Andromeda / Surface Phone will come with Android OS

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I think the long-awaited Surface Phone is closer than ever. For a long time, the Surface Phone has generated more rumors than any other device without having lost the expectation. And lately those rumors have increased, including a hint by Panos Panay.

But, what will ensure the success of it?

Who will want to buy a Surface mobile device (that won't be cheap) without access to the modern apps? Who will buy it to replace a desktop pc? Who will buy it to carry two mobile devices (Andromeda Windows 10 and an Android or iPhone? I think no one would buy it, even long time MS supporters like me and many others. You may think that Microsoft will rely on PWA to close the gap between the Microsoft Store and Google and Apple apps stores. But that's not going to happen, at least in the near future, even with the big support from Google. In my opinion, even the Surface and Surface Pro lines will not survive if Microsoft don't do something quick.

And I would think that Microsoft knows that and they will not invest hundreds of millions on a product line that is destined to be DOA. So, I think that Microsoft is working on a surprise for everyone.

In recent months, I have noticed a closer integration with its services and Windows 10 with Android apps, the development of new applications, even for non-MS services, and the Android support on Windows 10 (I can't wait to try "Your Phone" currently under development and still non functional in Windows 10 build 17677). All these make me think that Microsoft is developing (or should develop) the Andromeda device with Android OS and will be heavily loaded with their apps and services, which makes a lot of sense to me, and that would ensure that the device is widely accepted and would guarantee its success. Even their OEM partners would follow them with new devices, because it will be a mature and productive system as well as entertainment.

I have been a strong supporter, follower and defender of Windows Mobile/Phone for long time (since my 2007
AT&T Tilt until my Lumia 950) and just a few months ago I jumped out of the sinking ship to buy a Samsung S8+ and now I realize all I was missing before and all that I am missing now, and that makes me desire a combination of both worlds.

I have my Samsung phone loaded with MS apps. I just installed Next on my Samsung (and I love it) and makes me feel closer to the Windows Mobile experience in regards to the notifications (Android notifications sucks). I was able to restore my WhatsApp backup from WM to Android (thanks to Nicola's WinWazzapMigrator), and also I transferred all my SMS to Android. I am still missing on Android the Anand Prakash's Converge app.

I am missing a lot my Lumia 950 and I can say that Windows Mobile is a lot superior to Android but it lacks the apps we want and need now. It is a shame that Microsoft did not listen to Ballmer when he proposed to allow Android apps to run natively on Windows Mobile 10, but now is maybe too late for that formula.

I will consider to buy an Andromeda device with Android OS and heavily loaded with all MS apps and with a like-WM experience.

My Andromeda flavor:
- Launcher10 as a launcher
- Outlook instead of the Android Contacts, Calendar and Mail.
- Next instead of Android Notifications.
- Edge instead of Chrome.
- I would be using Google Assistant until MS improves Cortana.
- Bing instead of Google Search and Google Maps.
- Google Play store.

Which other apps or modifications would you love on an Andromeda with Android? What do you think about it?

I will see a long life to Andromeda if MS uses android. What do you think? Does it makes sense to you?


Do you follow Microsoft, or have you just popped in for a quick 5 minute chat?

Point 1. Surface phone doesnt exist. Never has. Never will

Point 2. Qualcomm and MS have spent years, and $Billions, developing an Arm/Windows solutions. You might have heard about it.....Windows on Arm....

Point 3. PWA. Progressive web apps. Look them up.

Point 4. I've used Android. I'm currently using Android. It sucks.

Sheesh :(
Besides the apps, I cannot stand Android. After plugging in all my login info, Windows Phone just worked and everything was there. And of course the Tiles were superior in every way than icons with count numbers on them. Also I constantly have issues with performance and the phone just doing things on it's own. Cant tell you how many times I pull it out of my pocket and find that I am one click away from buying 27 tickets to a movie in a theater located in another state. This even after I have the lock screen set to not open when in pocket. Also the glance screen is worthless. Nice to have apps but the rest of Android is a joke. And yes I tried MS Launcher and found that count indicators for things like missed calls broke far too often. Running the straight Android experience and while it is better, still is nowhere near as polished as Windows Phone was. Can they have an Android emulator to run android apps?
I think the long-awaited Surface Phone is closer than ever. For a long time, the Surface Phone has generated more rumors than any other device without having lost the expectation. And lately those rumors have increased, including a hint by Panos Panay.

But, what will ensure the success of it?

Who will want to buy a Surface mobile device (that won't be cheap) without access to the modern apps? Who will buy it to replace a desktop pc? Who will buy it to carry two mobile devices (Andromeda Windows 10 and an Android or iPhone? I think no one would buy it, even long time MS supporters like me and many others. You may think that Microsoft will rely on PWA to close the gap between the Microsoft Store and Google and Apple apps stores. But that's not going to happen, at least in the near future, even with the big support from Google. In my opinion, even the Surface and Surface Pro lines will not survive if Microsoft don't do something quick.

And I would think that Microsoft knows that and they will not invest hundreds of millions on a product line that is destined to be DOA. So, I think that Microsoft is working on a surprise for everyone.

In recent months, I have noticed a closer integration with its services and Windows 10 with Android apps, the development of new applications, even for non-MS services, and the Android support on Windows 10 (I can't wait to try "Your Phone" currently under development and still non functional in Windows 10 build 17677). All these make me think that Microsoft is developing (or should develop) the Andromeda device with Android OS and will be heavily loaded with their apps and services, which makes a lot of sense to me, and that would ensure that the device is widely accepted and would guarantee its success. Even their OEM partners would follow them with new devices, because it will be a mature and productive system as well as entertainment.

I have been a strong supporter, follower and defender of Windows Mobile/Phone for long time (since my 2007
AT&T Tilt until my Lumia 950) and just a few months ago I jumped out of the sinking ship to buy a Samsung S8+ and now I realize all I was missing before and all that I am missing now, and that makes me desire a combination of both worlds.

I have my Samsung phone loaded with MS apps. I just installed Next on my Samsung (and I love it) and makes me feel closer to the Windows Mobile experience in regards to the notifications (Android notifications sucks). I was able to restore my WhatsApp backup from WM to Android (thanks to Nicola's WinWazzapMigrator), and also I transferred all my SMS to Android. I am still missing on Android the Anand Prakash's Converge app.

I am missing a lot my Lumia 950 and I can say that Windows Mobile is a lot superior to Android but it lacks the apps we want and need now. It is a shame that Microsoft did not listen to Ballmer when he proposed to allow Android apps to run natively on Windows Mobile 10, but now is maybe too late for that formula.

I will consider to buy an Andromeda device with Android OS and heavily loaded with all MS apps and with a like-WM experience.

My Andromeda flavor:
- Launcher10 as a launcher
- Outlook instead of the Android Contacts, Calendar and Mail.
- Next instead of Android Notifications.
- Edge instead of Chrome.
- I would be using Google Assistant until MS improves Cortana.
- Bing instead of Google Search and Google Maps.
- Google Play store.

Which other apps or modifications would you love on an Andromeda with Android? What do you think about it?

I will see a long life to Andromeda if MS uses android. What do you think? Does it makes sense to you?
IF they want it to succeed, it will have to run Android. And have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with Windows Mobile, or it will fail. If it runs Windows Mobile, I won't touch it with an IOS device.
Not sure if Andromeda and Surface Phone are the same device. I've read here that Andromeda is not a phone replacement. If Microsoft launches a phone, it must run Android to succeed. I miss my Lumia 950, but the work and social apps I need are only on iOS or Android.
If Microsoft used their own fork of android without any scroogle services, then fine, but I would prefer some version of Windows 10.
Haven't we gone over this with WP and then WM and then the failed universal app experiment? Win 10 will only succeed on a desktop/laptop. Anything else, just build the hardware and put Android on it if you even think if having success.
The point of Andromeda is that it doesn't need mobile apps to be useful BECAUSE IT'S NOT A PHONE. Obviously the hope is that eventually the mobile apps will come, but Andromeda is first and foremost a JOURNAL. I write a ton on scratch paper (at work, at school, at home) and would LOVE to just pull out a digital journal to jot something down or solve a problem real quick.

Microsoft would be almost dead in my eyes if they became another Android OEM as you're basically suggesting.
I've actually stuck with Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile. There are things I NEED that simply are impossible on any other platform or, if they ARE possible, you have to do so much tweaking to even come close. Cortana is a HUGE part of that. As for the apps, there's nothing on Android or iPhone that I need that doesn't exist on WP/W10M either natively, as a UWP app or via a pinned website.
I can't see it happening. If it were a choice between Google's android or no device, MS would pick no device.

Reason why, is that in order to get play store compatible versions of android for a device, which lets face it, that's android's single useful feature, the device manufacturer has to be part of some android alliance, which prohibits them from making any android forks, and demands that all of google's other services are preinstalled on the device.

Just about all of google's services are in parity with microsofts offerings. If MS released an android device, it literally provides them with no benefit, it's just a piece of hardware to sell, since it won't be configured to be in the MS ecosystem.

This is why MS still wants to have a go at mobile. They just can't ignore it.
Microsoft putting Android on this makes no sense. Android AOSP (which is what could be used) wouldn't run Google Play apps. That's what most people think of as Android, even though is really isn't. This was a main reason for the Fire Phone failing. The apps just weren't there. It wasn't what people thought of as Android without the Google Play store apps. Microsoft could work with the AOSP version, but not the Google proprietary apps that people expect.
I hear what folks say about MS being a sware company but when they do not control the OS they control nothing. So buy dumping WM10 for android they start the death spiral of windows. Where does that lead the future of MS?
I think the long-awaited Surface Phone is closer than ever. For a long time, the Surface Phone has generated more rumors than any other device without having lost the expectation. And lately those rumors have increased, including a hint by Panos Panay.

But, what will ensure the success of it?

Who will want to buy a Surface mobile device (that won't be cheap) without access to the modern apps? Who will buy it to replace a desktop pc? Who will buy it to carry two mobile devices (Andromeda Windows 10 and an Android or iPhone? I think no one would buy it, even long time MS supporters like me and many others. You may think that Microsoft will rely on PWA to close the gap between the Microsoft Store and Google and Apple apps stores. But that's not going to happen, at least in the near future, even with the big support from Google. In my opinion, even the Surface and Surface Pro lines will not survive if Microsoft don't do something quick.

And I would think that Microsoft knows that and they will not invest hundreds of millions on a product line that is destined to be DOA. So, I think that Microsoft is working on a surprise for everyone.

In recent months, I have noticed a closer integration with its services and Windows 10 with Android apps, the development of new applications, even for non-MS services, and the Android support on Windows 10 (I can't wait to try "Your Phone" currently under development and still non functional in Windows 10 build 17677). All these make me think that Microsoft is developing (or should develop) the Andromeda device with Android OS and will be heavily loaded with their apps and services, which makes a lot of sense to me, and that would ensure that the device is widely accepted and would guarantee its success. Even their OEM partners would follow them with new devices, because it will be a mature and productive system as well as entertainment.

I have been a strong supporter, follower and defender of Windows Mobile/Phone for long time (since my 2007
AT&T Tilt until my Lumia 950) and just a few months ago I jumped out of the sinking ship to buy a Samsung S8+ and now I realize all I was missing before and all that I am missing now, and that makes me desire a combination of both worlds.

I have my Samsung phone loaded with MS apps. I just installed Next on my Samsung (and I love it) and makes me feel closer to the Windows Mobile experience in regards to the notifications (Android notifications sucks). I was able to restore my WhatsApp backup from WM to Android (thanks to Nicola's WinWazzapMigrator), and also I transferred all my SMS to Android. I am still missing on Android the Anand Prakash's Converge app.

I am missing a lot my Lumia 950 and I can say that Windows Mobile is a lot superior to Android but it lacks the apps we want and need now. It is a shame that Microsoft did not listen to Ballmer when he proposed to allow Android apps to run natively on Windows Mobile 10, but now is maybe too late for that formula.

I will consider to buy an Andromeda device with Android OS and heavily loaded with all MS apps and with a like-WM experience.

My Andromeda flavor:
- Launcher10 as a launcher
- Outlook instead of the Android Contacts, Calendar and Mail.
- Next instead of Android Notifications.
- Edge instead of Chrome.
- I would be using Google Assistant until MS improves Cortana.
- Bing instead of Google Search and Google Maps.
- Google Play store.

Which other apps or modifications would you love on an Andromeda with Android? What do you think about it?

I will see a long life to Andromeda if MS uses android. What do you think? Does it makes sense to you?

Android? Makes no sense, at all. Misses the point of Andromeda by a lot. Android is too far from what Windows can achieve in a totally usage paradigm like this device will bring.
The concept itself is good and very interesting. But it's actualization is.... well... doubtful. The environment isn't on the level of self sustained yet. UWP is still minority in user's usage pattern. It depends on how it can virtualize x86 apps (since Andromeda is a CoreOS derivative, unlike Win on ARM on current ARM based devices which essentially still Windows). If it good, people on the move might still eyeing Andromeda devices since it should be capable to dock into larger monitor for x86 usage.

So should it run Andromeda or Android (wow... a same Andro-prefix ^^a), it still depend on what is Andromeda at that point of time. But a Microsoft device running Android are somewhat weird. Personally, I think they sould chose no-device path if Andromeda is no good.
I think the long-awaited Surface Phone is closer than ever. For a long time, the Surface Phone has generated more rumors than any other device without having lost the expectation. And lately those rumors have increased, including a hint by Panos Panay.

But, what will ensure the success of it?

Who will want to buy a Surface mobile device (that won't be cheap) without access to the modern apps? Who will buy it to replace a desktop pc? Who will buy it to carry two mobile devices (Andromeda Windows 10 and an Android or iPhone? I think no one would buy it, even long time MS supporters like me and many others. You may think that Microsoft will rely on PWA to close the gap between the Microsoft Store and Google and Apple apps stores. But that's not going to happen, at least in the near future, even with the big support from Google. In my opinion, even the Surface and Surface Pro lines will not survive if Microsoft don't do something quick.

And I would think that Microsoft knows that and they will not invest hundreds of millions on a product line that is destined to be DOA. So, I think that Microsoft is working on a surprise for everyone.

In recent months, I have noticed a closer integration with its services and Windows 10 with Android apps, the development of new applications, even for non-MS services, and the Android support on Windows 10 (I can't wait to try "Your Phone" currently under development and still non functional in Windows 10 build 17677). All these make me think that Microsoft is developing (or should develop) the Andromeda device with Android OS and will be heavily loaded with their apps and services, which makes a lot of sense to me, and that would ensure that the device is widely accepted and would guarantee its success. Even their OEM partners would follow them with new devices, because it will be a mature and productive system as well as entertainment.

I have been a strong supporter, follower and defender of Windows Mobile/Phone for long time (since my 2007
AT&T Tilt until my Lumia 950) and just a few months ago I jumped out of the sinking ship to buy a Samsung S8+ and now I realize all I was missing before and all that I am missing now, and that makes me desire a combination of both worlds.

I have my Samsung phone loaded with MS apps. I just installed Next on my Samsung (and I love it) and makes me feel closer to the Windows Mobile experience in regards to the notifications (Android notifications sucks). I was able to restore my WhatsApp backup from WM to Android (thanks to Nicola's WinWazzapMigrator), and also I transferred all my SMS to Android. I am still missing on Android the Anand Prakash's Converge app.

I am missing a lot my Lumia 950 and I can say that Windows Mobile is a lot superior to Android but it lacks the apps we want and need now. It is a shame that Microsoft did not listen to Ballmer when he proposed to allow Android apps to run natively on Windows Mobile 10, but now is maybe too late for that formula.

I will consider to buy an Andromeda device with Android OS and heavily loaded with all MS apps and with a like-WM experience.

My Andromeda flavor:
- Launcher10 as a launcher
- Outlook instead of the Android Contacts, Calendar and Mail.
- Next instead of Android Notifications.
- Edge instead of Chrome.
- I would be using Google Assistant until MS improves Cortana.
- Bing instead of Google Search and Google Maps.
- Google Play store.

Which other apps or modifications would you love on an Andromeda with Android? What do you think about it?

I will see a long life to Andromeda if MS uses android. What do you think? Does it makes sense to you?

I would not love Andromeda with Android Period. Why not have an Android simulator inside the windows device
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