Android Lollipop looking good (so far)

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^nice irony
actually its the other way around,people cant accept cons of ios and android and refuse to see the pros of windows phone
i dont think most of them have even used other operating systems other than their current phones and generalise
an example would be how people assume files cant be sent over bluetooth in WP or that 512mb ram is slow or more specs=everyday performance
^nice irony
actually its the other way around,people cant accept cons of ios and android and refuse to see the pros of windows phone
i dont think most of them have even used other operating systems other than their current phones and generalise
an example would be how people assume files cant be sent over bluetooth in WP or that 512mb ram is slow or more specs=everyday performance
Actually 512 MB RAM is "slow" or more appropriately it is "inadequate". I remember trying a quad core Lumia 530 just to put to test how efficent Windows Phone was, like everyone here says.

Within a minute of me using it, Skype crashed, among other things. I still have a video of this to prove it.

Windows Phone is nearly just as spec hungry as Android, and the Lumia 535 just goes to show that.
Actually 512 MB RAM is "slow" or more appropriately it is "inadequate". I remember trying a quad core Lumia 530 just to put to test how efficent Windows Phone was, like everyone here says.

Within a minute of me using it, Skype crashed, among other things. I still have a video of this to prove it.

Windows Phone is nearly just as spec hungry as Android, and the Lumia 535 just goes to show that.

^^sigh i was expecting a misinformed reply like this
ironic how exagerated and wrong your post is
the M8 proves otherwise,the windows variant is better optimised and has better battery life and takes better photos
isnt that rather ironic?the exact same hardware and the "superior" "adequate" "optimised" android cant keep up even on flagship device with oodles of specifications
people really dont get it do they
android will never have the level of security which ios,wp,BB10 offer
google will never stop selling your data for ads
android also lacks the look and feel which wp,ios or even samsungs touchwiz UI(however bloated and flawed) offer

windows 10 will ring the death knell to google and android
ill tell you why
MS owns windows ,windows phone,xbox,nokia etc
apple owns its own hardware division just like MS and has OSX,iOS,itunes,icloud etc
google has an open source OS-android,chrome OS(which is pathetic compared to other Linux distros,forget windows and OSX),no hardware division anymore since Moto was bought by lenovo,samsung may switch to Tizen etc

the future in the tech world isnt dependent on phone marketshare,its on the ENTIRE marketshare of various gadgets and how they play with each other ie the ecosystem
guess who lead the ecosystem-MS,Apple
not google,which honestly doesnt have any competingworthy product to MS and Apple
id say Apple has a better chance than google in this if not MS

android now is in the same fix which nokia had during symbian
its now saturated and at a standstill,android L is more of a new launcher and UI thing than a full overhaul like ios 6 to ios 7 or wp7 to wp8/wp8.1

Having read many of your posts I've found that security has always been one of your primary concerns in any operating system.

You also put stress on how we'll Windows Phone and Windows PC work together. What makes me wonder is that if security is your utmost concern, why do you use one of the most unsecure OSes like Windows?

Wait let me answer that. I use Android, knowingly that it may possibly not be as secure as some other OSes but because it offers the most functionality with a decent amount of polish, which is I'm pretty sure the same reason you use Windows.

Secondly you've always believed that Microsoft is the company that cares most for user data, and Google is evil. No amount of logical argument or reason has been able to persuade you otherwise. Maybe if you don't listen to us, a respected Mobile Nations contributor can help you out a tiny bit:


Also you seem to have very odd tastes, which is fine but don't impose them on others. Android Lollipop is now being praised for being one of the most beautiful OSes out there, and I can certainly say that it beats the crap out of most of the Metro UI, but again design is subjective and I'm sure some will disagree.

Samsung is not thinking of switching to Tizen entirely, and Google does still have a hardware division.

I know that you desperately want Microsoft to grow, and no matter how many services it has it has very fierce competition from all sides, to name a few Bing is challenged by Google, Xbox is challenged by PS4, and Nokia wasn't thriving as it is. So Microsoft doesn't seem to have an extremely bright future from the looks of it, because it's services are often outmatched in both sales(and often functionality) by competing OSes.

Year after year we hear the same thing, if not Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8 will beat Android, if not 8, 8.1 and then so on and so on...

In fact I recently came across a three year old post on Android Central about someone that said that Windows Phone may have a chance of success and could maybe beat Android, and look today Android has dominance over the market with extremely powerful OEMs to back it up. Windows Phone 10 will barely manage to even touch Android's popularity.

Android is in no fix today, Android is actually in one of the best places it can be, it has a huge dominance and it need not worry about sales as much it did a few years back. Google, and competing OEMs, are now having breathing space to fix long standing Android problems that put it way ahead of other OSes.

And any sane person would tell you that the overhaul from Android 1.0 to Lollipop, or even the overhaul from KitKat is bigger than any overhaul Windows Phone has received.

A launcher taps into only the homescreen, apps and maybe a few other thing.

Lollipop taps into everything, from the lockscreen, to the colors, the toggles, the icons, the animations, the application design, audio and tons of other stuff.

If you really think Android KitKat and Lollipop are so similar I challenge to tell me 5 things in Android KitKat and Lollipop that have not changed at all.

And if you want more insight into the Lollipop update, I can link you to some good resources.
Having read many of your posts I've found that security has always been one of your primary concerns in any operating system.

You also put stress on how we'll Windows Phone and Windows PC work together. What makes me wonder is that if security is your utmost concern, why do you use one of the most unsecure OSes like Windows?

Wait let me answer that. I use Android, knowingly that it may possibly not be as secure as some other OSes but because it offers the most functionality with a decent amount of polish, which is I'm pretty sure the same reason you use Windows.

Secondly you've always believed that Microsoft is the company that cares most for user data, and Google is evil. No amount of logical argument or reason has been able to persuade you otherwise. Maybe if you don't listen to us, a respected Mobile Nations contributor can help you out a tiny bit:

Also you seem to have very odd tastes, which is fine but don't impose them on others. Android Lollipop is now being praised for being one of the most beautiful OSes out there, and I can certainly say that it beats the crap out of most of the Metro UI, but again design is subjective and I'm sure some will disagree.

Samsung is not thinking of switching to Tizen entirely, and Google does still have a hardware division.

I know that you desperately want Microsoft to grow, and no matter how many services it has it has very fierce competition from all sides, to name a few Bing is challenged by Google, Xbox is challenged by PS4, and Nokia wasn't thriving as it is. So Microsoft doesn't seem to have an extremely bright future from the looks of it, because it's services are often outmatched in both sales(and often functionality) by competing OSes.

Year after year we hear the same thing, if not Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8 will beat Android, if not 8, 8.1 and then so on and so on...

In fact I recently came across a three year old post on Android Central about someone that said that Windows Phone may have a chance of success and could maybe beat Android, and look today Android has dominance over the market with extremely powerful OEMs to back it up. Windows Phone 10 will barely manage to even touch Android's popularity.

Android is in no fix today, Android is actually in one of the best places it can be, it has a huge dominance and it need not worry about sales as much it did a few years back. Google, and competing OEMs, are now having breathing space to fix long standing Android problems that put it way ahead of other OSes.

And any sane person would tell you that the overhaul from Android 1.0 to Lollipop, or even the overhaul from KitKat is bigger than any overhaul Windows Phone has received.

A launcher taps into only the homescreen, apps and maybe a few other thing.

Lollipop taps into everything, from the lockscreen, to the colors, the toggles, the icons, the animations, the application design, audio and tons of other stuff.

If you really think Android KitKat and Lollipop are so similar I challenge to tell me 5 things in Android KitKat and Lollipop that have not changed at all.

And if you want more insight into the Lollipop update, I can link you to some good resources.

this post is completely misinformed
people assume the consumer front is everything in the tech world and forget about the even more expansive-Enterprise market
people assume windows is losing marketshare,windows phone wont gain marketshare,xbox is supposedly only about xbox one etc etc
well guess what,Windows and Mac OSX literally OWN the Enterprise market
microsoft gains even with each Mac for enterprise
wanna know why?its because apple targets more of the consumer and editing,professional stuff
MS provides Office ,Bing etc to be bundled for enterprise orders
Siri ,Yahoo and other systems have BING as their backend
android is polished?android L is better than metro?? dude ios 8 trumps android L's "material design" in this completely,followed by Modern/Metro which only needs interactive tiles and a bit more to completely trump android L
Android L isnt even original,it takes heavy cues from Tizen,ios,Windows Phone,BB10 and even Linux distros such as Elementary OS
want proof-the app drawer in Android L was copied from EOS-
if marketshare proved everything I will just LOL,you never compare a Prius with a Tesla or apples with oranges etc
if you love android L UI so much pls refrain from imposing your opinion on me,I spoke my opinion and you went on to say android is superior
If android is so high and mighty why is android L ripped off from ios 8,BB10 and WP UI so much?
and i know what im talking about-im running Android L DP on my Nexus 5,WP8.1 on my 720 and 820, BB10.3 on my Z10,EOS on my laptop and ios 8.1 on my ipad 4
speaking of marketshare talks-
I dont even see Chrome OS as a separate listing there,its even lower than 1% so when windows 10 and the next version of ios and OSX come out, i highly doubt that consumers or enterprise will switch to Chrome OS and other google stuff just for the same experience
if you had to get the same experience Windows 10/next version of OSX and chrome os etc are supposedly going to offer
would you simply switch your phone to a Windows Phone /ios or change ALL your other gadgets to googles offerings so you can have the same experience on an Android phone
this post is completely misinformed
people assume the consumer front is everything in the tech world and forget about the even more expansive-Enterprise market
people assume windows is losing marketshare,windows phone wont gain marketshare,xbox is supposedly only about xbox one etc etc
well guess what,Windows and Mac OSX literally OWN the Enterprise market
microsoft gains even with each Mac for enterprise
wanna know why?its because apple targets more of the consumer and editing,professional stuff
MS provides Office ,Bing etc to be bundled for enterprise orders
Siri ,Yahoo and other systems have BING as their backend
android is polished?android L is better than metro?? dude ios 8 trumps android L's "material design" in this completely,followed by Modern/Metro which only needs interactive tiles and a bit more to completely trump android L
Android L isnt even original,it takes heavy cues from Tizen,ios,Windows Phone,BB10 and even Linux distros such as Elementary OS
want proof-the app drawer in Android L was copied from EOS-
if marketshare proved everything I will just LOL,you never compare a Prius with a Tesla or apples with oranges etc
if you love android L UI so much pls refrain from imposing your opinion on me,I spoke my opinion and you went on to say android is superior
If android is so high and mighty why is android L ripped off from ios 8,BB10 and WP UI so much?
and i know what im talking about-im running Android L DP on my Nexus 5,WP8.1 on my 720 and 820, BB10.3 on my Z10,EOS on my laptop and ios 8.1 on my ipad 4

A white app tray can't be copied, Android has had app trays of different colours in the past. Even it we're copied, it isn't something huge.

As far as Material Design goes, this guy nailed it:


Use any of the Material Design applications and compare them with Bing or iOS alternatives, you can bet they'll be massively different. But you can't seem to grasp that.

As far as other things go, there are a lot of under the hood changes that someone like you may not have realised.

First of all Android now supports an 8 Megapixel burst mode for Snapdragon 800 and above devices, this is something not on Windows Phone.

Android also has support for low latency audio recording, so Android will see some professional grade recording apps soon, Windows Phone may need to wait another year or two for such apps.

The power toggles and lock screen notifications on Windows Phone are pathetic as they can get, Android takes them a step further and is way more advanced.

Screen recording can be done right through the phone, no PC needed. Again you can't do this on Windows Phone.

There's an Ambient Display mode, way better than Glance could ever get.

Then there are wearables that Android has.

Better face detection, trusted devices mode, estimated battery charge and discharge times, guest profiles, screen pinning, support for 64 bit architecture and applications, USB audio, OpenGLES 3.1, and a hell lot more.

Windows Phone will catch upto this, in about 2 - 3 years.
speaking of marketshare talks-
I dont even see Chrome OS as a separate listing there,its even lower than 1% so when windows 10 and the next version of ios and OSX come out, i highly doubt that consumers or enterprise will switch to Chrome OS and other google stuff just for the same experience
if you had to get the same experience Windows 10/next version of OSX and chrome os etc are supposedly going to offer
would you simply switch your phone to a Windows Phone /ios or change ALL your other gadgets to googles offerings so you can have the same experience on an Android phone
What can you do between a Windows Phone and Windows PC that you can't do with Android and PC?

Even if there we're some groundbreaking features that Windows Phone offered in conjunction with Windows 10, it still won't match the marketshare or profitability of Android or even iOS.
^nice irony
actually its the other way around,people cant accept cons of ios and android and refuse to see the pros of windows phone
i dont think most of them have even used other operating systems other than their current phones and generalise
an example would be how people assume files cant be sent over bluetooth in WP or that 512mb ram is slow or more specs=everyday performance

Actually you are one of the reason I posted that comment.
You simply bad mouth all the OS and spread wrong rumor like WP is more battery efficient.
Their is no proof of it.

They are all just the OS.
Each Os works differently and differently doesn't mean better.
Their is always a trade-off.
WP is best for you but it doesn't give you right to bad mouthing on other OS.
First of all Android now supports an 8 Megapixel burst mode for Snapdragon 800 and above devices, this is something not on Windows Phone.

Screen recording can be done right through the phone, no PC needed. Again you can't do this on Windows Phone.

There's an Ambient Display mode, way better than Glance could ever get.

Then there are wearables that Android has.

Better face detection, trusted devices mode, estimated battery charge and discharge times, guest profiles, screen pinning, support for 64 bit architecture and applications, USB audio, OpenGLES 3.1, and a hell lot more.

Windows Phone will catch upto this, in about 2 - 3 years.

What can you do between a Windows Phone and Windows PC that you can't do with Android and PC?

Even if there we're some groundbreaking features that Windows Phone offered in conjunction with Windows 10, it still won't match the marketshare or profitability of Android or even iOS.

4K burst coming in Denim.
Screen recording possible with WP8.1 and a Windows PC.
Glance 3.0 is better than anything Android could ever imagine.
There is the Microsoft band.
WP8.1.1 has device hub, battery sense, kids' corner, apps corner, etc.
And the Windows NT core (and therefore WP8.x) supports 64-bit processors since before Android was even born.
That finally leaves few (and maybe niche) things left which WP doesn't do.
You simply bad mouth all the OS and spread wrong rumor like WP is more battery efficient.
Their is no proof of it.

The HTC One M8 gives the evidence. The Windows version has greater battery life than the Android version. That should end all debate since the hardware is the same.
4K burst coming in Denim.
Screen recording possible with WP8.1 and a Windows PC.
Glance 3.0 is better than anything Android could ever imagine.
There is the Microsoft band.
WP8.1.1 has device hub, battery sense, kids' corner, apps corner, etc.
And the Windows NT core (and therefore WP8.x) supports 64-bit processors since before Android was even born.
That finally leaves few (and maybe niche) things left which WP doesn't do.

From what I've read it isn't a 4K burst, you can take a video in 4K and extract images from it which is different from a proper burst mode. Btw extracting images out of a video right through the phone is something HTC came up with around 2 - 3 years ago. Glad to see Windows Phone is catching up.

Glance is a fail, it displays barely any notification info and is available for a limited amount of phones. Android has had an app called ACDisplay and now we'll get Ambient Display for many Android Lollipop phones, even low end ones like the Moto G. It's way better and more useful than Glance.

Also battery stats also originated on Android, Data Sense did too. Really really glad to see Windows Phone has caught up.

Windows Phone itself has no bundled 64 bit applications, in Android Lollipop stock apps will come 64 bit, the system will be 64 bit and all apps made in Java will automatically have benefits for 64 bit. Again Windows Phone will need years to come up to that level.

No that still leaves tons of other things Windows Phone can't do, I just made a small list.
Glance is a fail, it displays barely any notification info and is available for a limited amount of phones. Android has had an app called ACDisplay and now we'll get Ambient Display for many Android Lollipop phones, even low end ones like the Moto G. It's way better and more useful than Glance.

Too bad neither of you are correct. Before any Glance or whatever Android has, there was "Exhibition" on webOS. Y'all keep on arguing back and forth, I'll just sit here on the sidelines acting as referee and fact-checker.
From what I've read it isn't a 4K burst, you can take a video in 4K and extract images from it which is different from a proper burst mode. Btw extracting images out of a video right through the phone is something HTC came up with around 2 - 3 years ago. Glad to see Windows Phone is catching up.

Glance is a fail, it displays barely any notification info and is available for a limited amount of phones. Android has had an app called ACDisplay and now we'll get Ambient Display for many Android Lollipop phones, even low end ones like the Moto G. It's way better and more useful than Glance.

Windows Phone itself has no bundled 64 bit applications, in Android Lollipop stock apps will come 64 bit, the system will be 64 bit and all apps made in Java will automatically have benefits for 64 bit. Again Windows Phone will need years to come up to that level.

No that still leaves tons of other things Windows Phone can't do, I just made a small list.

That's a video in 4K. What's the difference between that and a burst mode? Both capture a series of images. The video gives you the advantage of having audio along with it bundled in an .mp4 file. That's better than burst mode already. All you do is extract the best image from the burst. That's the same with moment capture. You don't want your audio and just want to work with your series of images, you can do that.
How is glance a fail? It is a huge battery saver, (consuming almost no battery at all--even when in always on mode) displays date, time, day, month, quick notifications, detailed notifications, background apps as well as background pictures. Even the low-end 620 has glance. Your point is?
And ambient display is not an answer to glance. I have a Lumia 1020 with glance always on. I can see all relevant stuff from 10 feet away on my phone placed on my desk. When I have dirty hands, I can see my notifications with an air-swipe if on peek mode. Where is all that? It also simply copies Nokia's double tap to wake. Again, nothing with important Glance-like functionality is present on Android. If you still have to wake up your phone (by picking it up or double-tapping) to see info, why not just double-tap and pull down the action centre to see all your notifications on WP.
Most probably after merging W10, MS could provide a 64-bit flavour of W10 for ARM like the 64-bit version for the desktop. That should not be far away since the NT core already supports 64-bit processing.
Too bad neither of you are correct. Before any Glance or whatever Android has, there was "Exhibition" on webOS. Y'all keep on arguing back and forth, I'll just sit here on the sidelines acting as referee and fact-checker.

Nokia has had a glance clock since long ago on its Symbian phones. And the Exhibition you talk about is nowhere near Glance. Glance started out as a clock and was developed by Nokia to this stage, as an extension to the WP lock screen. And the current implementation is really original. The webOS analogue you're talking about is not even similar to Glance. And I still have the glance screensaver on my old Nokia dumbphone (with the battery still lasting a whole week) with date, time, missed calls, unread messages, battery status. That most probably means it has nothing to do with webOS.
Too bad neither of you are correct. Before any Glance or whatever Android has, there was "Exhibition" on webOS. Y'all keep on arguing back and forth, I'll just sit here on the sidelines acting as referee and fact-checker.
Never said that Android had this feature first, just that Android's implementation was arguably better than Windows Phone's Glance.

That's a video in 4K. What's the difference between that and a burst mode? Both capture a series of images. The video gives you the advantage of having audio along with it bundled in an .mp4 file. That's better than burst mode already. All you do is extract the best image from the burst. That's the same with moment capture. You don't want your audio and just want to work with your series of images, you can do that.
How is glance a fail? It is a huge battery saver, (consuming almost no battery at all--even when in always on mode) displays date, time, day, month, quick notifications, detailed notifications, background apps as well as background pictures. Even the low-end 620 has glance. Your point is?
And ambient display is not an answer to glance. I have a Lumia 1020 with glance always on. I can see all relevant stuff from 10 feet away on my phone placed on my desk. When I have dirty hands, I can see my notifications with an air-swipe if on peek mode. Where is all that? It also simply copies Nokia's double tap to wake. Again, nothing with important Glance-like functionality is present on Android. If you still have to wake up your phone (by picking it up or double-tapping) to see info, why not just double-tap and pull down the action centre to see all your notifications on WP.
Most probably after merging W10, MS could provide a 64-bit flavour of W10 for ARM like the 64-bit version for the desktop. That should not be far away since the NT core already supports 64-bit processing.

You can't burst shoot in RAW while taking a 4K video, that's the difference.

Ambient Display kicks in whenever you pick the phone up, it works even better on AMOLED panels. Moto Display is an even more advanced version of a similar concept, you can swipe with your hand on top of it btw. Glance can display detailed info of only one app, Ambient Display can display way more.

Also I don't know about the origins of the double tap to wake, but Android has had it way before Windows Phone did.

Even if Microsoft delivered a 64 bit version of Windows how long do you think will the apps take to optimise for 64 bit?

Please Android Lollipop is a pretty advanced OS, more advanced that Windows Phone is ATM.
You can't burst shoot in RAW while taking a 4K video, that's the difference.

Ambient Display kicks in whenever you pick the phone up, it works even better on AMOLED panels. Moto Display is an even more advanced version of a similar concept, you can swipe with your hand on top of it btw. Glance can display detailed info of only one app, Ambient Display can display way more.

Also I don't know about the origins of the double tap to wake, but Android has had it way before Windows Phone did.

Even if Microsoft delivered a 64 bit version of Windows how long do you think will the apps take to optimise for 64 bit?

Please Android Lollipop is a pretty advanced OS, more advanced that Windows Phone is ATM.

That's a very niche demand... Shooting in RAW with 4K. If you can do that with Android, good for you.
Ambient display wakes up the phone, right? That means the processor gets active, GPU starts working, RAM is used. That means plenty of battery is going to be consumed. With Glance, the processor, RAM and GPU are asleep. Only the display buffer is fully active, so that saves a lot of battery irrespective of the display technology.
Nokia had double-tap way before on its pre-WP handsets. They ported it (along with Glance) to WP later.
Since developers don't really care about updating their WP apps, nothing can be said about native 64-bit support for Store apps, but what if developers begin taking interest in W10 later? We may or may not see 64-bit Store apps with W10. Nothing can be said for sure.
And yes, Android is so advanced, they just came to know that running apps in a VM is a bad idea. Google should have dumped Dalvik long ago. They're so advanced that they just figured out it's better to run apps natively on the hardware instead of inside a VM. At least MS knew running apps natively is the best idea since the beginning of WP.
That's a very niche demand... Shooting in RAW with 4K. If you can do that with Android, good for you.
Ambient display wakes up the phone, right? That means the processor gets active, GPU starts working, RAM is used. That means plenty of battery is going to be consumed. With Glance, the processor, RAM and GPU are asleep. Only the display buffer is fully active, so that saves a lot of battery irrespective of the display technology.
Nokia had double-tap way before on its pre-WP handsets. They ported it (along with Glance) to WP later.
Since developers don't really care about updating their WP apps, nothing can be said about native 64-bit support for Store apps, but what if developers begin taking interest in W10 later? We may or may not see 64-bit Store apps with W10. Nothing can be said for sure.
And yes, Android is so advanced, they just came to know that running apps in a VM is a bad idea. Google should have dumped Dalvik long ago. They're so advanced that they just figured out it's better to run apps natively on the hardware instead of inside a VM. At least MS knew running apps natively is the best idea since the beginning of WP.

The technology that goes into making Glance work and all is nice, but how many phones have it? Most of the Lumia x30 series devices don't have it. The 930, 630, 530 and 535 don't have it. But the Moto G2 despite being a budget device does have Ambient Display, it may not be as battery friendly but it still nonetheless there.

When did Nokia introduce the double tap to wake gesture and in what year? I'm genuinely interested in knowing about this.

About the VM, that was a mistake Android made and at least they figured it out in the end. Windows Phone didn't have something as basic as a notification centre for 4 years since creation, there still isn't a decent lockscreen camera shortcut(only a notification centre shortcut), and lots of other basic stuff they haven't gotten right.
The HTC One M8 gives the evidence. The Windows version has greater battery life than the Android version. That should end all debate since the hardware is the same.

for the one millionth times,
WP isn't battery efficient. Do little research and then talk
gsmarena_001.jpg gsmarena_002.jpg

and HTC One M8 Android display is 33% more brighter than WP all the time during test.


Now tell me how much WP is battery efficient?
Too bad neither of you are correct. Before any Glance or whatever Android has, there was "Exhibition" on webOS. Y'all keep on arguing back and forth, I'll just sit here on the sidelines acting as referee and fact-checker.

im not disagreeing with you but the first implementation of glance was on Nokias symbian S40 and S60 displays though it was a minor feature at the time and webos implemented it better
Nokia has had a glance clock since long ago on its Symbian phones. And the Exhibition you talk about is nowhere near Glance. Glance started out as a clock and was developed by Nokia to this stage, as an extension to the WP lock screen. And the current implementation is really original. The webOS analogue you're talking about is not even similar to Glance. And I still have the glance screensaver on my old Nokia dumbphone (with the battery still lasting a whole week) with date, time, missed calls, unread messages, battery status. That most probably means it has nothing to do with webOS.

i think what he meant was that glance and exhibition mode were similiar because of the clock and notification thingy
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