Am i only person that thinks Nadella should go?


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Oct 15, 2014
It's just amazing that Many W10M users are forced to migrate to another platform , am I the only person that thinks Nadella should've put more effort into mobile and uwp? How can your OS be relevant without a mobile platform, the numbers are growing daily about mobile usage , it's how world is connected and how it will be for quite sometime.
How can your OS be relevant without a mobile platform, the numbers are growing daily about mobile usage , it's how world is connected and how it will be for quite sometime.

Isn't this the point of the Windows Andromeda OS?

Watching this space....
Because Microsoft is a software company who is taking advantage of those growing mobile numbers by providing software to every single mobile phone out there, not just the few they produce.
It's just amazing that Many W10M users are forced to migrate to another platform , am I the only person that thinks Nadella should've put more effort into mobile and uwp?

I wish McDonald's would carry the McRib year round. Am I the only one who thinks their CEO, Steve Easterbrook, should go?
It's just amazing that Many W10M users are forced to migrate to another platform , am I the only person that thinks Nadella should've put more effort into mobile and uwp? How can your OS be relevant without a mobile platform, the numbers are growing daily about mobile usage , it's how world is connected and how it will be for quite sometime.

No.... I agree, his constant apparent disregard for the consumer space will lead to long term issues for the company. Making money now, but they don't have a consumer platform to call home anymore.
MSFT 20 Yr. Stock Trend.jpg

MSFT seems to be continuing its stock value growth trend, with Nadella it's (at least in short term view appears to be) accelerating.
It isn't his fault the people before him sat on their butts transitioning from WM6.X to Window Phone. The lead Apple and Google had over MS was insurmountable by the time Windows phone was released. No real top dev support. I'm glad Nadella finally put a nail in the coffin.
you wouldn't see other manufacturers selling Windows Phones on their site, why should we sell S8 or S8+ on our store site? , total Ludacris , yes Msft is a mobile company ,but you're gonna forego your One Core OS and put no effort whatsoever in your own mobile platform because your shares are low in mobile arena, it was low worldwide but it was good in many different markets. People are connected with mobile more than ever.
Isn't this the point of the Windows Andromeda OS?

Watching this space....

so to you it makes sense to give up all efforts on W10M and focus on that then reappear and everyone should be running behind you like Windows Andromeda is the saviour of OSes? You need to keep people connected, get your developers to work, stop releasing so much on other OSes and focus on your own, give other OS trial or lite editions and all features will be experienced using a WM10 device.
Microsoft is relevant in the enterprise market because users are acquainted with their software at home, not the other way around.

My Lumia 640XL stopped working so I moved to a pretty decent Asus Zenfone 3. Coincidentally, at the office they moved to the Google platform. We also have a Roku at home, so we have Google Play Movies right there (also, with the killing of Groove I also feel that MS Films and TV will be next). We're actually considering buying a Google Home because it feels organic with what we have. My wife has an iPhone and I also gravitated towards Mac because I'm a video editor and I use FCPX. From being all in with Microsoft now we're debating if it's worth renewing office 365, other than that I have been sort of drifting away from MS without realizing it. I would say I wouldn't have begun to look at Google if it wasn't because my Windows Phone died and I couldn't find a decent replacement.

Nadella said he didn't understand why the world needed a third mobile ecosystem. Well, it needed a MS option so Windows would stay relevant. The only MS product I still use is the Xbox; good thing Nadella was not the CEO back then, as the video game console market was already dominated by Sony and Nintendo, so he would probably wouldn't see the need of it.
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At the end of the day, it is about money. However, if MS wants this Andromeda version of Windows to work, it has to focus on consumers, just as much as enterprise. It is those enterprise consumers that will be using the product. They are the ones that will determine if it is something that will be wanted and used, beyond work. With Microsoft's desertion of the current Windows 10 Mobile, MS will have a hard time winning any popularity.

Yesterday, I decided to make the switch to a Galaxy Note 8. Sadly, it is nice to know that I can find apps that I want or will want. I have all the services that I used on my 950 XL, but in many cases, better updated.
Satya Nadella lacks the vision to commit Microsoft fully to the consumer space. He only has eyes for Enterprise and Azure.

Anything that faces the consumer space is gravy. The meat and potatoes of Microsoft in this new millennium is in the cloud.

Yes I wish Satya had the testicular fortitude to turn Microsoft into a consumer-facing, trendsetting, force of nature, like Apple. But that isn't how Microsoft got to the dominant desktop market share that it has. It got that way because of Enterprise...Plain and simple.
Why do consumers and fans use what the stock of a company is doing as a way to defend what the company is doing. Just because the stock is going up doesn't mean it's good for the consumers. It means he's making board members happy. These are the same group of people that want MS or of the consumer space.

I don't think people realize how huge a mistake their absence in mobile is. These are short term gains that will turn into future failure. It will be the end of Windows. MS as a consumer company will be nearly non existent at some point. People simply don't care about Windows and kids growing up now won't even be exposed to it. They use IPads, Chromebooks and iPhones. Schools use them and then they go home and their parents are using them.
Even those of us on here will be using them as we will have no choice.

People don't understand, Mobile is all that matters and a 10 inch tablet that makes calls doesn't count anymore than a 17" laptop does, they're only mobile by definition. Mobile is where it's at and where it will be and MS will not be there. That alone proves he's not fit to be the CEO of what was the only company that mattered in computing. It is also the reason why MS finds themselves scrambling to try and reinvent themselves. Doesn't matter what they do at this point. They will end up irrelevant to 90% of consumers in the next 5 years. They left the biggest market in computing, they won't recover from that.
Yes I do agree with you. It's important to have mobile platform, as it's center point of everything today.
Okay they have apps on Android. But how long can they rely on third party ecosystem? And how will u promote MS services on Google dominated platforms? How many are actually using MS services today on Android platform? Reason why WP could not take off was lack of proper Google apps and services on platform.
Without mobile, there is big vacuum in the entire windows device ecosystem!

From organizational point of view this may be good decision.. for short term.
But in long run especially in consumer space Ms may see only limited success untill they have competing mobile device on table. With Chromebooks gaining android support and how well iPhone jells with macOS nd other iOS device .. Windows 10 may soon become second choice for consumers!
And thanks to WaaS model consumers are already angry with Windows 10 due to buggy​ releases and too frequent upgrades.
MS may be heading towards it's own created death...!!!

And lastly they have already lost the trust of many wp loyals and developers who were actively investing in the platform.
You bring up apps on the other platforms and that is an issue as well. Take Cortana for instance. She's horrible on Android. So even if some people try her they will quickly realize she doesn't meet their needs and move on. That will end up killing Cortana the platform because those people will have no interest in any other device that runs that service.
Going the way of IBM before them. Shame. It boils down to us fanboys wanting to be "proud" of MS in the consumer space but apart from Xbox and desktop Windows 10, they don't really give a hoot as demonstrated by their horrible marketing.
Changing now the CEO probably won't resurrect Windows 10 Mobile. Maybe developing Andromeda will bring more interest for consumer space in Microsoft.

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