Another thing Mango left out..

I have the apps that I use every day on my first home screen on my 3g iphone. The rest of the apps are on the second page in fully packed folders. This actually makes it harder to search than a long list. I have probably 80 apps in 12 folders. The folders have names but its a bit hard to distinguish between 3 "tools" folders. Would help if the folder was bigger so I could see the smaller thumbnails of the apps without going into them.
I have settings all the way at the bottom and flashlight is in the middle. I use flashlight more often than I thought I would, like when I unlock my door when I get home from work. I'll try putting marketplace next to settings..its not a bad idea

are you alredy MAXED out in the amount of tiles you can have on ur Home screen??? if not .. i dont see what the problem is.
are you alredy MAXED out in the amount of tiles you can have on ur Home screen??? if not .. i dont see what the problem is.

I'm nowhere near maxed out I try to keep it simple. At one point I had all kindsa stuff on there but didn't like it. Just the basic things plus the things I use the most. That's why I wish other things were easier accessible so that everything doesn't need to be pinned to the home screen. I did just put marketplace at the bottom next to settings...but it's still a work around for acessability as I wouldn't want it there otherwise.
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