Andromeda ideas... Not a question, rather a suggestion..

1. No. I seldom call or SMS anymore. Just need data.
btw, I said no to Q1 but... I know people want it. To me, it won't hurt to have it and I think it is easy for MS to include one. But again, I'm with deadonthefloor, data only would work fine for me.

3. XPA, Surface Pen, is what I truly want!
I'll put this as simply as I can. The vast majority of potential customers won't even consider spending additional money on this device when they already pay lots for a smartphone, UNLESS it can replace their phone. So, it does not have to be called a *phone. However, it better do at least all the things a phone can do - including make calls and be the go to camera.
Of course it needs both. What would be the point of this 'new category' of device if I still need to carry one or more other things? There are plenty of options already if I want to carry two, or three, things.
"Current prototypes feature telephony capabilies, which mean it'll be able to make calls and send texts just like you could on Windows phone. Andromeda is definitely not a "Windows phone" however, so don't expect Microsoft to position this device as a competitor to the iPhone or Pixel."
We (WC) should conduct two polls.
1. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have traditional native telephony in order for you to buy one?
2. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have a state of the art camera in order for you to buy one?

Both answers - YES
" Andromeda is definitely not a "Windows phone" however, so don't expect Microsoft to position this device as a competitor to the iPhone or Pixel."

I sort of wonder about this. Is it MS saying that just so that the past of WP and W10M is put aside and doesn't plague this new release, or is it because it well and truly isn't trying to be a phone?

Because if anyone would say that the surface isn't a laptop, well, it's close enough. Sure, it doesn't follow the same form factor, but it's not that far off that one couldn't make valid comparisons, and after all, I don't think anyone says I need a laptop and a surface; they're similar enough that one can substitute the other.

So I'm inclined to think that while that is being repeated; that andromeda isn't a phone, I still think that very few people will carry both, the andromeda device and a smartphone, at the same time. The people that will are probably the same ones who already carry two smartphones.
We (WC) should conduct two polls.
1. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have traditional native telephony in order for you to buy one?
2. Is it necessary for Andromeda to have a state of the art camera in order for you to buy one?
1. Yes, what's the point otherwise?
2. Hell yes, if I'm gonna drop 2 grand on this it better make coffee too.

Sent from my Lumia 950 on mTalk
1: Yes it need a phone and SMS, don't want to carry a phone also.
2: Needs a good camera.
My money $$ is ready, been using Windows phone from the start (HTC PPC6800).
If it costs over 400, it can have genuine unicorn inside (it has to be very small to fit though) and I'll still skip it. Simply, I have no use for one and I don't have desire for one.
BUT, if "Andromeda" does phone calls and has great camera, there's a chance it'll be "(just) another Windows Mobile" and it will not sell because Android and Apple. Therefore I'd have to answer no to both.

My next phone will do phone calls and propably has sort of good camera, but it won't be running Windows, unless very strange things happen in mobile environment.
Yes it must have a very good camera and telephony. Having multiple devices is becoming an ever expensive and increased maintenance affair. We should be thinking about a single device that could replace the tablet pc and phone. I think thats part of the appeal of the andromeda hardware. Anything less and the device is pointless for me. Im not going to carry around a surface pro and a smartphone and andromeda device, come on!

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