Alpha/Beta testers wanted

We're updating the beta drivers on at fairly regular intervals. I'll try to post here each time it's updated so you'll know when to hit that site again. Each time, you should both update the drivers on your phone and the firmware on your REDFLY itself.
I have got the latest beta for the X1 (as of 12.12.08) and the fonts are very large on the redfly, has anyone else experienced this too?
I have got the latest beta for the X1 (as of 12.12.08) and the fonts are very large on the redfly, has anyone else experienced this too?

Even as of the latest build from 19.12.08 this is the same, I have however got a cumersome work around in the form of using realvga1.1 but this involves a soft reset every time I switch in and out of realvga.

I know Celio will perfect the drivers, just that I am impatient :)
Count me in. I am with unlocked Touch Pro in Malaysia.
Just a complain: My caps lock does not work. So I have to use the shift key whenever I need caps. Any solution please?

The next major software release for currently supported phones like the Tilt will likely be in the March to April time frame.

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