Anyone developer unlocked and running Mango?

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
I'm thinking about doing it but I'm not sure if its worth spending the money. I might just do it for the education of doing it that might be worth the $99. I don't won't do the hacked versions I just don't want the hassle when the real stuff cones out in the fall its important that I am up to date when the Sprint version of Mango hits the streets. What do you developer unlocked guys that have the Arrive think is it worth it? Does the physical keyboard work properly in Mango?


:ninja: Dave


New member
Mar 20, 2011
Wait, what was wrong with the keyboard in Nodo?

Yes I have my developer unlocked HTC Arrive running Mango, and I haven't really hit any bumps in the road yet. There are a few missing features "coming soon" but the experience is so much improved over Nodo.

Whether it is worth the $99 just depends how much that money is worth to you. But I can tell you that the difference is night and day. After I got everything working how I wanted it, the phone has just been amazing with Mango. And the fact that it is only going to get better as it gets closer to release is pretty exciting.

It is all in the little things - like when I click on my calender I can just click an empty spot and type the appointment. Then if I want to add additional details I can, just like in Nodo, but I never have to go into that second screen if I don't want to.

All those little things add up to make the phone much more usable.

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
I am not an App Hub member and waiting on the SDK to download so i guess I have made my decision. I will let you know how it goes thanks for the reply.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
I was dev unlocked since March but when I tried installing Mango (after getting my invite) first I couldn't even get past the first step. Some problems with Vista x64 machines. After a work around, it said my device was no longer unlocked. Think it has to do with the Beta 2 tools. Got tired of waiting for MS or the App Hub forum to figure it out so I took the unofficial route. Worked fine. Got my required backup. Still can't unlock my phone though. A hard reset would probably fix that but I am not gong there right now. But cant install homebrew anyway, so not that important.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
I have gotten my approval and registered my Arrive I assume that means I am developer unlocked? It shows in my registered devices list. Next question is how long before I will get my invite to Mango?


New member
Nov 1, 2010
I paid the 99 bucks and I love it
I have mine Dell Venue Pro and my wifes HTC Arrive with Mango and we both really like the chat features on them ..
its awesome


New member
Mar 20, 2011
I have gotten my approval and registered my Arrive I assume that means I am developer unlocked? It shows in my registered devices list. Next question is how long before I will get my invite to Mango?

Not necessarily.

In AppHub goto "MyDashboard" - "Profile"

On the left, "My Profile"

On the right it will say "My Stats"

Under that it should say "Membership Registered" (registered is in green)

If it says that, then you should be getting an email any time now.

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