I'm beginning to think that MS pulled the plug on all AT&T WP7 phones, not just Samsungs... Yes I understand they flipped it back on, but still no update for my Surround.
I'm beginning to think that MS pulled the plug on all AT&T WP7 phones, not just Samsungs... Yes I understand they flipped it back on, but still no update for my Surround.
ATT blocked the update
can someone post where they saw this firmware update info for the hd7? i haven't seen it anywhere,unless im looking in the wrong places.
Well they blocked it for good reason. ATT: so that their devices don't get bricked. T-Mobile: there's a firmware and radio update that's pending for the HD7, but as far as this is going they'll probably just stuff those updates into nodo and push that instead. I mean think about it do you think they would rather deal with "where's the update?" customers, or "the update fu?ked up my phone!" customers?
You say that as though its guaranteed that the update will brick devices. The issue has only affected Samsung devices so at&t may have a point but whats T-Mobile's excuse, especially for the Dell Venue Pro which they dont sell or support?
you're right, it didn't really brick many devices, but I've worked for ATT and their level of scrutiny is amazing and i know for a fact that ATT doesnt want their customers to call back in to their customer service centers after initial issue resolution, so unnecessary call volume is especially not welcome. That one is pretty easy to understand why they blocked. As for T-Mobile; read my reasoning on my post you quoted, the HD7, as of now the only device they support. You are absolutely right on the Dell Venue Pro, all they do is provide service for the device no more, much like the nexus s, where hardware support is directed to Samsung and software support directed to Google I believe. So I'm sure its something similar for the DVP right?
MS is looking pretty bad by not sticking to their guns. The first minor upadate was a fail, not the NoDo, is no where to be found. I'm with Paul Thorrot when he says there's no way that the major update that's coming late this year will see the light of day in 2011. I already have a Focus but do for a upgrade soon, and my fianc?e is due for a phone right now. If MS can't a tleasat show they can release updates without disaster, then I'm moving us both to Android phones. /rant
Its sad, virtually everything about WP7 is "coming soon", multitasking, real time multiplayer, advanced API's, and not just round the corner, its months away, and thats barring any delays. Even copy and paste is still a no show, not to talk of the bug fixes that should have been priority. All the good will and excitement after the announcement at MWC 2010 seems to be completely gone because MS decided to hand over the keys to the kingdom to the carriers, and all thats left is a few fans like us while everyone has eyes on android and apple. Lets just hope they dont pull a Kin and leave us hanging.
Well I'm not sure they would abandon WP7 now that they gave Nokia 1,000,000,000 dollars, literally, no matter how deep my pockets were, I would never ever just give a company that was starting to crash and burn, one billion dollars if throwing the strategy away is a secret company option why would they give Nokia that much money?