Android Lollipop looking good (so far)

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Not going to bash Android or praise Microsoft. I have a 820 as my main phone and a Moto G lte as my backup. I use them both on a Consumer Cellular network (both phones on same network with different numbers). They both have good and bad about them. I plan on keeping a midrange phone on both systems instead of a high end phone on one and enjoying both systems. The only thing that really bothers me about Android is the fact that you cannot remove any of Google's apps from the phone you can only disable them and they sit there taking up space doing nothing. Also Microsoft has done a fantastic job with their use of the SD card while Google has hindered the use of the SD card or tried to get them removed from phones. I downloaded 25 apps for both Windows and Android (same apps) I could install 24 of them to the SD card in Windows and only 16 in Android. (Sorry I said I was not going to praise Microsoft). With the way new low end and mid range phones are going (less and less internal memory) a SD card that can be used for apps is a necessity. I am very happy with both a Windows and an Android phone. I will upgrade them over time; but stay with both. Notice that Windows is my main phone and will stay that way. But I keep up with Android. Sorry Apple, aint going to happen.
You ridiculous fool. The article on the ASOP browser flaw is dated 17th September 2014, which is less than two months ago. What's more, I checked a colleague's Galaxy S4 today and have left him trying to figure out how to change his default browser. This phone is less than a year old and hasn't been offered the Kit Kat update which would solve the flaw.

Before you tell me what you're 'pretty sure of' check your facts, because 'pretty sure of' stands for nothing but ignorance and if that's the best you can do, then pass me on to someone who knows what they're talking about.

Microsoft make it very clear that user files are deleted upon reset. Not just the directory tree, but the files themselves. I stated it as a fact, because it is a fact and I checked it out months ago.

No, I could not benefit from watching that video. That's because I have been using and building computers for very nearly thirty years. There's a very good chance I've forgotten more about computers than you'll ever know. I remember when hard drives were called Winchesters and floppy discs had cardboard sleeves.

If Android were secure, there would be no need for Knox and since Samsung is the largest single maker of Android devices by far, your claim that is isn't representative is astounding in its dishonesty.

Now if you're sure Windows Phone is as insecure as Android, why don't you stop wasting my time and post a link to an article about it? You have the might of Google to help you find it and copious sources such as engadget, arstechnika and others who are sure to have covered it. It's easy and here's Android security flaw number 5 to prove it. And I don' even use Google.

If you can't, then face the facts: you've bought into a system which can't keep your information safe and isn't fit to run a vacuum cleaner.

This may prove useful as well:
I suspect that most if not all of the Asian smartphone OEM's are using servers located in China to handle data on their apps and features that involve internet connectivity due to the fact that those servers are substantially lower in cost. It's no secret by now that China is quite enthusiastic in their hacking and piracy activities (including the government). Pirated movies and software are professionally packaged and sold openly in malls as if they were legitimate products. There's literally no regulation against it, and it's viewed as perfectly acceptable. In short, both industry and government in China view the hacking and piracy of western media as a legitimate business.

Given that mindset I don't think it's unreasonable to say that any server in China is pretty much open season. They don't have to hack the actual devices or software on a Samsung, Sony, HTC, or LG device to access the data flowing through them, they just need to hack the rented/leased servers located on their own soil.

The Chinese government also frequently conducts "inspections" of Microsoft buildings in China, which are basically raids where they remove numerous computers and other materials from the site and cart them away. These kinds of activities aren't just in the technology field. China also engages in exporting plastics, engineered woods with heightened formaldehyde content at toxic levels to north american distributors, they buy stolen raw materials from the black market for production and resale to north american retailers (proven and submitted to the FBI), and the stories of sweat shops making cheap clothing for western countries are old news now.

China is basically the go-to source for cheaper consumer goods in the west because they can keep costs down by commission of illegal and unethical practices allowing them to undercut local western businesses. This has been going on for decades but nobody here cares because they pay less and pay zero attention to how that price was reduced. It's one of, if not the biggest organized crime rackets on the planet, all tidied up with fake documentation and full knowledge of everyone involved.
As far as the first article goes about an insecurity with the AOSP browser it was ditched in favour of Chrome quite a few years back. Complaining about a virus/malware/etc on something like the abandoned AOSP browser is equivalent to crying over your Windows XP getting a virus and blaming Microsoft(which have already abandoned the software).

Secondly about the factory reset flaw, it's something that even exists on other platforms and I'm pretty sure it's on Windows Phone as well(but non one probably cared to try it out).

You could greatly benefit from reading on about what happens to deleted files and the data that is "deleted":

Lastly whatever you say about Samsung isn't representative of all of Android, those are flaws affecting "Samsung" devices, not all of Android.

Samsung doesn't represent all android , but it represents the "android" that many end users get. So, to them, that IS android.
Samsung doesn't represent all android , but it represents the "android" that many end users get. So, to them, that IS android.

Thats unfortunate as Samsung, as mentioned many times, is a poor representation of the Android platform since it runs poorly and gets laggy over time (from my personal experience and others around me). Im sure its not EVERYONE who experiences this, many people i know who have Samsung androids love their to each their own.
Thats unfortunate as Samsung, as mentioned many times, is a poor representation of the Android platform since it runs poorly and gets laggy over time (from my personal experience and others around me). Im sure its not EVERYONE who experiences this, many people i know who have Samsung androids love their to each their own.

Yeah, but Samsung's customers keep going back for more. Samsung also sells way more phones, like almost double, than its next closest competitor. I don't think they're as bad as we make them out to be.
Thats unfortunate as Samsung, as mentioned many times, is a poor representation of the Android platform since it runs poorly and gets laggy over time (from my personal experience and others around me). Im sure its not EVERYONE who experiences this, many people i know who have Samsung androids love their to each their own.

True, my SIL has a big ugly, gaudy s5 that she loves. I think it's the most cheap, disgusting piece of hardware I've ever seen lol. I asked her why she didn't like the iPhone, she says "there App Store doesn't have my favorite apps", I asked which ones, she says "slot machines". I almost puked, for so many reasons.
Thats unfortunate as Samsung, as mentioned many times, is a poor representation of the Android platform since it runs poorly and gets laggy over time (from my personal experience and others around me). Im sure its not EVERYONE who experiences this, many people i know who have Samsung androids love their to each their own.
Agreed. Samsung is the most visible android OEM so the technically uninformed usually go to them as their first switch from another OS and then derive their opinion of android in general based on the negative experience they got from one brand.
Agreed. Samsung is the most visible android OEM so the technically uninformed usually go to them as their first switch from another OS and then derive their opinion of android in general based on the negative experience they got from one brand.

You could argue the same with Windows Phone. The uninformed, as well as many on these boards, think Nokia is "all" of WP.
I tried Android a few years ago, and haven't seen anything from them that causes me to want to switch back. After jumping onto WP8 the day that the L920 came out, I liked WP. After the 8.1 preview came, it pretty much fixed everything I wanted in terms of the OS. My only remaining concern was apps. So, about a month ago I decided to give iOS a try, and really don't like it at all. Therefore, I am in the process of switching back to WP and have a 1520.3 on order to do so. Having tried all three systems, I am fine with WP for some time unless something really changes.
You could argue the same with Windows Phone. The uninformed, as well as many on these boards, think Nokia is "all" of WP.

except Nokia is one of the top smartphone oems in terms of quality and after sales
you could be buying one from the remotest country and still get support and after sales
i know for a fact that in India,where i live,most companies dont have service centres everywhere and those who do *cough samsung* have pathetic service,they charge you for repairs even under warranty,do a shoddy job which may or may not work and damage the bezel etc with scratches after repair
Nokia phones on the other hand can be repaired anywhere and is dirt cheap for parts etc,even their warranty etc is well honoured and they have sweet staff who are willing to help out in any way possible
i dont get why people buy samsung products any more,i used to get samsung TVs,phones ,tablets etc in the past but their quality,attitude,after sales etc is very very bad now
for TVs i only buy sony, for tablets only ipad and nexus (yet to try out windows,maybe soon)
people really dont get it do they
android will never have the level of security which ios,wp,BB10 offer
google will never stop selling your data for ads
android also lacks the look and feel which wp,ios or even samsungs touchwiz UI(however bloated and flawed) offer

windows 10 will ring the death knell to google and android
ill tell you why
MS owns windows ,windows phone,xbox,nokia etc
apple owns its own hardware division just like MS and has OSX,iOS,itunes,icloud etc
google has an open source OS-android,chrome OS(which is pathetic compared to other Linux distros,forget windows and OSX),no hardware division anymore since Moto was bought by lenovo,samsung may switch to Tizen etc

the future in the tech world isnt dependent on phone marketshare,its on the ENTIRE marketshare of various gadgets and how they play with each other ie the ecosystem
guess who lead the ecosystem-MS,Apple
not google,which honestly doesnt have any competingworthy product to MS and Apple
id say Apple has a better chance than google in this if not MS

android now is in the same fix which nokia had during symbian
its now saturated and at a standstill,android L is more of a new launcher and UI thing than a full overhaul like ios 6 to ios 7 or wp7 to wp8/wp8.1
except Nokia is one of the top smartphone oems in terms of quality and after sales
you could be buying one from the remotest country and still get support and after sales
Nokia had no presence in the US for several years and was never popular in the US. When the rest of the world used Symbian devices, people in the US used BlackBerry/Palm devices. Nokia was never popular here.
I remember a lot of episodes of The Big Bang Theory where (at least) one character had a Nokia N95, if I am not wrong, that actor was Howard Wolowitz. Being that a successful serie in the Usa, why the tv show was not able to increase the interest in the USA audience about the Nokia smartphone?
Nokia had no presence in the US for several years and was never popular in the US. When the rest of the world used Symbian devices, people in the US used BlackBerry/Palm devices. Nokia was never popular here.

US actually ranks 7th on the top smartphone sales countries and is outranked by a large number
China is the largest market followed by India and other asian and european countries
Nokia and sony erikson ruled the market in India for years together
the main issue was Nokia failed to adapt with newer standards in time and priced its phones rather high which boomed the sales of Chinese unbranded handsets and finally Samsung , Apple and blackberry
I think the marketing team is pathetic in India,they still air Nokia X ads instead of showing their presence with the Lumia range
i think if windows phone gains lower pricing and better awareness,itll bring Nokia/MS back to the top
people are getting tired of samsung in India and are going so far as to buy Micromax phones(which imho are even worse) because of awareness
I remember a lot of episodes of The Big Bang Theory where (at least) one character had a Nokia N95, if I am not wrong, that actor was Howard Wolowitz. Being that a successful serie in the Usa, why the tv show was not able to increase the interest in the USA audience about the Nokia smartphone?

I never knew what an N95 was until I joined this forum. It was only sold in Nokia Stores (in Chicago and NYC at the time) and on their website. US carriers never sold it. It would've been full retail price and unlocked. The typical US customer definitely wouldn't have ordered an unlocked smartphone from an extremely niche manufacturer at that time; US customers definitely wouldn't have sought out the Nokia website or made smartphone shopping top of their list when visiting Chicago or NYC. That device was probably on the show during its first season, but even if people were curious, they'd probably forget about ordering it once they saw the full retail price of an unlocked device without carrier subsidy.
Nokia N95 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
US actually ranks 7th on the top smartphone sales countries and is outranked by a large number
China is the largest market followed by India and other asian and european countries
Nokia and sony erikson ruled the market in India for years together
the main issue was Nokia failed to adapt with newer standards in time and priced its phones rather high which boomed the sales of Chinese unbranded handsets and finally Samsung , Apple and blackberry
I think the marketing team is pathetic in India,they still air Nokia X ads instead of showing their presence with the Lumia range
i think if windows phone gains lower pricing and better awareness,itll bring Nokia/MS back to the top
people are getting tired of samsung in India and are going so far as to buy Micromax phones(which imho are even worse) because of awareness

I think the bigger issue in the US was that many Nokia smartphones were only sold online on Nokia's site or at Nokia Stores (only in Chicago and NYC). Plus, those devices were very pricey, since they were unlocked. US customers typically bought locked smartphones at carrier stores with subsidies. Samsung, Apple and BlackBerry all would've been cheaper and more readily available in the US around 2007.
I think the bigger issue in the US was that many Nokia smartphones were only sold online on Nokia's site or at Nokia Stores (only in Chicago and NYC). Plus, those devices were very pricey, since they were unlocked. US customers typically bought locked smartphones at carrier stores with subsidies. Samsung, Apple and BlackBerry all would've been cheaper and more readily available in the US around 2007.

yeah thats quite true!
still unlocked phones are double the price than US/UK unlocked phones in other countries
I think users should stop writing about Android and other OS in this forum.
Nothing good and meaningful comes out of these type of thread.

All I see only hatred towards other OS nothing else.
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