Any one waiting for to see Lumia 900 before getting Titan?

I'm verizon and it sucks so much that they haven't shown wp any love. It's like they picked the worst wp and said that's the one we're getting cause we have our heads so far up google's @$$ and our "droid" brand we can't see anything else. I would love to get the TITAN but their coverage in my area isn't good plus I still have unlimited data on verizon. Hopefully everything we're hearing about the 900 is true and it comes to verizon. I'd get that phone day 1 or before like I got the trophy just so I could have wp.
I'm verizon and it sucks so much that they haven't shown wp any love. It's like they picked the worst wp and said that's the one we're getting cause we have our heads so far up google's @$$ and our "droid" brand we can't see anything else. I would love to get the TITAN but their coverage in my area isn't good plus I still have unlimited data on verizon. Hopefully everything we're hearing about the 900 is true and it comes to verizon. I'd get that phone day 1 or before like I got the trophy just so I could have wp.
"Hopefully everything we're hearing about the 900 is true and it comes to verizon."
good for You!;)
I'm only waiting because my upgrade is in feb. anyway so why not. I am in love with the titan and the lumia 800/900 renders so either way i will be happy as long as I get HTC or Nokia build quality.
If it comes to Verizon, I'm getting it. If not, I might spontaneously combust.

Call me crazy, but if the design of the 900 isn't something totally different than what is offered now, I won't even look at it.

I'm ready for the Titan to come to Vzw. But, I've only had my Trophy for about 6 months, so contract-wise, I'm not even close to getting a Titan.
Call me crazy, but if the design of the 900 isn't something totally different than what is offered now, I won't even look at it.

I'm ready for the Titan to come to Vzw. But, I've only had my Trophy for about 6 months, so contract-wise, I'm not even close to getting a Titan.

The (probably fake) 900 render released a couple days ago looks just like a giant Lumia 800. I'll be kind of disappointed if that's the actual design of the 900. I love the design of the Lumia but that's partly because it looks so cute with it's 3.7 inch form factor. It looks kind of weird at 4.3. Then again, that could just be because of the render.
I've had the trophy since day one but I used another line in my family plan to get it. My update has been up since early oct. and now I'm dieing for a new phone. It also doesn't help that I shattered my screen and don't want to pay $100 to replace it (with my insurance) just to have to turn around and buy a new phone in hopefully a month.
Got my Titan for a penny. If the 900 has the same specs as the 800 with it's 3.7" screen and no FFC then I'll gladly wait until the next gen Nokia. I'm perfectly happy w/ the Titan and the only way I can see it getting any better is to get one w/ more memory, increased resolution (which will only happen w/ a major software rewrite - possibly Win 8) and a better camera. Other then that I'll gladly cheer for Nokia the people w/ convert to it from ios and 'Drod.
Drooling for the Lumia 900

I was convinced I wanted the Titan, then I got my hands on the Lumia 800 and my mind was changed...then the rumours started become more substantial regarding the Lumia 900 and I am now hooked.

I can upgrade my contract on the 4th of January, I am now on hold waiting to for the announcement that will hopefully be coming at CES in January that the Lumia 900 will be coming to the UK in February.

I was excited waiting for the HD2 and it has served me well - but bring on the Lumia 900!
The (probably fake) 900 render released a couple days ago looks just like a giant Lumia 800. I'll be kind of disappointed if that's the actual design of the 900. I love the design of the Lumia but that's partly because it looks so cute with it's 3.7 inch form factor. It looks kind of weird at 4.3. Then again, that could just be because of the render.

A render means it just a possibility maybe the 900 will look like that or something close to it or maybe not.

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