Android Lollipop looking good (so far)

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I actually looked at that link and found almost zero credible evidence about GSMarena being biased.

Though you know what I did find from those links?

Shame on Nokia for this.

Next time before linking everyone to a Google Search, please show us a credible reference not keep us looking for your so called "evidence."

BTW, that Nokia cheated on its promos is totally irrelevant to this thread.
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That explains why Glance isn't similar to Exhibition. It was completely different and was independently developed by Nokia.
And if it is a digital frame, it's not battery saving/efficient. Glance is different and efficient because the power consuming parts of the phone are asleep/standby during Glance.

My suspicions are confirmed. You have no knowledge of webOS yet you're saying that Glance is this or Exhibition is that. I'm biased because I'm a long time Palm fan but even the Treo Pro on WinMo had the faint clock and battery meter. This was on WinMo 6.1, no less.
My suspicions are confirmed. You have no knowledge of webOS yet you're saying that Glance is this or Exhibition is that. I'm biased because I'm a long time Palm fan but even the Treo Pro on WinMo had the faint clock and battery meter. This was on WinMo 6.1, no less.

I haven't used webOS. That doesn't mean I can't talk about it. It's like saying a person shouldn't talk about dog bites because he hasn't been bitten by a dog himself.
Whatever, from what I know of Exhibition, the approach is completely different from Glance. It didn't rely on the display buffer for displaying info. It instead kept the processor/GPU/RAM running. Glance is unique in that sense it doesn't power up the processor completely to display the info. Exhibition can not be a precursor to Glance since they aren't similar.
You came along saying that your beloved webOS had such a thing long ago. I say it wasn't even remotely similar in the way it worked. So, your old webOS did not have the battery-saving Glance feature. Even if you could view your notifications or make your phone a photo-frame or whatever, that was at the expense of your battery.
If we what to talk about features phones had ages ago that WP, android, and ios are just getting or still don't have palm shouldn't be the subject or windows mobile, Symbian should as it was far more advanced.
I haven't tried Lollipop yet - it's not officially available for my Moto G 4G yet. I go so few up with irritating niggles with Android 4.4.4 that I moved to Windows Phone. WP isn't perfect, but each day I use my L735, I grow to like the system a little bit more.

In my opinion, the only way to get a truly satisfactory experience with Android is to root the phone and install apps that require root access and to use the Xposed Framework to install modules that add basic functionality.

Without rooting I can't:
  • install apps onto an SD card
  • save photos to the SD card from a 3rd party camera app
  • customise the Quick Settings
  • remove many pre-installed apps
  • set my phone to use 2G access
... to name just a few.

These aren't major issues, but it's GREAT on WP to be able to choose where to install most apps, photos, documents, maps, etc. And of course WP isn't perfect - notifications are poor, the Calendar live tile doesn't display my appointments for the week ahead (I need a 3rd party app), and there are only 4 toggles available on the quick settings bar (not sure if that is the correct name for it, sorry.)

If I were presented with two phones with identical specs, one WP one Android, at the moment WP would win for me. That might change when Lollipop is officially available; I don't know.

I think it fair to say that neither system is better than the other. They are merely different.
If we what to talk about features phones had ages ago that WP, android, and ios are just getting or still don't have palm shouldn't be the subject or windows mobile, Symbian should as it was far more advanced.

Please explain. There are many features that WinMo had baked in that were only available as downloadable apps through Symbian. Even PalmOS had their fair share of firsts such as IM-style threaded messaging and Bluetooth printing.
Please explain. There are many features that WinMo had baked in that were only available as downloadable apps through Symbian. Even PalmOS had their fair share of firsts such as IM-style threaded messaging and Bluetooth printing.

Nokia 3310 had a battery saving Glance clock... So it was 'first'. :P
Nokia might have added features available through apps into the OS if they wished... What's wrong with downloadable apps?
For those of you that think Android copied Windows Phone, the Verge posted a pretty decent review that reiterate what I was trying to say.

And especially impressive is the part that the Verge is a bit biased against anything that isn't an Apple product, but they mostly nailed this review.

I don't think Android copied WP, but I do believe they have been influenced by WP designs and features. This isn't a one way street. WP, iOS, and Android are being influenced by each other and you often see features or ideas from one show up on the other with their own special touch. I don't see anything wrong with that either. It would be silly to think these development teams were not following all of the platforms to see what was working, what was popular, etc, and then apply that to their own plans.

As far as the Verge goes, I completely agree that they do not usually offer a very fair shake for Android and especially Microsoft. They did a nice job for once.
So you're telling me that an OS with multitasking and several apps consuming battery, CPU, runs a VM, etc. is more efficient as compared to an OS which suspends most of the apps in the background, has restrictions on when tiles can update, doesn't support heavy app background tasks, runs apps natively, etc. and the difference is only due to higher brightness settings?
The way Android handles stuff is inherently bad. And that was the reason for poor battery life of the M8 Android version. Sure, brightness had a part, but Android had its role, too in reducing battery life.

As I already said read the test procedure.This test doesn't include multi-tasking.

And when multi-tasking becomes bad?
you don't know but soon WP will also do multi-tasking when split-screen feature added to WP.
Now I understand, you actually don't know what you are saying.
Actually 512 MB RAM is "slow" or more appropriately it is "inadequate". I remember trying a quad core Lumia 530 just to put to test how efficent Windows Phone was, like everyone here says.

Within a minute of me using it, Skype crashed, among other things. I still have a video of this to prove it.

Windows Phone is nearly just as spec hungry as Android, and the Lumia 535 just goes to show that.

I have 530 too. Never happened with me.
As far as spec hunger is concerned, Android is always on top of iOS/WP. Many tech sites have been saying that from years.
I have my 28 months old 710(1.4 GHz processor, 512 Mb ram). It never lagged, never did any apps in it crashed. Same goes with some of my friends who used 710, 510, 610, 800 previously, all with a single core processor. Oh wait, 510, 610 had 256 Mb ram, still many basic apps were present which ran without lag.
Now do you remember Android running smoothly even on a dual core processor? But many of Android fan boys say that Android previously had issues, but the recent kit Kat is a lot more stable. So there's my point, Android lagged even on dual core processors, which ultimately leads to a conclusion that Android is more spec hungry/power hungry as compared to WP.
I knew you say something like this because you don't have anything to counter my point.

Here for you

Gsmarena is biggest, oldest and most trusted website.
They never wrong about any test.

I've seen many specs of phones wrong on that site! Many times. Sometimes it takes weeks for them to realize it. So the testing is too far off...
Android is more battery hog due to its multitasking nature allowing any app to run in background. Battery benchmark with no app running is one thing, real world usage is very different.
Android lollipop looks good. It has some good features, still can't figure out why this thread exists here at WC. I think AC is too small to discuss, hence we have this thread here. Some people would only take a sigh of relief by proving that WP is way behind Android. I think WP 10 would be a good answer.

Desperately waiting for WP 10 features to come out.

It would be really nice to compare how WP 10 stands against Android lollipop

Sent from my dark knight 1320
It would be really nice to compare how WP 10 stands against Android lollipop

It doesn't matter. The next version of Android will be released at around the same the time that W(P)10 will be fully implemented. So we'll be comparing W(P)10 with Android M.
I actually looked at that link and found almost zero credible evidence about GSMarena being biased.

Though you know what I did find from those links?

Nokia Lumia 920 sample images found to be fake as well - news

Shame on Nokia for this.

Next time before linking everyone to a Google Search, please show us a credible reference not keep us looking for your so called "evidence."

also heres some salt for your wounds-
i bet android phones will never match up to the pureview sensor
It doesn't matter. The next version of Android will be released at around the same the time that W(P)10 will be fully implemented. So we'll be comparing W(P)10 with Android M.

Hmmm, I bet Samsung would still have issues & Android would get new problems to face with, new security breaches etc.
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