times, but it still enough of an annoyance. Mostly crashes watching embedded videos on what seems to be every site. I finally decided to switch to Firefox with Bing a few weeks ago. Works great. I'll wait till IE10 before I try again.

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