Andromeda Device Petition

How lame. MS has shown time and again that public opinion means nothing, especially where consumer based products are concerned. This petition is more dead than WP.
What is wrong with YOU people?

You act like Microsoft slapped your mother.

News flash! Microsoft is a business, they do what makes money, short term and long term. So forgive them if they do not sacrifice their profits and people's jobs for your feelings.
I have no problems with Microsoft and I still support their endeavors and wish them success. I just won't personally invest in their ecosystem any more than I have to. Because like you said, it's just business.
What is wrong with YOU people?

You act like Microsoft slapped your mother.

News flash! Microsoft is a business, they do what makes money, short term and long term. So forgive them if they do not sacrifice their profits and people's jobs for your feelings.

I think. I think you misunderstand where the comments are coming from. I suggest you keep reading on the topic, as much as your level of interest will tolerate. Dig deeper to understand. Your research will educate you.
Best wishes.
As a consumer, I do not, neither does anyone else, have any need, duty, or responsibility to convince Microsoft or any other company to make anything. It's their job to convince us to buy something after they have made one.

I understand your point, and if we were speaking about Android or iPhone I would agree, but there is nothing for Microsoft to convince us to buy if they do not see a market for it. As you stated, their previous attempts in the mobile space have yielded sub par results, possibly making them loose confidence in the possibility of a profitable windows mobile market. This petition was an attempt in proving to Microsoft that that market exists, successful or not, I think it was still worth a try.
Why not just get a Windows tablet with LTE and Pen support. A device like this can also make phone calls. You can have everything you want today.

because that is just impractical, this is the only solution if you're bluetooth acts up, bluetooth headset/handsfree runs out of charge/becomes faulty and you don't have a handsfree (wired) kit.

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What an old fashioned idea. Holding a Phone device to your head. Times are changing.

It may be old fashioned, but do you really want to hear other peoples conversations when they are speaking loudly with their phones away from their face whilst on loud speaker?

How would you feelwhen you're sitting at a bus stop for example and everyone is speaking very loudly?

So you end up speaking more loudly or wacking up the volume on your headphones - which can damage your ear drums whilst the former subconciously triggers other people to speak louder and round in circle you go.

Plus it's also considered rude to invading other people's personal space with your loud conversations.

Furthemore, do you really want other people to listen to your own conversations?

In addition with the GDPR policy (which is a unique tailored policy for the company and industry sector you work in), you must take all reasonable precautions to safeguard personal data that can identify an individual. Under this new EU law/regulations, all individuals have the right to privacy in the public domain.

So, it may be an
What an old fashioned idea.
but it's grounded in several principles - a few which I have outlined above.
The goal is 25k signatures. That number is nowhere near enough people to convince Microsoft to release this device. Not unless we're going to pay a Surface Pro-level premium for it.
17,500 have signed it. No harm done and who knows it might do some good. This world runs on numbers and this, at the very least, says there is interest. 17,500 * $900.00 = $15,750,000. Voting is easy. Stand up and support what you like.
Best Wishes.

If they charge $900 then it will sell like, well, Windows Phones.
I don't think MS will risk to launch a limited niche device with the potential of bad publicity no matter if the device is great, the stench of failure around the mobile experiments of MS is very strong.
If they charge $900 then it will sell like, well, Windows Phones.
I have no idea why people on this thread keep talking about a sub $1K cost. This is going to be an expensive device, with the most expensive screen tech ever on a device. Considering the cost estimates currently floating around for the Galaxy X, this device will be in the same cost range.
The number of signatures is over 20,000. Signing does no harm and might do some good.
20K signatures helps the team trying to determine the viability. Unfortunately not in the way the petition is intended. The petition would need at least 500K and possibly 2x that number to get Microsoft's attention.
Microsoft has said telephony capabilities. They have also said it is not a phone. Telephony could just be the ability to make calls over LTE.

Also, no petitions in business decisions don't matter. Maybe if 5÷ million signed it, but even then I doubt MS would care. Last word I heard the potential high cost of manufacturing is a big challenge.

If you had 5 million who used Windows phone, it would still be available.
If you had 5 million who used Windows phone, it would still be available.
Very true. I still have a hard time understanding the use case of having a low power Windows ARM in my pocket. With my Android phone I can run all of the MS software I need in my pocket, Office, One Note, email and access key services. Items I need to run on my notebook I hve heavy memory, space and processing requirements. I don't need them at my fingertips 24x7. I do need what I have on my Note 8 and when traveling seldom do I even turn on my laptop. I can do my work from my phone.

From the backroom chatter I hear this is the challenge the Andromeda team is facing. Finding a viable use case for a device that will be very expensive. I laugh at the $1,000 fantasy cost estimates. The current low estimates for the Samsung Galaxy X are around $1,800 and they have lower system requirements and a much lower cost supply chain.
20K signatures helps the team trying to determine the viability. Unfortunately not in the way the petition is intended. The petition would need at least 500K and possibly 2x that number to get Microsoft's attention.

I would think that Microsoft is smart enough to realize that most people don't vote, for anything, ever. Only a very few even speak up. I would guess that the number of people even aware of this petition is miniscule. You sad sacks make it sound like there are only 20,000 votes out of 7.5 billion world population. It's not like voting costs you money. I'm hoping Microsoft knows that the "it's hopeless to vote" mentality is also at work to keep some people from voting.

I stand by my comment. If you know what the Microsoft Mobile experience is, and like it. I think you should go and vote, no harm done, no expense involved, and the nay sayers won't know. You will have done, what you can, to support what you like.
I would think that Microsoft is smart enough to realize that most people don't vote, for anything, ever. Only a very few even speak up. I would guess that the number of people even aware of this petition is miniscule. You sad sacks make it sound like there are only 20,000 votes out of 7.5 billion world population. It's not like voting costs you money. I'm hoping Microsoft knows that the "it's hopeless to vote" mentality is also at work to keep some people from voting.

I stand by my comment. If you know what the Microsoft Mobile experience is, and like it. I think you should go and vote, no harm done, no expense involved, and the nay sayers won't know.

No harm done and no affect on what MS will do.
Do whatever you want.
I would think that Microsoft is smart enough to realize that most people don't vote, for anything, ever. Only a very few even speak up. I would guess that the number of people even aware of this petition is miniscule. You sad sacks make it sound like there are only 20,000 votes out of 7.5 billion world population. It's not like voting costs you money. I'm hoping Microsoft knows that the "it's hopeless to vote" mentality is also at work to keep some people from voting.

I stand by my comment. If you know what the Microsoft Mobile experience is, and like it. I think you should go and vote, no harm done, no expense involved, and the nay sayers won't know. You will have done, what you can, to support what you like.
I have worked in the Tech world for over 30 years and continue to work in the Tech industry. I have many good friends at Microsoft including one General Manager and several VPs. I know very well how Microsoft makes decisions. I am tongue and cheek about the petition. I laugh at these forums when every I hear people propose a petition.

Microsoft spends a lot of dollars on not only R&D but also on market research. They also need a business justification for products. One of the biggest problems Microsoft had in the last 5 plus years under Balmer was his unwillingness to listen. He believed Microsoft was too big to fail in any market if they spent enough money.

The wild west days of throwing money away at Microsoft are over. The new culture is producing amazing results. The only way Andromeda is going to see the light of day will be if Microsoft's leadership is confident the product will sell. The backroom chatter is the leadership is not convinced.

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