Any other IT professionals get this reaction from their co-workers?


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Feb 2, 2012
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Today couple of guys at work were complaint about our business cards having qr codes on them they were like you gotta open phone find the app and all I was like what are you talking about I just hit this button then tap here and bam they were just like damn

I did the same thing with identiffying a song at a wedding dance Sunday night. The guy I was talking too said "Well, that was pretty easy."


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Dec 1, 2011
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I'm the system administrator where I work... my boss, the Director of IT, has a Galaxy S3 but is interested in the WP platform... he just hasn't bothered to make the switch, because he's not upgrade eligible right now. We also find it helpful to have an Android phone around for support since most of our staff has them. He, like me and our desktop support specialist, is definitely a Microsoft guy. He hates Apple, possibly more than I do. Our desktop support specialist is on Verizon and has a Trophy. She's not eligible for an upgrade yet either, but she really likes Windows Phone too, but not the 920... says it's too big for her hands. She prefers the 8X. She would never own an Apple and finds Android to be overly complicated.

Everybody else knows not to trash WP around me... because I challenge them back. I'll pull out my phone and ask them, show me something you do on your phone every day... then I pull a Ben Rudolph and show them how much faster and easier I can do it. And even now with Lenses like CamWow, I can beat them on the Instagram stuff. Honestly though, most people are quite impressed when I show them my 920... it's red, so it really stands out, and once I show them a few features, they either grumble about their phone or they cling to their phones like it's "my precious". I was having a conversation with a coworker about the Lumia (he specifically asked), and another one (a girl with an iPhone) interrupted just to say, "I love my phone too... it's awesome." I just ignored her and continued my conversation, using my phone display with a key.


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Dec 1, 2011
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I have found quite the opposite.
Brother is a systems administrator, and many of the partners they deal with are pro-Microsoft. I would say in the circles I'm familiar with, more lean this way.

He loves the direction Windows is going, and hopes the WP picks up steam.
From people who have a negative view, just ask them to take a look. I wouldn't honestly review the iOS or Android experience without first trying it. I like technology, period. If Apple makes something cool/interesting/worthwhile, the fact I like my WP8 doesn't mean I will bash it.

Exactly. I bash the iPhone, because I've used it. I've had to support it... and ALL its problems, most of which are just comical. 6 years in, and things like voicemail are still broken.

On the other hand, Android really does get better for performance and features, but more complicated, and I think people are starting to see that. So with WP8, I've been making a strong push to show them how easy it is but how much it can do in order to keep people from going iPhone.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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I imagine laughter. As a computer science major at my school, that's the reaction I got from my peers when I got my red 920 at launch and we discovered that it couldn't connect to our secure, enterprise wifi network :(
They did like the color though.

Weird. At my school, we use our personal accounts as verification for the school's WiFi. You just sign in like you would for the e-mail account and it works without a hitch (except for the day the school's WiFi got messed up).

I'm also a Computer Science major, and I have talked to one of my teachers (who is a pretty cool guy, really) about Apple stuff on a couple of occasions. He showed me his iPad and a couple of apps he made/was working on (made an app to view the results of local elections and was working on a neat maze game). I was telling him about my phone (Lumia 920) last Thursday, and me made some statement of how he'd "never buy an app on Windows Phone." I went to the "it has every meaningful app but Instagram and Dropbox," but since I'm not a blind ******, I also pointed out and conceded that some of that is because Microsoft pays companies to develop apps and Microsoft self-developed Twitter and Facebook apps. To me, that's a good thing. Though those apps aren't exactly good or well-liked ones, that Microsoft is willing to put forth both the manpower AND the cash to get the platform running shows me it is more dedicated and serious about expansion and improvement than Apple, who in 6 years has innovated with hardware by making the display .5" bigger and keeping everything else the exact same.

Other than that, I've not really shown my phone off. I did show a family friend one night, and my sister also showed her the 822 she has. The woman asked if it can do pink, so my sister set her live tiles to pink and the woman was pretty keen to that, haha.

Honestly, it sucks for Microsoft that I am so antisocial. I've helped in selling several Xboxes and Xbox LIVE accounts for them just by word of mouth in the past. I've probably been the reason for about 8-10 Zune sales (3 for me alone). I got 2 people to buy the Samsung Focus in 2010. If I was actually outgoing now, I'd be showing my phone off to everyone.


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Dec 1, 2011
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Most of the Big IT departments use UNIX not Windows Servers

Side note-- this is the most factually incorrect statement I've read in years. Windows dominates servers about the same as they do in the desktop/laptop arena... about 85% and higher. Most big enterprise IT shops may HAVE Linux/Unix servers, but to suggest they don't run Windows... pure shenanigans. :) It is extremely rare in these days to find a purely non-Windows shop unless they're exclusively running Mac.

Alex Rodriguez

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Nov 10, 2012
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Side note-- this is the most factually incorrect statement I've read in years. Windows dominates servers about the same as they do in the desktop/laptop arena... about 85% and higher. Most big enterprise IT shops may HAVE Linux/Unix servers, but to suggest they don't run Windows... pure shenanigans. :) It is extremely rare in these days to find a purely non-Windows shop unless they're exclusively running Mac.

Usage share of operating systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alex Rodriguez

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Nov 10, 2012
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The truth is that UNIX is used by more than Windows servers because they are cheap in maintenance and more secure.Before Windows were more used. If no one want to believe it don't believe it. Ask the government agencies what they use. Maybe private sector uses windows because is easier because of the interface. People are scare of the shell and the command line. Many of the people that come here say . I'm IT supervisor of such and such. They could be and at the same time they own a position that was given to them by finger and when you ask them something or they have a problem in the job Who they call?The one that is in the floor running cables, configuring routers and sub netting the network because they don't know #$%t. All they know is to give orders. They go to school and get a degree and when the real time to show and demonstrate the knowledge Guess what ?They fail.They have a position because of the degree not because they know how to apply what they've learn in college

And now back to topic please
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Oct 2, 2012
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Being a Finn in this regard is somewhat boring.. I don't see that much Android-phones around. WPs and iPhones are what I see most of the time.

So you really don't get the "Is that a Windows Phone?" kinda stuff in here, cos they are fairly common due to Nokia.

Maserati Storm

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Dec 3, 2012
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When i came back from my trip to Colorado, i Got the 8X and when my coworkers saw it they was like you got windows phone? i was like yeah, and they asked my questions about it, my manager even said if sprint had a WP8 device he would get one.


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Jun 7, 2011
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Your co-workers are morons. Everything they do on their Google phones is captured by Google. In IT we call this spyware. So they are using spyware and look down on you because you don't? Stupid. An IT person that uses Google at all is someone I would not hire. Seriously. Resumes that come in from Google accounts are deleted.

Dex Da Rex

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Aug 22, 2012
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Well I work in a warehouse with younger folk like myself. We are all friends and know each other. They all own Android (Razr, HTC One X, Nexus) except one girl who owns a iPhone 4. They all don't really know about specs but according to them, my phone sucks because I don't have apps like Intsagram and other such apps which are even more silly. Even one of the main people who work in the office was considering a WP but he had an Android before and is kinda tech savvy (hates iPhone) so he got the Nexus 4 since mine doesn't have Spotify and other such "needed apps". I think people are being somewhat if I may say the word prejudice since WP is not in the top two and is totally different, which is why I got my WP7 then a WP8.


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Nov 22, 2011
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Well I work in a warehouse with younger folk like myself. We are all friends and know each other. They all own Android (Razr, HTC One X, Nexus) except one girl who owns a iPhone 4. They all don't really know about specs but according to them, my phone sucks because I don't have apps like Intsagram and other such apps which are even more silly. Even one of the main people who work in the office was considering a WP but he had an Android before and is kinda tech savvy (hates iPhone) so he got the Nexus 4 since mine doesn't have Spotify and other such "needed apps". I think people are being somewhat if I may say the word prejudice since WP is not in the top two and is totally different, which is why I got my WP7 then a WP8.

The problem is that most people want these apps. First question I get from people when I show off my phone is, "Does it have this app?" Fortunately, most of the time, I say yes, yes it does. But once we get to apps like instagram and games like temple run, it's an automatic turn off and they're not interested anymore


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Jun 20, 2011
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I work in IT and many know I rock the Nokia 900. The only comments I've heard are about the lack of apps. None could say however, which apps they want to see on this platform but they simply point to numbers in our market vs how many exist in IOS and Play store. Which to me is the standard cop-out line. But none hate the phone outright and several say they wouldn't mind "trying one out". Good sign.


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Nov 12, 2012
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That's publically accessible servers. Web, DNS, email. If you look at application servers, file-sharing servers, terminal servers, and other internal servers you'll find that Windows takes the lead. Because Windows rules the corporate desktop and companies want servers which integrate tightly with the desktop. Because, really... SAMBA? *shudder*

Heck, we're a Windows shop but I've got our public websites running on Linux. And our VMware server is a custom Linux build, but it's hosting six Windows virtual machines. So it definitely has it's space, but to say most run UNIX servers instead of Windows - especially where Windows excels - is probably incorrect.


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Dec 17, 2012
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Well I work in a warehouse with younger folk like myself. We are all friends and know each other. They all own Android (Razr, HTC One X, Nexus) except one girl who owns a iPhone 4. They all don't really know about specs but according to them, my phone sucks because I don't have apps like Intsagram and other such apps which are even more silly. Even one of the main people who work in the office was considering a WP but he had an Android before and is kinda tech savvy (hates iPhone) so he got the Nexus 4 since mine doesn't have Spotify and other such "needed apps". I think people are being somewhat if I may say the word prejudice since WP is not in the top two and is totally different, which is why I got my WP7 then a WP8.

I had a cousin ask about Spotify, I told him its not available. However I have Nokia music which is close.

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