Andromeda ideas... Not a question, rather a suggestion..

Nadella said it would be 'the ULTIMATE mobile device', so yes, full telephony, yes very good camera, minimum 20MP, yes full win 10 pro switchable almost instantly to S mode, yes great battery life (one of the two screens could be almost all battery underneath, maybe 5000mA).
1 Yes, it can't be much of a portable device that crosses boundaries (phone and productive device) without telephony.

2. Yes. Not necessarily the best for me. But, to be an acceptable mobile cross-over device it should be competitive in quality compared to other high-end devices. It is definitely one of those areas that every review will ding it for not being reasonably good. Of course, reviews will compare any Andromeda (even though it is not the same) to all other telephony-based devices. I suspect any initial device will be quite expensive, so might as well spend the extra money to make sure nothing isn't the best it can be.
Any high end phone today needs these things. If Andromeda is missing either, it will be a tough sale compared to the iPhones and Galaxy devices they do have them.
The device needs to be able to handle voice communications in some manner, whether it is through the carrier's sim or through an app like Skype, but the hardware (microphone, speaker, etc.) needs to be there.

For the camera, it would need to be able to work seamlessly with Office Lens, be able to stitch together panoramas quickly, and not subject clients to unobstructed views of my nose hair when on a video conference call. Do I need special portrait modes, ultra slo mo or other trick photography, NO.

If this is meant as a productivity, note-taking, designing, brainstorming device, then it needs to do those type of tasks better than everyone else.
1. Yes. Otherwise it's just a foldable tablet and that's not too valuable.
2. State of the art, no. Respectable, yes.

Keep in mind that we're talking about a device that could be forming a whole new product category. We can't look at it just on phone or tablet considerations. What it can do and its use cases could change the equation quite a bit.
1: Yes. It's selling point is portability; I highly doubt I'd consider this if it couldn't replace my smartphone in at least some scenarios...
2: Yes. At least as good as the 950XL, preferably faster, with faster focusing and perhaps even dual lenses (wide angle)...
Edit: My real life use case - as an architect I often inspect buildings as well as building sites, noting things that need to be attended to. Being able to take reasonable photos on site, even in locations with limited lighting, for closer study back at the office is crucial. A device like this speculated Andromeda would be perfect for the job, but only if I could instantly take and scribble notes on quality photos...
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1. No. I seldom call or SMS anymore. Just need data.
2. No. Good if it has but I do have a proper camera in my bag.
I think Andromeda is DOA without telephony. A good mid-range camera would be acceptable.
Re: Andromeda ideas... Not a question, rather a suggestion..i

It needs to be 5G ready. Kill telephony and free phone number subscription to Skype for 3-5 years.

Sell it directly from online or tech stores to avoid AT&T hogging exclusivity with their ****ty data caps.
If andromeda is a pocket PC it would need telephone capability (not necessarily SMS capability too) but not a camera.
We (WC) should conduct two polls.
1. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have traditional native telephony in order for you to buy one?
2. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have a state of the art camera in order for you to buy one?

To both of your questions, I say big YES
Without FULL phone telephony, and without a great camera there is absolutely ZERO reason to buy Andromeda. It's just a big brick in our pockets otherwise. If MS won't release a Surface Phone then this device NEEDS... yes ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES it to be the next best thing to a phone.

I'd also venture to say that it REQUIRES a GPS too! It needs to be a phone for crying out loud... albeit, one that runs full Windows Core OS and folds out into a tablet. Phone first... folding tablet second!
1-NO: they should have the courage to finally end "traditional" calls and sms, at least I wish they do

2-state of the art camera? as in hardware? just put the 950's module there, the snapdragon 1000+ will do the rest

they can(and hopefully will) invest heavily in imaging tech since "MR" is their big thing, so I would expect a pixel-like level of software magic to turn that camera into a nightmare to any competitor(it already is based on pure hardware alone), and considering its not a middle of the road sensor but the mighty 950's zeiss lens + pureview wizardry, adding the software and cpu bruteforce will just demolish whatever is out there usurping nokia's imaging legacy today

not just still pictures and selfie tricks, but all sorts of amazing MR showcases
1. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have traditional native telephony in order for you to buy one?
Ans:- Yes, because that will eventually elemenate the necessity of a secondary device for telephony and that, will actually serve upto Microsoft's motto of actual productivity.
2. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have a state of the art camera in order for you to buy one?
Ans:-Yes of course, that's a prime factor of a pro photographer.
Andromeda would fail miserably without telephony. Nobody want to carry two devices in their pockets, one phone and one folded tablet. It has to be ONE. It may not be called Surface Phone, but it better be one or a disaster is in the making.
We (WC) should conduct two polls.
1. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have traditional native telephony in order for you to buy one?
2. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have a state of the art camera in order for you to buy one?

1. Yes. Absolutely. Total deal breaker without it.

2. So so. Would be nice if it at least takes Lumia 950 quality pics
We (WC) should conduct two polls.
1. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have traditional native telephony in order for you to buy one?
2. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have a state of the art camera in order for you to buy one?

Im at the point now since moving from my 950xl and being on Android (S8) for the last year or so, im really like Who Cares. android has been meeting all my needs and then some.

If an Andromeda device without a good camera sells for over $1k, but an Andromeda with a state of the art camera is $1,500... Forget that...

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